CSV Export
Full CSV Export of Individual and Workgroup Tasks and Bookings
Users can now export their own appointments and tasks as a CSV file which can be loaded into Microsoft Excel™ or another spreadsheet for further analysis. Users can export workgroup appointments and tasks providing they have the correct access rights. If a user has No Access to another users dairy, the information will not be exported in the CSV file. Private appointments are exported, but are marked as Private in the CSV file. To export CSV files select the Export Option from the File Menu in Diary Mode.
Full CSV Export of Individual and Workgroup Projects
Users can now export either their own projects as a CSV file which can be loaded into Microsoft Excel™ or another spreadsheet for further analysis. Users can export workgroup projects providing they have the correct access rights. If a user has No Access to Project the information will not be exported to the CSV file. To export CSV files select the Export Option from the File Menu in Project Mode.
Index I can’t connect my computer at home to the computer in the office but I would like to use OfficeTalk remotely?