OfficeTalk can launch and create documents within the current editions of all major word processors.
Microsoft Word™ 6 and 7
Recommend using Rich Text Files
Microsoft Wordpad ™
This is supplied with Windows 95 and will read Rich Text Files. You will need to exit WordPad after each letter is created as Wordpad is unable to handle multiple documents. If you create another document while Wordpad is open, another Wordpad session will be started.
Lotus Ami Pro™
Ami Pro 3.0 will not read RTF files due to a bug which has been corrected in Ami ProVersion 3.1. When you load a RTF file into Ami Pro, you will be prompted with the Import Options dialog box.
Import Options dialog box
Select Ignore Styles and press OK. Ami Pro will then load the correct document. The same principle applies for mail merges.
WordPerfect ™ 5.1
OfficeTalk is supplied with a standard letter (WPLetter.RTF) and fax template (WPFAX.RTF) created in Word Perfect 5.1.These are located in the _tmpltes directory. You will need to use the Edit\Document menu in Contact Mode to load them into OfficeTalk ( see page 20). When you load a RTF file into WordPerfect 5.1, you will be prompted with the following dialog box
Convert File Format dialog box
Press OK and the document will be loaded into WordPerfect. OfficeTalk is unable to generate mail merges into WordPerfect 6.0 and 6.1.
Word Perfect 6.1™
WordPerfect will load RTF files. When you load a RTF file into WordPerfect you will be presented with the Convert File Format dialog box Press OK and WordPerfect will load the documents in. OfficeTalk is unable to generate mail merges into WordPerfect 6.0 and 6.1.
Convert File Format dialog box
Windows Write
Windows Write will only load TXT files. When you load a TXT file, press Windows Write will prompt you as to whether you wish to convert the file. Press Convert and Windows Write will load the file.
Conversion dialog box
Index How do I stop OfficeTalk from asking me ‘Are you sure you wish to close OfficeTalk’