For OfficeTalk to run correctly the environment must be setup so that different users may share the same file. For this, you must run either SHARE.EXE from the DOS prompt before running Windows, or, provided that you are running Windows 3.11 in 386 enhanced mode and do not have any DOS applications which need SHARE.EXE, then you may instead have the following entry in your SYSTEM.INI file in the [386Enh] section:
It is recommended that you use VSHARE rather than SHARE, if possible. However if you are using a DOS program which relies on SHARE then you should still load SHARE.
Note: VSHARE is only supplied with Windows version 3.11. It is not supplied with Windows 3.1.
OfficeTalk Setup checks to ensure that you have the relevant line in your SYSTEM.INI file to run VSHARE. If you do not have the entry, OfficeTalk Setup will warn you that SHARE.EXE or VSHARE should be run prior to running OfficeTalk. If you plan to use SHARE.EXE, then this may be added as an entry in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (before the win command). If you are running Windows in 386 Enhanced Mode and plan to use VSHARE then add the above entry into your
SYSTEM.INI file in the [386Enh] section. Also check to ensure that VSHARE.386 is located in your Window's SYSTEM directory.
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