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Mouse Aiming

Using the Flagfinder

Mouse Aiming

When mouse aiming is toggled on, you can pivot the golfer in any direction before your swing by holding down the left mouse button and moving the cursor around the course. The default setting for mouse aiming is "on," but you can turn this feature on and off by selecting it from the Swing Options Menu. Open the Swing Options menu is by clicking and holding on the O in the lower right-hand corner.

Click and Hold on "O"

The Swing Options Menu look like this:

Slide the cursor over the word "Mouse Aiming" and release the mouse button to turn mouse aiming on or off.

When an "X" appears in the Mouse Aiming box., your left mouse button activates a hypnotic stream of phantom golf balls which you can aim in any direction. Move your cursor around the course until the balls are aimed at the spot of your choice, then release the mouse button. When you release the mouse button, the golfer pivots so he or she is aiming at the same spot at which the phantom golf balls were aimed.

Phantom Golf Balls in Top Left Corner

If you donÆt see the stream of golf balls, you are not moving the cursor far enough away from the golfer.

After you've aimed, you may notice a phantom club head in the Swing Indicator. This provides a clue as to how far back you should pull the club on your next swing so that the ball reaches the place where you aimed.


Using the Flagfinder

Before any swing, press and hold down the right mouse button. YouÆll see a flag appear that will move from your location out to the pin and back again. This helps you aim when you canÆt see the hole from your position or have lost your bearings on the course.

This flag moves between the golfer and the hole.