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The Powerbar Swing

When you deselect MouseSwing from the Swing Options Menu, a ring with a golf club will appear on the Swing Indicator. This is the Powerbar swing.

Move your cursor onto the club head until your cursor changes shape into a computer mouse. Then click and hold on the club head to initiate your swing. As you hold down the mouse button, you'll see the club head swivel up the ring. When the club head reaches the backstroke position you desire, release the mouse button. (The 12 oÆclock position is considered full swing. The red zone is overswing.) Read on -- youÆre not done yet!

YouÆll need to click a second time to determine the point of impact: Watch the golf club carefully as it "swings," moving around the ring. Click at the point the club reaches the ball. If you click too early, the ball will veer left, resulting in a "hook." If you click too late, the ball will veer right, resulting in a "slice."