Importing and exporting files

This list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) was compiled from customers' questions about Canvas 5, the latest release from Deneba Software. The following questions and responses deal with Canvas 5's import and export capabilities. For more information, see the complete summary of the file formats supported by Canvas 5.

Topics covered in this FAQ

Q. Can I save Canvas 5 documents in Adobe Illustrator format?

A. At this time, Canvas 5 doesn't have an Adobe Illustrator export filter. We recommend that you use the EPSF file format to bring Canvas graphics into Illustrator. Illustrator should have no problem parsing Canvas' EPSF data to create editable objects. A new filter for Adobe Illustrator is currently in development.

Q. Can I edit an EPSF file in Canvas?

In most cases, you can edit almost any EPSF file that Illustrator 5.5 can. When you open or place an EPSF file in Canvas, a dialog box asks you if you want to simply place the EPSF or create Canvas objects using the PostScript code. If you place the EPSF as an object, Canvas displays the preview image (if available) as a place holder for the contents of the EPSF. You cannot edit the objects inside the EPSF, but you can still move, rotate, skew, and scale the EPSF as a whole. If you create Canvas objects from the EPSF, Canvas generates fully-editable objects and places them in a Canvas document. If you parse an EPSF file in Canvas, keep the following in mind:

  • Canvas creates an object mask to define the boundaries of the parsed EPSF information. For example, if you parse an EPSF file that contains a circle, Canvas creates a circle, and an invisible rectangle that masks the circle. If you move the circle around, you can see how only the area of the circle inside the rectangle is visible. To get rid of the mask, select all the objects generated from the EPSF and choose Mask > Release in the Object menu. Then delete any stray rectangles.
  • The filter that Canvas uses to parse EPSF files doesn't support CMYK color mode; Canvas converts all colors to RGB. However, if you place an EPSF without converting it to Canvas objects, CMYK colors are preserved.

Q. Does Canvas' image-editing capabilities include layers?

A. Canvas does not yet have image layers; if you import a Photoshop image that contains layers, Canvas "flattens" the image to a single layer. However, you can simulate layer effects using selections, channel editing, and floating opacity controls, just like you would in Photoshop 2.x.

Q. Can Canvas save documents as GIF files?

A. Canvas 5 does support GIF file export. The table on page 61 of the User's Guide is incorrect. Check the Release Notes in the Canvas Help system for this and other updates.

Q. Does Canvas support transparent GIF files for use on the World Wide Web?

A. Canvas 5 does not yet have this capability. A new GIF tool is in development that will support transparency.

Q. What web-oriented features does Canvas have?

A. Canvas is ideal for creating web graphics because it has export filters for GIF and JPEG, the two primary graphics formats on the Internet. In addition, Canvas makes it easy to edit web graphics. Because text, vector drawings, and images can all coexist in the same Canvas document, you can create your graphic, save a completely editable version in Canvas 5 format, then export a copy to GIF or JPEG. If you want to change a few words later, you can open the original Canvas file, make your changes, and save it again as GIF or JPEG. In other applications, you would have to keep several files of different text, vector, and image elements, edit them individually, and re-design the graphic each time you want to make a simple change.

To make web page design even easier, Canvas ships with hundreds of web design elements like bars, buttons, and borders in the clip art collection.

Q. What GIF export settings are best for web graphics?

A. GIF supports only grayscale or indexed mode raster graphics. If a Canvas document contains more than a single grayscale or indexed mode image, saving the document as GIF requires that you first render the contents. In general, however, it's best not to worry about converting to GIF until you are ready to export. Do your work in RGB color mode, save a copy in Canvas 5 format, then export a copy in GIF. This often produces the best color results.

When you save the document as a GIF file, before writing the file to disk, Canvas opens the Render dialog box. Choose Grayscale or Indexed in the Type pop-up menu, set the image resolution (72 ppi is the fastest, most web-friendly value), turn anti-alias on or off (depends on what you like), and click OK.

If you chose indexed color mode, the Indexed Color dialog box opens. For GIF, the best settings for simple graphics are 216 colors, Uniform palette, and no dithering. This produces the smallest, fastest web graphics using colors that are compatible with both Macintosh and Windows systems. However, for continuous tone images, such as scanned photos, you might need to use dithering. In this case, choose diffusion for the best results. This results in a slightly larger file, but the increase in quality might be worth it.

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