1 &Save 2 Subscribe 3 You are about to change the Source Folder that determines which items to include in your channel. Any item information you may have set will be lost. 4 %s Channel 5 The list below shows the pages in the current FrontPage web that will be placed in your channel. If you want to exclude some pages, select them and click Exclude. To restore the list to its original state, click Restore. 6 The list below shows the items in your Channel Definition file which refer to pages that do not exist in your FrontPage web. Select any items that you want to delete from the channel and click Delete. To restore the list to its original state, click Restore. 7 Error. Unable to locate "%s". 8 The Channel Definition Wizard is already running. You may only have a single instance of the Wizard running at a time. 9 Could not make connection to the FrontPage Explorer. The Channel Definition Wizard cannot be run if the FrontPage Explorer is not already running, nor can it be run from outside of the Explorer. 10 Browse 11 The end date of the schedule is invalid. Please correct it before proceeding on. 12 The start date of the schedule is invalid. Please correct it before proceeding on. 13 The start date you have entered is after the end date. 14 Days 15 Hours 16 Minutes 17 The folder "%s" is not in the current FrontPage web. 18 "%s" does not contain a filename. 19 channel.cdf 20 (now) 21 (forever) 22 1 23 The list below shows the pages in the current FrontPage web that are not in the existing Channel Definition file. If you want to add all of these pages, click Next. If you want to exclude some pages from being added, select them and click Exclude. To restore the list to its original state, click Restore. 24 The Channel Definition file contains an invalid construct. Required tags and/or arguments are missing and/or invalid. 25 The FrontPage Explorer is no longer browsing the web it was when the Channel Definition Wizard was started. 26 The Introduction Page specified does not exist in the current FrontPage Web. 27 Pages to add to the Channel Definition file: 28 (User Default)|Use Cache|Don't Use Cache| 29 channel%d.cdf 30 Unable to save "%s" to the web. 31 (empty) 32 Pages in your channel missing from the current FrontPage web: 33 A file of this name already exists in the current FrontPage web. Do you wish to overwrite it? 34 You must enter a source directory 35 "%s" is an invalid filename. 36 The publish destination you have entered is not valid. 37 The file "%s" is not in the current FrontPage web. 38 Any information you have set for the current channel will be lost. 39 Unable to retrieve "%s" from the web. 40 "%s" contains invalid characters. 41 You have not entered anything for the filename. 42 "%s" does not contain a target folder. 43 The parser has encountered an invalid XML construct. Required tags and/or arguments are missing and/or invalid. 44 "%s" is an invalid folder. 33647 msencode.dll 33648 code page %1 33649 Unable to interpret the contents of this Channel Definition file. The problem occurred because %1 is not installed on your system. This resource is necessary in order to interpret pages with the "%2" character set. 33650 Unable to interpret the contents of this Channel Definition file. "%1" is not a currently supported encoding. 57344 Channel Definition Wizard