Xoom International Spellers Support

Answers to Common Questions

Below are answers to the most common questions about Xoom International Spellers:

Question: How do I get the English Speller?
Answer: The English speller is included with Xoom Word Pro. You do not download it separately.
Question: Can I use these cool spellers with other word processors?
Answer: No. Xoom International Spellers work exclusively with Xoom Word Pro.
Question: Once I download a speller, what should I do to make sure Word Pro can use it?
Answer: After you download a speller, open it. To do this:
  1. Click the Start button
  2. Click the Run item.
  3. Type in the drive letter, folder and name of the speller.
The Speller Installation program will then guide you through installing the speller into Word Pro.
Question: How do I choose a speller, once I'm working in Word Pro?
  1. From the Tools menu, choose the Spelling Options item.
  2. In the Main Dictionary box, click the button on the far right side (it contains a picture of a down-pointing triangle.)
  3. From the list that is displayed, click on the language speller you want.
  4. Click the OK button.
The next time you run Spelling Check, the speller you just selected will be used.

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