2 DirectDraw DLL \ܴ 3 DirectDrawCreate Ȍ 8$Ɣ 4 DirectDrawCreate 5 GetCaps 6 Ux 7 =X Ҵ$t0 Ux 8 ȴ TtX Ҵ$t0 Ux 9 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal 10 t ̹ܴ 11 t $ 8$Ɣ 12 Colorfill ] ȡ(blit)D 0<\ 13 $դlа t ̹ܴ 14 Colorfill ] ȡ(blit)D $դlа t<\ 15 $դlа tD t<\ ] ȡ(blitting) 16 LѤ¸ = ̹0 17 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen 18 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16 19 ɔ tD 1 | X\ ̹0 20 GetAttachedSurface 21 ColorfillD 1 |\ 22 0 30 Direct3D DLL \ܴ 31 Direct3DCreate8 Ȍ 8$Ɣ 32 Direct3DCreate8 8֜ 33 EnumAdapterModes 34 GetDeviceCaps 35 Xܴƴ XՔ t ܴ| >D ŵȲ. 36 LѤ¸ = ̹0 37 3D X ̹ܴ 38 GetBackBuffer 39 GetDesc 40 CreateVertexBuffer 41 CreateVertexBuffer 42 Lock 43 Unlock 44 SetLight 45 LightEnable 46 SetTransform 47 SetRenderState 48 D \ܴ 49 SetTextureStageState 50 Setting texture 51 SetVertexShader 52 Ɛ ͌( 53 Viewport::Clear 54 BeginScene 55 SetMaterial 56 SetStreamSource 57 SetIndices 58 DrawIndexPrimitive 59 EndScene 60 Present 61 User verification of Direct3D 7 rendering 62 User verification of Direct3D 8 rendering 63 DirectDraw DLL \ܴ 64 DirectDrawCreate Ȍ 8$Ɣ 65 DirectDrawCreate 66 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen 67 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal 68 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16 69 ɔ tD 1 | X\ ̹0 70 GetAttachedSurface 71 D3D \ Ϭ 72 SetViewport 73 EnumTextureFormats 74 Creating Direct3D Surface 75 GetDC 76 ReleaseDC 80 DirectSound DLL \ܴ 81 DirectSoundCreate Ȍ 8$Ɣ 82 DirectSoundCreate 83 SetCooperativeLevel 84 GetCaps 85 WAV pt0 8$0 86 ŬtǸ ܴ|tDŽ LѤ 87 | 88 H Xܴƴ | L 89 p | 90 SetPos 91 L 92 CreateEvent 93 SetNotification 94 $X 95 t $X 96 97 GetCurPos 98 ƐǬ ոƴ Ux 99 ƐǬ Xܴƴ Ux 100 t \@ Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, tX Windows| DՔ\ iȲ. 101 0 t | 8, ŵȲ. 102 0 ܴ | 8, ŵȲ. 103 |D ȥXՔp 8Ȭ ǵȲ. 104 RICHED32.DLLD \ܴ` ŵȲ. 105 t ]D ̹ ŵȲ. 106 DtXD \ܴ` ŵȲ. 107 DirectX 8 tհ| ` ŵȲ. 108 MSInfo| ` ŵȲ. 109 l1 ƌ | 8Ȭ ŵȲ. 110 ܴ|tDŽ | 8Ȭ ŵȲ. 111 ͬ t | Ŕ 8Ȭ ŵȲ. 112 ͬ ܴ | Ŕ 8Ȭ ŵȲ. 113 % | Ŕ 8Ȭ ŵȲ. 114 % ܴ|tDŽ | Ŕ 8Ȭ ŵȲ. 115 \Help 116 hh 118 ¤\ 119 DirectX | 121 t 122 t %d 123 124 ܴ %d 125 % 126 0 ijй 127 DxDiag %s %s Copyright (c)1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 128 $X: %s, Tܴ = 0x%08x (%s) 129 $X: %s 130 DxDiag $X 131 , 132 , . 133 %s |t $Ƙ t| iȲ. \n 134 (%s) |ǀ |t $Ƙ t| iȲ. \n 135 %s |t t tǴ 8| |<Ǭ ǵȲ. \n 136 (%s) |ǀ |t l tǴ 8| |<Ǭ ǵȲ. \n 137 %s |t tǴ J
յȲ. \n 142 %s |t tǴ, J
p ŵȲ.
220 t| 16D (high color)X 640x480 ܴ\ $XՔ ٳH $X յȲ. ƐX 0Ѭ t ܴ| X JŵȲ. tǃt m 8Ȭ ɔ J<ǘ, t ܴ \ t D L
293 ǻ 00
294 }D ŵȲ.
295 \T: ǻ \
296 \T: 0 (
297 \T: JŔ
298 >D L
299 x 8֜͐Ǭ @ @ DirectSound | t X 0 L8 ƭ (ӈյȲ.
300 H (
301 H (
302 H (
303 H (
304 (&A)
305 H h(&D)
306 (&B)
307 H h(&I)
308 8: t $$ XΔ (native) 16D $$| X JŵȲ. \ Qǩ \@ tǃD DՔ\ XՔp, t ƐX ¤\@ ,\ ٳX JD Ȳ. 췘 DirectSound \ \ Ș Qǩ \D ¤\ ` nj ij` Ȳ.
309 L
310 (NEC PC-98 ¬)
311 %s%s (%d.%d, Build %d)
313 %s (mļ $: %s)
314 %I64dMB (, %I64dMB
315 ȹɹ
317 | Ȉ
318 (֬)
319 0
320 xƀ
321 ƐX 0 xƀ tȬ Ű
706 The file %s is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs. You may be able to get a signed driver from the manufacturer of the hardware device.
707 Problems were found in the system registry. Details are available in the saved text file. You should reinstall DirectX.
708 No problems found.
709 DirectDraw test results:
710 To test DirectDraw functionality, click the "Test DirectDraw" button above.
711 Direct3D test results:
712 To test Direct3D functionality, click the "Test Direct3D" button above.
715 The file %s is incorrectly installed in the Windows folder and should be deleted.
716 Several files (%s) are incorrectly installed in the Windows folder and should be deleted.
717 The file %s is missing!
718 Several files (%s) are missing!
719 The file %s is an old version, which could cause problems.
720 Several files (%s) are old versions, which could cause problems.
721 The file %s is a beta version, which is unsupported and could cause problems.
722 Several files (%s) are beta versions, which are unsupported and could cause problems.
723 The file %s is a debug version, which will run slower than the retail version.
724 Several files (%s) are debug versions, which will run slower than the retail version.
725 You should reinstall DirectX to get the latest version.
726 DirectSound test results:
727 The input device '%s' reports Connection Manager problem #%d.
728 The input port '%s' reports Connection Manager problem #%d.
729 To test DirectSound functionality, click the "Test DirectSound" button above.
730 The file %s is a beta version, which is unsupported and could cause problems. You should get a final version from the driver manufacturer.
731 Several files (%s) are beta versions, which are unsupported and could cause problems. You should get final versions from the driver manufacturer.
732 The file %s is a debug version, which will run slower than the retail version. You should get a retail version from the driver manufacturer.
733 Several files (%s) are debug versions, which will run slower than the retail version. You should get retail versions from the driver manufacturer.
734 No input devices detected.
735 No DirectMusic ports were found.
736 No General MIDI DLS file was specified in the registry.
737 The specified General MIDI DLS file was not found.
738 The registry information for the service provider '%s' is missing or damaged. You should reinstall DirectX.
739 The file %s, needed for the service provider '%s', is missing. You should reinstall DirectX.
740 The registry information for the DirectPlay application '%s' is missing or damaged. You should reinstall that application.
741 DirectPlay test results:
742 To test DirectPlay functionality, click the "Test DirectPlay" button above.
743 Not Available
744 Enabled
745 Disabled
746 DirectMusic test results:
747 To test DirectMusic functionality, click the "Test DirectMusic" button above.
748 Out of video memory
749 3D not available
750 The version of Winsock installed is out of date and can cause problems with networked games.
751 NetMeeting is running. Direct3D hardware acceleration will not work until NetMeeting is shut down.
800 mdirx.htm
801 sound.htm
802 tshoot98.chm
803 tshoot00.chm
804 tshoot.chm
805 ::/w98directx.htm
806 /w0games.htm
807 ::/tsgame.htm
808 ::/w98sound.htm
809 /w0sound.htm
810 ::/TsSound.htm
811 hcp://help/tshoot00
812 ddraw.dll,ddraw16.dll(notNT/SkipVer),ddrawex.dll(+6/SkipVer),ddraw.vxd(+6/notNT/SkipVer),ddhelp.exe(notNT),dxapi.sys(+6/NTDriversDir/SkipVer/optwow),d3d8.dll(+8),d3d8d.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),d3dx8d.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug/SkipVer),d3dref8.dll(+8/opt/SkipVer),d3dim.dll(SkipVer),d3dim700.dll(+7),d3dref.dll(opt/SkipVer),d3dramp.dll(opt/SkipVer),d3dhalf.dll(-6),d3drampf.dll(-6),d3drgbf.dll(-6),d3drg8f.dll(-6),d3drg16f.dll(-6),d3drg24f.dll(-6),d3drg32f.dll(-6),d3drgbxf.dll(-6),d3drg8x.dll(-6),d3drg55x.dll(-6),d3drg56x.dll(-6),d3drg24x.dll(-6),d3drg32x.dll(-6),d3drm.dll,d3dxof.dll,d3dpmesh.dll,d3drm8f.dll(-6),d3drm16f.dll(-6),d3drm24f.dll(-6),d3drm32f.dll(-6)
813 dplayx.dll(notia64),dpmodemx.dll(notia64),dpwsockx.dll(notia64),dplaysvr.exe(notia64),dpnsvr.exe(+8),dpnet.dll(+8),dpnlobby.dll(+8),dpnwsock.dll(+8),dpnaddr.dll(+8),dpnmodem.dll(+8),dpvoice.dll(+8),dpvsetup.exe(+8),dpvvox.dll(+8),dpvacm.dll(+8),dpnhpast.dll(+81),dpnhupnp.dll(+81),dpvhelp.exe(+8/opt)
814 dinput.dll,dinput8.dll(+8),dinput8d.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dinput.vxd(notNT),dimap.dll(+8),diactfrm.dll(+8),vjoyd.vxd(notNT/opt),msanalog.vxd(notNT/9fiveonly),joyhid.vxd(+7/opt/SkipVer),joy.cpl,gcdef.dll,gchand.dll(opt),pid.dll(+7/not95/opt),gameenum.sys(opt/DrivDir/SkipVer),hidgame.sys(+7/not95/DrivDir/opt/SkipVer)
815 dsound.dll,dsound3d.dll(+7),dsound.vxd(notNT),dswave.dll(+8/notia64),dswaved.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dsdmo.dll(+8),dsdmoprp.dll(+8),dmusic.dll(+61/notia64),dmusicd.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dmusic16.dll(+61/notNT),dmusic32.dll(+61/notNT),dmband.dll(+61/notia64),dmbandd.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dmcompos.dll(+61/notia64),dmcompod.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dmime.dll(+61/notia64),dmimed.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dmloader.dll(+61/notia64),dmloaded.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dmstyle.dll(+61/notia64),dmstyled.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dmsynth.dll(+61/notia64),dmsynthd.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug),dmscript.dll(+8/notia64),dmscripd.dll(+8/opt/SkipDebug)
816 dx7vb.dll(+7/SkipVer/notia64),dx8vb.dll(+8/notia64),directx.cpl(opt),mfc40.dll(opt/SkipVer/SkipDebug/SkipBeta),mfc42.dll(opt/SkipVer/SkipDebug/SkipBeta),wsock32.dll(opt/SkipVer/SkipDebug/SkipBeta)
817 amstream.dll(SkipVer/nfm/+8),devenum.dll(SkipVer/nfm/+8),dxmasf.dll(SkipVer/nfm/opt),mciqtz.drv(SkipVer/optnt/+8),mciqtz32.dll(SkipVer/+8),mpg2splt.ax(SkipVer/opt),msdmo.dll(+8),qasf.dll(+8),qcap.dll(SkipVer/nfm/+8),qdv.dll(SkipVer/nfm/+8),qdvd.dll(SkipVer/nfm/+8),qedit.dll(+8),qedwipes.dll(+8),quartz.dll(SkipVer/+8),quartz.vxd(SkipVer/optnt/+8),strmdll.dll(SkipVer/nfm/opt),vidx16.dll(SkipVer/opt),iac25_32.ax(SkipVer/opt),ir41_32.ax(SkipVer/opt),ir41_qc.dll(SkipVer/opt),ir41_qcx.dll(SkipVer/opt),ir50_32.dll(SkipVer/opt),ir50_qc.dll(SkipVer/opt),ir50_qcx.dll(SkipVer/opt),ivfsrc.ax(SkipVer/opt),mswebdvd.dll(SkipVer/opt),msdvdopt.dll(SkipVer/opt)
818 dxsetup.exe(opt/notNT),dsetup.dll(opt/notNT),dsetup16.dll(opt/notNT),dsetup32.dll(opt/notNT)
819 ks.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),ksproxy.ax(bda/+8),ksuser.dll(bda/+8),stream.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),mspclock.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),mspqm.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),mskssrv.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),swenum.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),mstee.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),bdaplgin.ax(bda/+8),bdasup.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),msdvbnp.ax(bda/+8),psisdecd.dll(bda/+8),psisrndr.ax(bda/+8),ipsink.ax(bda/+8),ndisip.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),mpe.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),streamip.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),msvidctl.dll(bda/+8),slip.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),nabtsfec.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),ccdecode.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir),vbisurf.ax(bda/+8),msyuv.dll(bda/+8),kstvtune.ax(bda/+8),ksxbar.ax(bda/+8),kswdmcap.ax(bda/+8),vfwwdm32.dll(bda/+8),wstcodec.sys(bda/+8),wstdecod.dll(bda/+8),msdv.sys(bda/+8/DrivDir)