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From the desk of Julie Vandeventer.
March 18, 1998
Perennials on Parade
... page 1
Annuals Accelerate Your Garden
... this page
Getting the Most Out of Your Garden
... page 3

Annuals Accelerate Your Garden

Annuals Take Root

Annuals show a blaze of color all summer long.

An Annual is a plant that grows, flowers, sets seed, and dies, all in the same year. While they live only a short time, they grow very fast, going from seed to flower blooms in a very short time. And best of all, they often have flowers all summer long. Annuals let you change your mind each year and have different kinds of plants, with different colors every summer.

Different Kinds of Annuals, and How They Grow

The morning glory is easy to grow, and can climb walls or fences. It's a great flower for places where a full garden is hard to keep. Photo:© copyright World Book 1998

Annuals can be grown from seed stred indoors in late winte, or they can be planted directly into the ground after the danger of freezing has passed (in cold climates). .Or you can buy them in flats at a local garden center. No matter what kind of growning conditions you have, sun or shade, hot or cool, wet or dry, there are annuals that will grow well for you. Some of the most popular annuals are poppies, snapdragons, zinnias, dahlias, marigolds, phlox, petunias, and pansies. Annual have many different uses. Mixed annuals that are not too tall are often planted as borders of color around a house or garden. Some kinds form vines and will grow on a fence or trellis. You can plant them as hanging plants, or in flower pots or containers. Annuals are truly a gardener's delight!

More stories:
On page 1: Perennials on Parade   |   On page 3: Getting the Most Out of Your Garden