By Ron DeVries | Last updated: June 10, 1998 |
Hello, My name is Ron. |
This is the bus that we all take to school. |
I'm creating a home page to tell you about my friends, my family, and myself. I live in Indiana. I have three sisters and brothers. We all go to the public school in our area. Here's a picture of the bus that takes us to school. |
About MyselfMy favorite sport is soccer. I play on a soccer team. As of today, we have a 12-2 record. That is we've won 12 games and lost two. My favorite subject in school is science. Lately, we've been studying anatomy and the systems in the body. My science partner and I got to dissect a grasshopper on Monday. It was pretty cool! I got to remove the legs and the antenna. We used the dead grasshopper to scare one of the girls at school. She screamed when we pushed the grasshopper in her face. |
You can read more about
me and my family, |