My younger sister's name is Susan. She's too young to play on any sports teams, but she does like
to kick the soccer ball around with me. Susan is learning to ride her bike. I've been helping her by holding on to the back of her seat while she learns to balance.
Susan loves to go to the playground and the zoo. She likes puzzles and dolls, and she even likes
my toy cars. She doesn't like to go to bed on time, but neither do I.
Here's a
picture of me with Brutus and Digger.
About Our Dogs
Our family has two dogs. One is named Digger. He's a beagle and he loves to play with me. He's
energetic and happy. Our other dog is named Brutus. He's a big dog, but he's very kind and
friendly. Most of the time, he just likes to lay around. Sometimes people are scared of him, but he
would never want to harm anyone. He is very protective of our family members and he carefully
examines everyone who comes near one of us. He seems to feel that it's his job to keep our home