Ice sheets have a distinctive surface topography, which includes features such as --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- nunataks, piedmont glaciers, ice lobes, and ice shelves. The land beneath the ice --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- is often depressed to below sea level by the weight of the ice. In this case the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- icecap covering the subducted areas is dome-shaped from the marginal areas to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the interior. The movement of the ice is outward from the raised center, and the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- rate of flow increases as the ice flows down to the sea and through mountain --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- valleys. The ice moves either as lobes through valleys or as part of the ice shelf --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- into the sea where it melts or calves into icebergs. The friction of the moving ice --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- on the underlying rock or the weight of accumulated ice can lower the freezing --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- point of the bottom layers of ice and cause them to melt.