DR. CODEBREAKER --------------- -------------- | ORDER FORM | -------------- Please send me ____ registered copies of DR. CODEBREAKER. I have provided a check or money order, payable in U.S. funds, for $16.95 for each copy. (Prices valid through March 1993). I have enclosed a photograph (3" x 4" or larger) of the person or persons who will be using DR. CODEBREAKER. Their first/last names are as follows: ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Note: One copy of DR. CODEBREAKER can be used to accommodate more than one player. If this is your intent, send a group photograph of the players who will be using the program. Please send my registered copy of DR. CODEBREAKER on the following size floppy disk (Check appropriate box): __ |__| 3-1/2" FLOPPY DISK __ |__| 5-1/4" FLOPPY DISK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name ____________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City/State _______________________________________Zip Code_______ Phone: Day _______________________ Night ____________________ (Optional) SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE, INC. P.O. BOX 531 NOVI, MI 48376 ------------------------------------------------ | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK | ------------------------------------------------ Copy Supplied By: COMPUSERVE INFORMATION SERVICE, Columbus, OH