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Win! Win! Win! - Over £580 of upgrade products
If this issue's cover feature leaves you lusting after more power or a faster Mac, here's a solution - win your choice of upgrades to the value of £500 + VAT from specialist supplier Mygate Computing!


Want to boost your Mac's speed and power? Here's all you need to know about how it can be done, what upgrades and expansions are available for your Mac model, and even a step-by-step guide to how to do it yourself!

  • 20 Golden Years of Apple
    Two innovative decades of the company behind the computer that changed the world.

  • Fold-out Mac family tree

  • The history of Apple

  • Where next?
    MacFormat interviews Marco Landi, Apple Europe's boss

  • Save money on the inside story of the Mac

    Cover Disks
    MacFormat comes with the choice of a CD-ROM or high-density floppy disk every issue:
  • Your CD-ROM
    Demos galore, including Star Trek Judgment Rites, Full Throttle, InfoGenie and a rolling demo of Dorling Kindersley's World Reference Atlas. Plus a guide to upgrades, ten high-res sample images from Corel, over 100Mb of the latest shareware and everything below.
  • Your Cover Disk
    3Mb of top software compressed on to one luscious floppy disk: a blistering arcade game, an amazing fractal generator, a comprehensive guide to RAM upgrades, handy utilities... even a fly swatter!