Working with Files

ImageViewer offers many powerful options for dealing with image files. These include:

Opening Files

ImageViewer can open the following graphic file types: GIF, JPEG, PICT, and TIFF, as well as file types supported by QuickTime™ 3.0, PhotoShop, BMP, PNG, and others, as well as display and run QuickTime movies. ImageViewer uses Navigator Services (Mac OS 8.0 or later) to enable you to open files.

To Open a Single File:

  1. Select Open from the File menu.
  2. Navigate to the file's folder location.
  3. Select the filename.
  4. Click Open.

To Open an Entire Folder of Files:

  1. Select Open from the File menu.
  2. Navigate to the file's folder location.
  3. Select the folder name.
  4. Click Choose.

NOTE: If "Search Sub-Folders" is enabled in Preferences, all files located in subfolders within the base folder will also be added to the file list.


Saving Files

ImageViewer can save images in the following file types: GIF, JPEG, PICT, and TIFF. To save files in a different location or using a different file type or compression, choose Save As. ImageViewer uses Navigator Services (Mac OS 8.0 or later) to enable you to save files.

To Save a File:

  1. Select Save from the File menu.

To Save As a File:

  1. Select Save As from the File menu (not required in single view mode).
  2. Navigate to the new save location.
  3. Set the file type and compression (optional).
  4. Click Save.

NOTE: JPEG files are saved at a default setting of High if not specified via Save As.


Renaming Files

You can rename any file in a file list from within ImageViewer.

To Rename a File:

  1. Select an image file in the list window.
  2. Select Special > Rename File from the File menu.
  3. Enter a new name.
  4. Click Rename.


Deleting Files

You can move any image file in the current file list to the Trash or delete it immediately depending upon the "File:Delete Files" setting in Preferences.

To Move a File to the Trash:

  1. Select an image file in the list window (not required in single view mode).
  2. Select Special > Move To Trash from the File menu.

To Delete a File:

  1. Select an image file in the list window (not required in single view mode).
  2. Select Special > Delete Files from the File menu.


Copying Files

You can copy any image file to a new location from within ImageViewer. In single file view, only the current file is copied, in list view, all images currently selected are copied.

To Copy a Single File:

  1. Select an image file in the list window.
  2. Select Copy to Location from the File menu.

To Copy Multiple Files:

  1. Select one or more image files in the list window.
  2. Select Copy to Location from the File menu.

NOTE: Hold the Shift key down to select or unselect one or more image files.


Moving Files

You can move any image file to a new location from within ImageViewer. In single file view, only the current file is copied, in list view, all images currently selected are copied.

To Move a Single File:

  1. Select an image file in the list window (not required in single view mode).
  2. Select Move to Location from the File menu.

To Move Multiple Files:

  1. Select one or more image files in the list window.
  2. Select Move to Location from the File menu.

NOTE: Hold the Shift key down to select or unselect one or more image files.


Printing Files

You can print any of the views, Gallery, Gallery Small, Icon, Text, and a single Image.

To Print a File:

  1. Choose the view you want to print.
  2. Select Print from the File menu.

NOTE: Currently, the entire image or list of images is printed, regardless of the page range specified.


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