Microsoft DirectX 8.0 (Visual Basic)

Using the DirectX 8.0 Documentation

The following conventions are used in the syntax of methods, functions, and other API elements, as well as typographic conventions used in explanatory material and sample code.

Convention Meaning
Italic text Denotes a placeholder or variable. You must provide the actual value. For example, the statement SetCursorPos(X, Y) requires you to substitute values for the X and Y parameters.
Bold text Denotes a function, procedure, structure, macro, interface, method, data type, or other keyword in the programming interface or language.
[] Encloses optional parameters.
... Specifies that the preceding item may be repeated.
FULL BOLD CAPITALS Used for most type and structure names.
FULL CAPITALS Used for enumeration values, flags, and constants.
monospace Used for code examples and syntax spacing.



Represents an omitted portion of a sample application.