Borland C++ Project File C:\CUTTING\CHAP02\palette.asm palshow ASFN:palshow5 file2 AppExpertDll StripAutoDepends Remove &AutoDepends Remove all [AutoDepend] nodes from a node $TASM $NOSWAP $CAP MSG(HC312MSG) $EDNAME $NOSWAP $CAP MSG(BORL2MSG.DLL) +$RSP(-I$INC -D1;$DEF -o$OUTNAME) $NAME($EDNAME)$EXT($EDNAME) $ARGS $EDNAME AppExpertDll.c tdw.exe $TD $EXENAME $ARG &Turbo Debugger Turbo Debugger on current target node $TD -l $EXENAME $ARG b.exe -m"goto_line $LINE" $EDNAME workshop.exe -I$INC $EDNAME BITMAP DIALOG STRINGTABLE CURSOR ACCELERATOR FONT: -I$INC $OUTNAME -n+ $NOSWAP$CAP MSG(GREP2MSG.DLL)$PROMPT void $SELNODES winsight.exe winspctr.exe $SAVE CUR$NOSWAP $CAP MSG(BORL2MSG.DLL) $EDNAME $NAME($OUTNAME)$EXT($OUTNAME) OwlCovert owlcvt.exe ConvertOWL1Source +$RSP($OWLCVT) $SELNODES $CAP MSG(BORL2MSG) $NOSWAP Convert currently selected nodes from OWL 1 to OWL 2 register.exe $TARGET -RegServer Register the current target as an OLE server $TARGET -UnregServer &Unregister OLE Server Unregister the current target as an OLE server c0x32 tex58 dpmi32 bidsf 32bit palette PALSHOW.CPP D:\BC45\INCLUDE\DOS.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\_DEFS.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\TIME.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\MATH.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\STDIO.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\_NFILE.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\_NULL.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\ASSERT.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\CONIO.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\STDLIB.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\IOSTREAM.H D:\BC45\INCLUDE\MEM.H 32BIT.HPP AutoDepReference 32BIT.CPP 2 R r D:\BC45\INCLUDE D:\BC45\LIB palshow.csm __DEBUG=2;__TRACE;__WARN C:\BC45\INCLUDE;D:\BC45\INCLUDE C:\BC45\LIB;D:\BC45\LIB 4 P h 6 j