Property Pages (ActiveX Controls)


To get Help for the properties contained in a control's Property Page dialog box, click the button below corresponding to the control in which you are interested. Then click the property name to get Help for that property.

ADO Data control MaskedEdit control
Animation control MonthView control
CommonDialog control MSChart control
CoolBar control MSComm control
DataCombo control MSFlexGrid control
DataGrid control Multimedia MCI control
DataList control PictureClip control
DataRepeater control ProgressBar control
Date/Time Picker control RichTextBox control
DBCombo control Script control
DBList control Slider control
Flat Scrollbar control SSTab control
Hierarchical Flexgrid control StatusBar control
ImageCombo control TabStrip control
ImageList control ToolBar control
ListView control TreeView control
MAPIMessages control UpDown control
MAPISession control Winsock control

Property Pages

ADO Data control control
BackColor BackColor
ConnectionString ConnectionString
DataSourceName DataSourceName
Font Font
ForeColor ForeColor
Password Password
Provider Provider
RecordSource RecordSource
UserName UserName
Animation control
AutoPlay AutoPlay
BackStyle BackStyle
BackColor BackColor
Center Center
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Common Dialog control
CancelError CancelError
Color Color
Copies Copies
DefaultExt DefaultExt
DialogTitle DialogTitle
FileName FileName
Filter Filter
FilterIndex FilterIndex
Flags Flags
FontName FontName
FontSize FontSize
FromPage FromPage
HelpCommand HelpCommand
HelpContext HelpContext
HelpFile HelpFile
HelpKey HelpKey
InitDir InitDir
Max Max
MaxFileSize MaxFileSize
Min Min
PrinterDefault PrinterDefault
ToPage ToPage
CoolBar control
BackColor BackColor Property
BandBorders BandBorders
EmbossHighlight EmbossHighlight
EmbossPicture EmbossPicture
EmbossShadow EmbossShadow
FixedOrder FixedOrder
ForeColor ForeColor
ImageList ImageList
Index Index
Orientation Orientation
Picture Picture
VariantHeight VariantHeight
DataCombo control
Appearance Appearance
BackColor BackColor
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
ForeColor ForeColor
IntegralHeight IntegralHeight
Locked Locked
MatchEntry MatchEntry
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Style Style
DataList control
Appearance Appearance
BackColor BackColor
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
ForeColor ForeColor
IntegralHeight IntegralHeight
Locked Locked
MatchEntry MatchEntry
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Style Style
DataGrid control
AllowAddNew AllowAddNew
AllowArrows AllowArrows
AllowDelete AllowDelete
AllowRowSizing AllowRowSizing
AllowUpdate AllowUpdate
Appearance Appearance
BackColor BackColor
BorderStyle BorderStyle
Caption Caption
Col Col
Columns Columns
Font Font
ForeColor ForeColor
Headlines HeadLines
MarqueeStyle MarqueeStyle
RecordSelectors RecordSelectors
RowDividerStyle RowDividerStyle
RowHeight RowHeight
ScrollBars ScrollBars
Split Split
TabAcrossSplits TabAcrossSplits
TabAction TabAction
WrapCellPointer WrapCellPointer
DataRepeater control
Appearance Appearance
BackColor BackColor Property
BorderStyle BorderStyle
Caption Caption
CaptionStyle CaptionStyle
DataFields DataFields
DataMember DataMember
DataSource DataSource
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
ForeColor ForeColor
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
PropertyNames PropertyNames
RepeatedControl RepeatedControl
RepeatedControlName RepeatedControlName
RepeaterBindings RepeaterBindings
RowDividerStyle RowDividerStyle
RowIndicator RowIndicator
ScrollBars Scrollbars
Date/Time Picker control
CalendarBackColor CalendarBackColor
CalendarForeColor CalendarForeColor
CalendarTitleBackColor CalendarTitleBackColor
CalendarTitleForeColor CalendarTitleForeColor
CalendarTrailingForeColor CalendarTrailingForeColor
CheckBox CheckBox
CustomFormat CustomFormat
Day Day
DayOfWeek DayOfWeek
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
Format Format
Hour Hour
hWnd hWnd
MaxDate MaxDate
MinDate MinDate
Minute Minute
Month Month
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Second Second
UpDown UpDown
Value Value
Year Year
DBCombo control
Appearance Appearance
Enabled Enabled
IntegralHeight IntegralHeight
Locked Locked
MatchEntry MatchEntry
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Style Style
DBList control
Appearance Appearance
Enabled Enabled
IntegralHeight IntegralHeight
Locked Locked
MatchEntry MatchEntry
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Flat Scrollbar control
Appearance Appearance
Arrows Arrows
Enabled Enabled
hWnd hWnd
LargeChange LargeChange
Max Max
Min Min
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
Orientation Orientation
SmallChange SmallChange
Value Value
Hierarchical Flexgrid control
AllowBigSelection AllowBigSelection
AllowUserResizing AllowUserResizing
Appearance Appearance
BackColor BackColor
BackColorBand BackColorBand
BackColorBkg BackColorBkg
BackColorFixed BackColorFixed
BackColorHeader BackColorHeader
BackColorIndent BackColorIndent
BackColorSel BackColorSel
BackColorUnpopulated BackColorUnpopulated
BandData BandData
BandDisplay BandDisplay
BandExpandable BandExpandable
BandIndent BandIndent
BandLevel BandLevel
Bands Bands
BorderStyle BorderStyle
CellPicture CellPicture
ColHeader ColHeader
ColHeaderCaption ColHeaderCaption
Cols Cols
FillStyle FillStyle
FixedCols FixedCols
FixedRows FixedRows
Font Font
GridColor GridColor
GridColorFixed GridColorFixed
GridColorUnpopulated GridColorUnpopulated
GridLines GridLines
GridLinesFixed GridLinesFixed
GridLinesUnpopulated GridLinesUnpopulated
HighLight HighLight
MergeCells MergeCells
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
Picture Picture
PictureType PictureType
RowHeightMin RowHeightMin
RowSizingMode RowSizingMode
ScrollBars ScrollBars
TextStyle TextStyle
TextStyleFixed TextStyleFixed
TextStyleHeader TextStyleHeader
WordWrap WordWrap
ImageCombo control
BackColor BackColor
CaseSensitive CaseSensitive
ComboItems ComboItems
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
ForeColor ForeColor
hWnd hWnd
ImageList ImageList
Indentation Indentation
Locked Locked
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
SelectedItem SelectedItem
SelLength SelLength
SelStart SelStart
SelText SelText
Style Style
Text Text
UsePathSep UsePathSep
ImageList control
Height Height
Image Image
Image Count Image Count
Index Index
Key Key
Tag Tag
UseMaskColor UseMaskColor
Width Width
ListView control
AllowColumnReorder AllowColumnReorder
Appearance Appearance
Arrange Arrange
BackColor BackColor
BorderStyle BorderStyle
Checkboxes Checkboxes
ColumnHeaders ColumnHeaders
DropHighlight DropHighlight
Enabled Enabled pro
FlatScrollBar FlatScrollBar
Font Font Property
ForeColor ForeColor
FullRowSelect FullRowSelect Property
GridLines GridLines Property
HideColumnHeaders HideColumnHeaders
HideSelection HideSelection
HotTracking HotTracking
HoverSelection HoverSelection
hWnd hWnd
Icons Icons
LabelEdit LabelEdit
LabelWrap LabelWrap
ListItems ListItems
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
MultiSelect MultiSelect
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Picture Picture
PictureAlignment PictureAlignment
SelectedItem SelectedItem
SmallIcons SmallIcons
Sorted Sorted
SortKey SortKey
SortOrder SortOrder
View View
MAPIMessages control
AddressCaption AddressCaption
AddressEditFieldCount AddressEditFieldCount
AddressLabel AddressLabel
AddressModifiable AddressModifiable
AddressResolveUI AddressResolveUI
FetchMsgType FetchMsgType
FetchSorted FetchSorted
FetchUnreadOnly FetchUnreadOnly
MAPISession control
DownloadMail DownloadMail
LogonUI LogonUI
NewSession NewSession
Password Password
UserName UserName
MaskedEdit control
AllowPrompt AllowPrompt
AutoTab AutoTab
BorderStyle BorderStyle
ClipMode ClipMode
Enabled Enabled
Format Format
HideSelection HideSelection
Mask Mask
MaxLength MaxLength
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
PromptChar PromptChar
PromptInclude PromptInclude
MonthView control
Appearance Appearance
BackColor BackColor Property
BorderStyle BorderStyle
Day Day
DayBold DayBold
DayOfWeek DayOfWeek
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
ForeColor ForeColor
hWnd hWnd
MaxDate MaxDate
MaxSelCount MaxSelCount
MinDate MinDate
Month Month
MonthBackColor MonthBackColor
MonthColumns MonthColumns
MonthRows MonthRows
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
MultiSelect MultiSelect
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
ScrollRate ScrollRate
SelEnd SelEnd
SelStart SelStart
ShowToday ShowToday
ShowWeekNumbers ShowWeekNumbers
StartOfWeek StartOfWeek
TitleBackColor TitleBackColor
TitleForeColor TitleForeColor
TrailingForeColor TrailingForeColor
Value Value
VisibleDays VisibleDays
Week Week
Year Year
MSChart control
2D 2D
3D 3D
Alignment Alignment
Automatic scaling Automatic scaling
Axis Axis
Backdrop BackDrop Object
Color Color
Exclude series Exclude series
Font Font
Font style Font style
Hide series Hide series
Major divisions Major divisions
Maximum StatLine Property
Mean StatLine Property
Minimum StatLine Property
Minor divisions Minor divisions
Orientation Orientation
Pattern Pattern
Pattern color Pattern color
Plot on 2nd Y axis Plot on 2nd Y axis
Property Name (BackDrop Tab) PropertyName
Property Name (Fonts Tab) PropertyName
Property Name (Text Tab) PropertyName
Regression StatLine Property
Series SeriesCollection
Series in rows DataSeriesInRow
Series type Series type
Shadow Shadow
Show Legend ShowLegend
Show markers Show
Show scale Hide Property
Size Size
Stack series Stacking
Standard deviation StatLine Property
StrikeOut Font Object
Style (Edge/Line) Style Property
Style (Major Gridlines) MajorPen Property
Style (Minor Gridlines) MinorPen Property
Text Text Property
Underline Font Object
Width Width Property
MSComm control
CommPort CommPort
DTREnable DTREnable
EOFEnable EOFEnable
Handshaking Handshaking
InBufferSize InBufferSize
InputLen InputLen
NullDiscard NullDiscard
OutBufferSize OutBufferSize
ParityReplace ParityReplace
Rthreshold Rthreshold
RTSEnable RTSEnable
Settings Settings
Sthreshold Sthreshold
MSFlexGrid control
AllowBigSelection AllowBigSelection
AllowUserResizing AllowUserResizing
Appearance Appearance
BackColor BackColor
BackColorBkg BackColorBkg
BackColorFixed BackColorFixed
BackColorSel BackColorSel
BandDisplay BandDisplay
BandExpandable BandExpandable
BandIndent BandIndent
BorderStyle BorderStyle
CellBackColor CellBackColor
CellForeColor CellForeColor
CellPicture CellPicture
Cols Cols
ColumnHeaders ColumnHeaders
FillStyle FillStyle
FixedAlignment FixedAlignment
FixedCols FixedCols
FixedRows FixedRows
FocusRect FocusRect
Font Font
FontFixed FontFixed
FontWidth FontWidth
ForeColor ForeColor
ForeColorFixed ForeColorFixed
ForeColorSel ForeColorSel
FormatString FormatString
GridColor GridColor
GridColorFixed GridColor
GridLines GridLines
GridLinesFixed GridLinesFixed
GridLinesUnpopulated GridLinesUnpopulated
GridLineWidth GridLineWidth
HighLight HighLight
hWnd hWnd Property
LeftCol LeftCol
MergeCells MergeCells
MergeCol MergeCol
MergeRow MergeRow
MouseCol MouseCol
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
MouseRow MouseRow
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Picture Picture
PictureType PictureType
Redraw Redraw
RightToLeft RightToLeft
Row Row
RowData RowData
RowHeight RowHeight
RowHeightMin RowHeightMin
RowIsVisible RowIsVisible
RowPos RowPos
RowPosition RowPosition
Rows Rows
RowSel RowSel
RowSizingMode RowSizingMode
ScrollBars ScrollBars
ScrollTrack ScrollTrack
SelectionMode SelectionMode
Sort Sort
Text Text
TextArray TextArray
TextMatrix TextMatrix
TextStyle TextStyle
TextStyleFixed TextStyleFixed
TextStyleHeader TextStyleHeader
TopRow TopRow
Version Version
WordWrap WordWrap
Multimedia MCI control
AutoEnable AutoEnable
BackEnabled BackEnabled
BackVisible BackVisible
BorderStyle BorderStyle
DeviceType DeviceType
EjectEnabled EjectEnabled
EjectVisible EjectVisible
Enabled Enabled
FileName FileName
Frames Frames
MousePointer MousePointer
NextEnabled NextEnabled
NextVisible NextVisible
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Orientation Orientation
PauseEnabled PauseEnabled
PauseVisible PauseVisible
PlayEnabled PlayEnabled
PlayVisible PlayVisible
PrevEnabled PrevEnabled
PrevVisible PrevVisible
RecordEnabled RecordEnabled
RecordMode RecordMode
RecordVisible RecordVisible
Shareable Shareable
Silent Silent
StepEnabled StepEnabled
StepVisible StepVisible
StopEnabled StopEnabled
StopVisible StopVisible
UpdateInterval UpdateInterval
PictureClip control
Cols Cols
Rows Rows
ProgressBar control
Appearance Appearance
BorderStyle BorderStyle
Enabled Enabled
hWnd hWnd
Max Max
Min Min
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Orientation Orientation
Scrolling Scrolling
Value Value
RichTextBox control
Appearance Appearance
AutoVerbMenu AutoVerbMenu
BackColor BackColor
BorderStyle BorderStyle
BulletIndent BulletIndent
DisableNoScroll DisableNoScroll
Enabled Enabled
FileName [load from] FileName [load from]
HideSelection HideSelection
Locked Locked
MaxLength MaxLength
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
MultiLine MultiLine
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
OLEObjects OLEObjects
RightMargin RightMargin
ScrollBars ScrollBars
SelAlignment SelAlignment
SelBold SelBold
SelBullet SelBullet
SelCharOffset SelCharOffset
SelColor SelColor
SelFontName SelFontName
SelFontSize SelFontSize
SelHangingIndent SelHangingIndent
SelIndent SelIndent
SelItalic SelItalic
SelLength SelLength
SelProtected SelProtected
SelRightIndent SelRightIndent
SelStart SelStart
SelStrikeThru SelStrikeThru
SelTabCount SelTabCount
SelTabs SelTabs
SelText SelText
SelUnderline SelUnderline
Text Text
Slider control
BorderStyle BorderStyle
Enabled Enabled
GetNumTicks GetNumTicks
hWnd hWnd
LargeChange LargeChange
Max Max
Min Min
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Orientation Orientation
SelectRange SelectRange
SelLength SelLength
SelStart SelStart
SmallChange SmallChange
Text Text
TextPosition TextPosition
TickFrequency TickFrequency
TickStyle TickStyle
Value Value
SSTab control
Current Tab CurrentTab
Enabled Enabled
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Orientation Orientation
ShowFocusRect ShowFocusRect
Style Style
Tab Count Tab Count
TabCaption TabCaption
TabHeight TabHeight
TabMaxWidth TabMaxWidth
TabsPerRow TabsPerRow
WordWrap WordWrap
StatusBar control
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
hWnd hWnd
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Panels Panels
ShowTips ShowTips
SimpleText SimpleText
TabStrip control
ClientHeight ClientHeight
ClientLeft ClientLeft
ClientTop ClientTop
ClientWidth ClientWidth
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
HotTracking HotTracking
hWnd hWnd
ImageList ImageList
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
MultiRow MultiRow
MultiSelect MultiSelect
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Placement Placement
SelectedItem SelectedItem
Separators Separators
ShowTips ShowTips
Style Style
TabFixedHeight TabFixedHeight
TabFixedWidth TabFixedWidth
TabWidthStyle TabWidthStyle
TabMinWidth TabMinWidth
Tabs Tabs
TabStyle TabStyle
TabWidthStyle TabWidthStyle
ToolBar control
AllowCustomize AllowCustomize
Appearance Appearance
BorderStyle BorderStyle
ButtonHeight ButtonHeight
Buttons Buttons
ButtonWidth ButtonWidth
Controls Controls
DisabledImageList DisabledImageList
Enabled Enabled
HelpContextID HelpContextID
HelpFile HelpFile
HotImageList HotImageList
hWnd hWnd
ImageList ImageList
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
ShowTips ShowTips
Style Style
TextAlignment TextAlignment
Wrappable Wrappable
TreeView control
Appearance Appearance
BorderStyle BorderStyle
Checkboxes Checkboxes
DropHighlight DropHighlight
Enabled Enabled
Font Font
FullRowSelect FullRowSelect
HideSelection HideSelection
HotTracking HotTracking
hWnd hWnd
ImageList ImageList
Indentation Indentation
LabelEdit LabelEdit
LineStyle LineStyle
MouseIcon MouseIcon
MousePointer MousePointer
Nodes Nodes
OLEDragMode OLEDragMode
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
PathSeparator PathSeparator
Scroll Scroll
SelectedItem SelectedItem
SingleSel SingleSel
Sorted Sorted
Style Style
UpDown control
Alignment Alignment
AutoBuddy AutoBuddy
BuddyControl BuddyControl
BuddyProperty BuddyProperty
Increment Increment
Max Max
Min Min
OLEDropMode OLEDropMode
Orientation Orientation
SyncBuddy SyncBuddy
Value Value
Wrap Wrap
Winsock control
LocalPort LocalPort
Protocol Protocol
RemoteHost RemoteHost
RemotePort RemotePort