| * * * *       VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION         * * * * |

- Please read this file thoroughly before using this demo!

- The README for the full retail version follows this 

|                                                          |
|                   JetFighter III Demo                    |
|                                                          |
|             LATEST INFORMATION AND UPDATES               |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|                      version 1.31                        |

  If you are viewing this file with a Web Browser, be sure
     to save it!  This contains important instructions!



The full JetFighter III readme document follows this 
document.  Please read it thoroughly for more information.


Installing the demo in DOS or MS-DOS Prompt window:
1.  Place the JetFighter III Demo CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2.  Make the CD-ROM drive the current drive:  D: [Enter]
3.  Run the install program:  SETUP [Enter]
4.  Follow the onscreen instructions for setup.
5.  After EXIT AND SAVE, run the demo by typing: JF3DEMO [Enter]

Installing the demo in Windows95:
1.  Place the JetFighter III Demo CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2.  Open your Windows Explorer.
3.  Click on your CD-ROM drive (usually D:).
4.  Double-Click on the file SETUP.
5.  Follow the onscreen instructions for setup.
6.  After EXIT AND SAVE, switch to the hard drive letter in 
Windows Explorer where you installed the demo (usually C:).
7.  Run the demo by clicking on the file JF3DEMO.


Welcome to the JetFighter III Demo!  This version of 
JetFighter III is being distributed to let you take a sneak 
peek at JetFighter III.  Of course, it is our hope that it 
will whet your appetite for more!

We hope you enjoy this look at JetFighter III.  In fact, we 
hope you enjoy it so much that you simply MUST go out and 
buy the retail version!

We have been working very hard over the years to make 
JetFighter III fun, realistic and easy to use.  Most of all, 
we hope it will give you the best 'feeling of flight' you 
have ever experienced on your computer.



This Demo version of JetFighter III has several limitations 
to cut down on the download size, and to keep from giving 
away too much!  

- CPU: Demo requires a Pentium 90, Retail runs on a 486/100.
- RAM: Demo requires 16Meg of RAM, Retail runs in 8Meg
- RESOLUTION: Demo runs in only 320x200 and 640x400.  Retail 
Version also includes 640x350 and 640x480 resolutions.
- SCREEN SIZE: Demo only includes 80% and 60% screen sizes.  
The Retail Version also runs in full-screen.
- SCENERY: The Demo has 1 5x5 degree area of the world.  The 
Retail Version includes over 40 TIMES as much scenery area!
- MISSIONS: The Demo has 4 missions, the Retail product has 
over 90.
- INTERFACE: The Demo has a simple menu interface, the 
Retail version has a complete interactive interface and 
tracks many pilot statistics.


JetFighter has always been a careful blend of:
     - Ease of Use
     - Fun
     - Action
     - Realism
     - Feeling Of Flight

JetFighter III takes the JetFighter series into the future 
with spectacular graphics, more action, more sound, more 
real-world scenery, and even better Feeling of Flight.

- Over 90 intense combat and training missions.
- Over 3.5 million square miles of real-world terrain.
- Interactive, cinematic first-person interface.
- Improved terrain textures with even more variety.
- Multimedia military encyclopedia with over 500 photos and 
- Paint your own aircraft insignia!
- Choose the F-22N or the F/A-18!
- Customize your weapon load for each mission.
- Pitching, rolling and moving carrier deck.


Here is a quick summary of the simulator keyboard commands:

    Pull up         [Numpad 2]
    Dive            [Numpad 8]
    Roll right      [Numpad 6]
    Roll left       [Numpad 4]
    Yaw right       [Enter]
    Yaw left        [Numpad Ins]
    Throttle        [1] - [0]
    Fine throttle   [+] / [-]      
    Afterburnr 1-5  [+] / [-]
    Full AB         [\]
    Engine off      [~] 
    Landing gear    [G]
    Arrestor hook   [A]
    Wheel brake     [B]
    Airbrake        [B]
    Waypoint        [N] and [Shift][N]
    Altitude ladder [L]
    Altimeter mode  [Alt][A]
    Autopilot       [Shift][A]
    Flaps           [Crtl][F]

    320x200         [Shift][F9]
    640x350         [Shift][F10]
    640x400         [Shift][F11]
    640x480         [Shift][F12]
    Screen size     [Alt][5]
    Clouds          [Alt][C]
    Light shading   [Shift][K]
    HUD brightness  [H] and [Shift][H]

    Forward view    [F1]
    Look left       [F2]
    Look right      [F3]
    Look behind     [F4]
    Defensive MFD   [F5]
    Horizontal MFD  [F6]
    Offensive MFD   [F7]
    Systems MFD     [F8]
    Tactical view   [F9]
    Missile view    [F10]
    Fly-by-view     [F11]
    Stationary view [F12]
    Tower view      [num *]
    Wingman view    [W]

    Cockpit panel   [P]
    Map view        [M]
    Virtual cockpit joystick btn 1
    Switch ext/int  [Numpad -]
    Center view     [Numpad 5]
    Pan up          [Numpad 3]
    Pan down        [Numpad Del]
    Pan left        [Numpad 7]
    Pan right       [Numpad 9]
    Zoom in         [>]
    Zoom out        [<]

    Targeting next  [T] or [Shift][T]
    Target nearest  [Y]
    Target center   [U]
    Target Mode     [;]
    Radar range     [R] or [Shift][R]
    Autorange       [Ctrl][R]
    On-Screen Radar [Alt][R]
    Air Weapons     [Enter]
    Ground Weapons  [Backspace]
    Fire Weapon     [Spacebar]
    Fire Cannon     [']
    ECM jammer      [J]
    Flares          [F]
    Chaff           [C]
    Eject           [Ctrl][E]

    Pause           [Ctrl-P]
    In-Flight menu  [Esc]
    Time comprsn    [Alt][T]
    Traversal mode  [Alt][S]
    Head movement   [Ctrl][H]


Make an attack on a hidden enemy power generating facility.
- Press [Backspace] to arm your Maverick missiles.
- Press [Space] to fire at the current target.
- Press [T] to select the next target.
- Press [0] to speed up to 100% military thrust.
- Press [Enter], [Enter] to select Sidewinder missiles.
- Press [U] to target the aircraft in front of you.
- Press [Space] to fire once you have the 'lock tone'.

Watch for SAM launches.  They may take you out right away
if you're not careful.  Use [F] and [C] to launch flare
and chaff to spoof the SAMs.

If you're having a lot of trouble, press [Esc] and use the
'Cheats' menu to turn on the "Invulnerable to Missiles" 
option!  If the AAA is damaging your aircraft, and you are 
having trouble flying, you can turn on the "No Control 
Surface Damage" cheat.

Practice landing your aircraft on the pitching and rolling
deck of the U.N.S. Peacekeeper.
- You may want to try the keyboard instead of the joystcik.  
Many beginners find this easier until they get the hang of 
- Be sure your flaps are extended by pressing [Ctrl[F].
- If you're REALLY good, watch your landing from the LSO 
view by pressing [num *] until LSO appears.

Participate, if you dare, in a monstrous dogfight over the 
Gulf of Corcovado in Chile.
- Press [;] until 'H' appears in the bottom of the HUD.  
This will target only Hostile aircraft.
- Press [Enter] twice to select Sidewinder missiles.
- Press [U] to target the aircraft in front of you.
- Press [Y] to target the closest aircraft.
- Press [T] to cycle through all the targets.
- Press [Space] to fire the current weapon.
- ['] always fires the cannon.
- Experiment with Tactical View [F9].
- Try guns only for a real challenge!

Explore the vast expanse of the Andes mountains in southern
Chile.  Remember, this is less than 1/45th of the amount of
scenery in the Retail Version of JetFighter III!


Thank you for playing the JetFighter III Test/Demo!

The full release version of JetFighter III is currently
available at your local retail store.

For more information about JetFighter III, including new
updates  visit the Mission Studios website:

If you want to reserve a copy, you can order
JetFighter III by calling 1-800-468-3775.

| END OF FILE                                              |

|                                                          |
|                     JetFighter III                       |
|                                                          |
|             LATEST INFORMATION AND UPDATES               |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|                      version 1.30                        |


Welcome, and thanks for purchasing JetFighter III!

This file contains hints, tips and last-minute information 
on JetFighter III.  If you have any problems running the 
game, or need more information than you find in the manual, 
please read this file!


          HINTS AND TIPS
          Q. and A.
          Q. and A.

Some features were added or changed after the manual was 
printed.  Be sure to read this section to learn about the 
latest improvements to JetFighter III.

There is a new option in the in-flight menu to allow you to 
play MIDI music during flight.  Turn the MUSIC setting to 
OFF if you don't want to hear music while you fly.

Whenever you start on the carrier, or on a ground runway, 
the brakes will be engaged.  Press [B] to disengage the 

The new flaps are controlled with [Ctrl][F].  Extending your 
flaps will allow you to stay airborne at a slower speed, 
thereby making landings easier.  You will see an indicator 
in the upper right of the HUD when your flaps are extended.  
This indicator will flash red of you are exceeding the 
recommend airspeed with flaps extended.

The INSTALL program now allows you to re-program the 
functions of your joystick buttons.  After selecting your 
joystick from the list, choose RECONFIGURE BUTTONS and you 
will be presented with a menu that allows you to custom-
design your joystick configuration.

The wording and arrangement of some of the menu items in the 
'cheats' has been improved for clarity.

INVULNERABLE TO MISSILES: will prevent you from being killed 
if you are hit by a SAM or AAM.

NO CONTROL SURFACE DAMAGE: will prevent hits from AAA and 
flak from affecting your ability to fly the aircraft.

NO MID-AIR COLLISIONS: will allow you to 'hit' other 
aircraft without being killed.

NO GROUND CRASHES: will 'bounce' you off the ground.

The GAME menu in the simulator has been improved to be more 
clear.  Here are the options on the improved GAME menu:

END MISSION - RETURN TO BASE:  This option ends the current 
mission and returns you to the carrier.  You will get credit 
for any tasks completed to that point.

REVIEW MISSION ORDERS:  Displays the mission orders in case 
you weren't paying attention during the briefing.

AUTO LAND:  If the mission goal is complete, you can avoid 
having to fly all the way home by using this option.

RESTART CURRENT MISSION:  This will let you restart the 
mission you are in without returning to the carrier.

FREE FLIGHT SETUP:  If you want to abort the current 
mission, and just fly around, use this menu.

the mission, but it won't count toward your campaign score.

RESUME FLIGHT:  Simply exits the menu and returns you to 

EXIT JETFIGHTER III:  Exits the game entirely.  The current 
mission will not be counted toward your campaign score.

There is an autopilot feature that was added after the 
manual was printed.  Basically, autopilot will guide you 
through the waypoints in your NAV screen.  The autopilot is 
very basic, so be sure to keep your eyes open!

To engage the autopilot, press [Shift][A].  You will see the 
word "autopilot" appear in the lower right of the screen.  
To disengage the autopilot, press [Shift][A] again.  The 
autopilot will also automatically disengage if you change 
the waypoint with [N] or [Shift][N].

When the aircraft reaches the current waypoint, the 
autopilot will select the next waypoint and fly to it.  This 
process will continue until autopilot is disengaged.

WARNING: DO NOT attempt to use the autopilot to land!  This 
system is NOT designed for precision approaches.

The manual ground target designation system has been 
improved and will now 'snap-to' certain objects in the 

Turn on the system by pressing [Shift][D].  You will see a 
crosshairs appear in the center of the view.  Maneuver the 
aircraft or pan your view to place the crosshairs over a 
ship, AAA site or ground vehicle.  Press [D] to [D]esignate 
the target.

If the system finds an object, you will see it identified in 
the HUD and a target designator box will appear around the 
object.  If the system did not 'snap-to' an object, you will 
see "fixed pt" appear in the HUD and the target designator 
box will have a '+' in the center.

When using this system, it is important to understand that 
the computer uses the point ON THE TERRAIN that the 
crosshairs are over.  This means that you should point at 
the BASE of objects to select them!

Press [W] to look at your wingman (if you have one!).  The 
zoom keys, [<] and [>], work in this mode as well.  You can 
also use wingman view while in external view.  Press [-] for 
external view and then [W] to keep you and your wingman in 
view at all times.

The [*] key on the numeric keypad now cycles through 10 pre-
set camera positions around the aircraft carrier.  They are:
 - control tower
 - catapult officer - forward
 - shooter - forward
 - catapult officer - aft
 - shooter - aft
 - LSO platform
 - 10 o'clock view
 - 12 o'clock view
 - 5 o'clock view
 - 3 o'clock view


Don't forget that your brakes are engaged and your flaps are 
down when you start out.  Press [B] to release the brake for 
takeoff.  After you are up to speed, press [Ctrl][F] to 
retract your flaps.

There are several types of ground targets, and different 
ways of finding them.  This short synopsis should help if 
you are having problems.

Pre-Designated Targets - Target Waypoints
Most important targets are programmed directly into your 
waypoint list.  These are the easiest targets to find.  
Simply press [N] until the target waypoint appears in red, 
and fly towards it.  You will see the green target 
designator box surrounding the target.

Pre-designated Targets - Target AREAS
Sometimes your target may not actually be programmed into 
the nav computer, and therefore will not appear as a 
waypoint.  Usually, however, the waypoint closest to the 
target(s) will be color coded RED to signify that you should 
start searching for targets near that waypoint.

Simply fly to the target area symbolized by the red 
waypoint.  When you reach the target area, arm an air-to-
ground weapon by pressing [Backspace].  Then, press [T] to 
find a target.  Pressing [T] will cycle through all the 
ground targets in range of your currently selected weapon.

Targets of Opportunity - Manual Designation
You can use the Manual Target Designation system to attack 
just about anything. 

There are a lot of gamers (come on, admit it!) that feel 
they MUST win every mission in the game.  If you find 
yourself re-starting the campaign just because you lost a 
mission, you are one of these!

We STRONGLY recommend playing the entire campaign through, 
regardless of whether you win or loose a specific mission.  
There are factors other than your victory that affect your 
progress through the "mission tree", so simply winning all 
the missions will not guarantee a particular progression 
through the tree.  In fact, some of the best missions are on 
the "losing side" of the campaign!

You can always play the campaign again after you have 
finished.  Additionally, any missions you may have missed 
can be flown individually from the Instant Mission control 
panel in the Operations room.

When you are killed in a mission, you are automatically 
resurrected and reset to the mission in which you died.  
This is done so that you can try to 'beat' that mission on 
your next attempt.  If you just want to skip past the 
mission that killed you, simply select 'END MISSION' after 
the mission starts.

Proper and clever teamwork with your wingman is one of the 
keys to success in JetFighter III.  In fact, some of the 
more difficult missions simply can not be won without the 
assistance of your wingman.

One trick is to 'split up' from your wingman at the target 
area.  This will help dilute the AAA and SAM defenses that 
may be defending the target.  Send your wingman in to attack 
AAA or SAM sites while you take out the main target.  Or, 
order your wingman to attack the target while you come in 
from a different direction.

Q.   Why won't my wingman catch up to me?
A.   Your wingman's aircraft (assuming it is the same as 
yours) can't fly any faster than you can, so if you are 
already ahead of him, and you are flying at AB5, he may 
never be able to catch up!  Slow down to 100% military 
thrust [0] for a while until he catches up.  Using time 
compression [Alt][T] can help out!

Q.   I can't catch those pesky cruise missiles!  They're 
flying too fast.
A.   Your aircraft can actually travel faster at higher 
altitudes.  If you need to pursue a fast moving, low flying 
cruise missile, you may need to get to about 20,000 feet and 
kick in the afterburner to catch up to the missile.

Q.   I can't seem to target any enemies.  I keep pressing 
[T] and [U], but all I ever get are friendlies.
A.   Check the setting of the "IFF DISCRIMINATOR".  This 
device tells your targeting system which types of aircraft 
to select when hitting [T], [Y] or [U].  Press [;] to cycle 
through the three modes: All, Hostile and Non-Hostile.

Q.   Sometimes I am tracking an enemy, and the missile 
seeker centers in the target designator box, but I don't 
hear the 'lock tone'.
A.   This can happen under 2 circumstances:  1) The target 
is not in range of the currently selected weapon, or 2) your 
closure rate is too fast, and the firing computer has 
determined that the missile will not be able to maneuver to 
the target properly.  In the first case, you can select a 
longer range missile, or wait until you are in range.  In 
the second case, you can slow down a bit, or pull a little 
less 'lead' to give your missile more time to maneuver.

Q.   I selected an area to fly in the Free Flight control 
panel, but I get a message that says "OUTSIDE GAMING AREA 
A.   You probably selected an area outside the scenery that 
is provided on the CD-ROM.  Select another area that is 
clearly inside one of the 'red boxes' on the Free Flight map 
when it is zoomed out to world view.

Q.   When I try to fly, I receive a message that says "YOU 
A.   You are too close to the 'edge' of our scenery world.  
Head back towards the area covered by the CD-ROM, or start a 
new free flight session.  You can zoom out on the Free 
Flight map to see what areas are covered on the CD-ROM.

Q.   I selected an airport to fly at, but I get a message 
A.   Some of the airports in the list of airfields may not 
be in the current scenery.  Please try a different airport.


Q.   How do I make JetFighter III run faster?
A.   There are many answers to this question, and they all 
depend on your tastes.  Here are some hints:

- Run in 320x200 mode.  The game was specifically designed 
to look good in this mode!  Even on very fast machines 
you may enjoy the GAME PLAY more in 320x200 mode than you 
would in higher resolution modes!  Use high resolution 
modes for sightseeing.  Use low-res for combat.  Mode 
switches are quick and easy!
- Turn off the clouds [Alt][C]!  This will speed up the sim 
a lot.
- Turn off the instrument panel with [P] or [F1].  Use the 
on-screen radar for combat [Alt][R].  You can still check   
your MFDs with [F5]-[F8] while the panel is off.
- Try using [Alt][F5] to shrink the screen size.
- Run the game in 'pure' DOS mode.  Windows 95 memory 
management system is very inefficient for most games.   
Most users will see much better performance in DOS.

Q.   I only have 8 Meg of RAM.  If I upgrade to 16Meg, will 
JetFighter run better?
A.   JetFighter III won't run FASTER, but it will LOOK 
BETTER.  Machines with less than 16 Meg of RAM can not use 
the high resolution textures and must use terrain textures 
that are 1/4 the size of the hi-res textures.  HOWEVER: 
adding more memory MAY make the game run faster if you are 
running in Windows95.  The more RAM you have, the less 
"swapping to disk" Windows will do.

Because we use real geographical data and provide seamless 
point-to-point navigation, JetFighter III requires an 
enormous amount of scenery data.  Normally, JetFighter III 
finds this data on the CD-ROM drive.

Unfortunately, CD-ROM drives are much slower than hard 
disks, and at times you may notice a pause in the game while 
it loads a new area of the world from CD-ROM.  There are 
several things you can do to minimize, and even eliminate 
this pause.

1.  Get out of Windows 95!  Windows memory/disk caching 
scheme is not very efficient for games.  If at all possible, 
reboot your computer into MS-DOS mode for much better 

2.  Create a disk cache.  Use SMARTDRV or another program to 
create a disk cache of about 2 Megabytes.  If your computer 
only has 8 Meg of RAM, you will NOT have enough extra memory 
for a disk cache.

3.  Copy some of the scenery to your hard disk!  This is the 
ultimate solution, and if you can spare the space, we highly 
recommend it.  Here is how it works:

When JetFighter III needs more scenery, it FIRST looks in 
the root directory of the hard disk where JetFighter III was 
installed for the proper scenery subdirectory.  This will be 
named something like \W075S35.

This directory contains all the data for the 5 by 5 degree 
area of the world who's southwest corner is 75 degrees west, 
35 degrees south.  I know that seems like a mouthful, but if 
you look at a map, it will become much more clear.  Here is 
some "ascii art" to help out:

                    |          |
                    | W075S30  | W070S30
                    |          |
                    |          |
               S 30 +----------+---------
                    |          |
                    |          |
                    | W075S35  | W070S35
                    |          |
                    |          |
               S 35 +----------+---------
                    W 75       W 70

To speed up access to a particular region, all you have to 
do is copy that area to the drive where JetFighter III is 
installed.  Here is an example of how to copy W075S35 from 
the CD-ROM drive D:, to the hard disk C:

     XCOPY D:\W075S35\*.* C:\W075S35\*.* [Enter]

NOTE: In the future, we may provide a free update to 
JetFighter III which will make this process easier.  We may 
also build-in a caching system which will handle this 
automatically.  Check our WEB site periodically for more 

Here are the different regions we recommend copying to your 
hard disk.  They are listed with the most used regions 
first, so if you only have space for one, copy the first in 
the list.

For Operation Hurricane (Cuba)
 - W085N20 (Havana)
 - W080N20 (Santa Clara)

For Operation Caged Saint (Chile/Argentina)
and Training Missions
 - W075S35
 - W075S40
 - W075S30


Q.   Does the JetFighter III CD-ROM have to be in the drive 
during play?
A.   Yes!  The scenery in JetFighter III is so expansive 
that very few people would give up the 500 Meg of hard disk 
space that would be required to install the entire game!  
Because of this, the CD must be in the drive during game 

Q.   Can I use my CD-ROM drive to play an audio CD while I 
fly JetFighter III.
A.   No.  JetFighter III needs to read scenery data off the 
CD during the game.  If you have multiple CD-ROM drives, you 
may be able to play audio from one CD while JetFighter reads 
the other CD.

Q.   I have 16 Meg of RAM, but I can't seem to get more than 
10 Meg or so free.
A.   We have noticed that some CD-ROM device drivers set up 
a very large disk cache BY DEFAULT.  This cache could be as 
large as 4 Meg, thereby reducing your memory dramatically! 
Watch your 'boot-up' process carefully and see if your CD- 
ROM driver reports that it is using a large disk cache.  If 
it does, you will need to contact your computer dealer for 
more information.

Q.   I want to run JetFighter III (and other games) in 'pure 
DOS' mode, but I can't get my mouse or CD-ROM drive to work. 
A.   There are several ways to exit Windows 95 and run your 
computer in 'pure DOS' mode.  Please look in the section of 
this file called REBOOTING TO DOS MODE.

Q.   The introduction animation freezes on my computer.  I 
can press a key and everything else seems fine.
A.   You probably have your sound board incorrectly set up.  
Run INSTALL while in the JetFighter III directory (you don't 
have to be on the CD) and verify your sound card settings.

Q.   I try to change resolution modes but the sim gets all 
garbled up and locks up on me.  What's going on?
A.   Not all video cards support 640x350 mode the same way.  
You may be able to get 640x530 mode to work properly by 
using a different VESA driver.  We are working on a way to 
get 640x350 mode working properly on more machines, and will 
post an update when it is finished.  If you think you are 
having problems getting 640x400 or 640x480 mode to run, then 
you definitely must get a new VESA driver.  Contact the 
manufacturer of your video card, or use the shareware 
SciTech Display Doctor found in the \DRIVERS directory of 
the JetFighter III CD-ROM.

Q.   I run the program and the sound works fine while on the 
carrier, but I do not get sound when I run the simulator.  
How can I fix this?
A.   You probably have the wrong IRQ or DMA channel set for 
your sound card.  It is possible that even with the wrong 
settings, you may still hear sound while aboard the carrier.  
However, once you are in the aircraft, you will either hear 
nothing, or the program may crash.  Verify your sound board 
settings and run the game again.  You can change the 
settings by typing INSTALL [Enter] in the JetFighter 
directory that you installed to (NOT the CD-ROM)!  Remember 
that on some systems, the IRQ & DMA settings may be 
different for your soundcard in Win95 and DOS.  Please 
verify what your sound board settings are in DOS.

Q.   I can't get all the buttons on my joystick to work why 
Q.   The 'hat' on my Thrustmaster FCS doesn't do anything.
A.   JetFighter III has a very convenient joystick setup 
program which lets you select the type of joystick you are 
using.  Each joystick has a 'program' associated with it 
that controls what functions the different switches will 
activate.  There are some joysticks, however, that use 
'analog' switches.  These joysticks require special 
calibration, and prevent the simultaneous use of throttle 
and rudder controls, so we decided to support only the 
'digital' switches on your joystick.

Q.   Can I customize or remap the joystick buttons?
A.   YES! Run the INSTALL program and select CONFIGURE 
BUTTONS after selecting your joystick.

Q.   Does JF3 support 3D accelerator cards?
A.   While we don't currently support the new crop of 3D 
accelerators, we are working hard on adding this support 
right now!  You should expect a significant increase in 
frame-rate as well as vastly improved color fidelity.  
Because JetFighter III uses a very sophisticated rendering 
system, we will be focusing our energies on supporting the 
'high-end' 3D cards first.  Please check missionstudios.com 
periodically for updates.

Q.   I just got JF3 and can't find any selection for general 
MIDI in the sound setup.  Specifically the Roland SCC-1.  
Does JF3 support this board?
A.   Try using the setting for Ensoniq SoundScape.  That is 
a general MIDI device.  We will post an update to the 
install program which will include selections for more 
sounds cards, including general MIDI devices.

Q.   Where are the Thrustmaster joystick custom files?
A.   We have posted a set of Thrustmaster calibration files 
on the donwload sites.  Thanks to Bill "DJ" DiGiacomo and 
Scott Wolf for building these files!

Q.   I have a Soundblaster AWE32 and have the correct IRQ & 
DMA settings in DOS yet my soundcard will still not work?
A.   With this advanced card (and some others) you need to 
"wake up" the card for use in DOS.  Run the DIAGNOSE utility 
that came with your AWE32 to enable the soundcard in DOS.  
If you do not have this utility, please contact Creative 
Labs for technical support.

Also, some sound cards have a software volume control which 
is often set to a VERY LOW setting when you turn on your 
computer.  You will need to run 'volume control' software 
provided by your sound card manufacturer.

Q.   When I try and calibrate my joystick I get a red 
message stating "invalid center or incompatible joystick?"
A.   Check and make sure your joystick is plugged into the 
proper sound board or game card port at the back of your 
computer.  You may also have to "wake up" your advanced 
sound card in DOS.

Q.   My video graphics card (Cirrus Logic, etc.) doesn't 
seem to work with JetFighter III.  I can only run the 
simulator in low-res.

A.   You need to get the latest VESA driver.  The best place 
to get this would be from your video board's manufacturer.  
They probably have a website where you can download this 
file.  Otherwise try the shareware VESA driver, Scitech 
Display Docter, located in the /DRIVERS directory on the 
JetFighter III CD.  Be sure to try all high-res modes!  Due 
to your specific video board's capabilities, one or two 
high-res modes may not be available.

Q.   The Install program acts strange after I successfully 
install the game.
A.   On some systems with a SoundBlaster Pro sound card, the 
Test routine may cause the install program to act strange 
when it is finished.  Everything should be OK, you should 
just avoid pressing TEST if you ever need to re-install.

On some systems, we have heard reports of a DOS Extender 
error.  (CauseWay error #09).  If you have any information 
on this, please contact our customer support staff.  We are 
trying to solve this problem and provide a downloadable 
patch for our users.

The following points may be of interest to the more 
technically inclined user.

- Real world contiguous and seamless navigation.  We model 
huge areas of the world, not just little 'mission zones'.  
If you had enough gas (use the unlimited fuel cheat), you 
could fly thousands of miles and never see any 
- Real 'polar' navigation.  We simulate a spherical world. 
This means that 1 degree of arc at the equator covers 
more distance than it does down south in Chile!  Also, 
try flying to 40,000 feet and look at the horizon!
- No 'speed compression'.  In most sims, when your airspeed 
indicator shows 1,400 Kts, you're really only flying 200 
MPH.  Everything feels like 'slow motion'.  Not so in 
JetFighter III, we don't 'fake' speed or time.  You 
REALLY feel like you're moving FAST!
- No 'altitude compression'.  Again, most sims 'fake' your 
altitude.  When the altimeter reads 40,000 feet, it still 
looks like you're at 10,000 feet.  JetFighter III does 
not 'compress' altitudes.
- Lots of objects on the ground.  Most sims with 3-D 
terrain don't have many objects on the ground.  
JetFighter III has many thousands of objects.  You can 
even follow power transmission towers from city to city! 
- Enemies use countermeasures.  You will see flares and 
clouds of chaff popping out of enemy aircraft.

If you want to order maps of the mission areas in JetFighter 
III (and see just how accurate JetFighter is), you can 
contact the Defense Mapping Agency.  There are two types of 
maps that we think are most helpful:

ONC or Operational Navigation Charts are rendered at a scale 
of 1:1,000,000 and show most major features and airports.  
They are great for large area coverages.

TPC or Tactical Pilotage Charts are at 1:500,000 scale and 
show more detail than ONC charts.  We recommend these maps 
for mission planning.  4 TPC maps cover the same area as 1 
ONC chart, and they are named with the same code

The following codes will help you order the maps that cover 
the JetFighter III mission areas:

ONC J-27    Haiti and the Dominican Republic
ONC J-26    most of Cuba, Jamaca and the Cayman islands
TPC J-26A   western Cuba including Havana and Santa Clara
TPC J-26B   eastern Cuba

ONC Q-26    extreme northern Chile
ONC Q-27    northern Chile and Argentina
ONC R-23    north Chile, Argentina including Santiago
ONC S-21    southern Chile and Argentina, Gulfo Corcovado
ONC T-18    extreme south, Strait of Magellan

Because there is so much to see and do in JetFighter III, we 
are always worried that people may not experience some of 
the highlights of the game.  Here is a short list of things 
to try:

EXTERNAL VIEW:  Many people never experiment with the 
external views.  Press [-] and use the numeric keypad or the 
joystick to pan around your aircraft.  When on the carrier 
deck, use the external view to get a look at the cockpits of 
other aircraft

EJECT!  After ejecting, use the view controls to look at... 
yourself!  When in an external view, move the joystick 
around.  If you are using rudder pedals, give them a try for 
another treat.

JET BLAST DEFLECTORS:  Use the new carrier views [Numpad *] 
to check out the jet blast deflectors on the carrier.

ZOOM... ZOOM...:  Don't ignore the zoom controls [<] and 
[>]!  In dogfights when using the cannon, it may help to 
zoom way in on your target.  Not only will this help your 
shot, but you will better be able to see how your target is 

If you are good with graphics programs, you can import your 
own pilot portrait to use in the Roster menu.  Here are the 
technical details:

- The image must be a standard .PCX file.
- The image MUST be 200 x 200 pixels in size.
- The image can ONLY use palette entries 128-248 
(inclusive).  The first 128 and last 8 colors are reserved 
for JetFighter III.
- When done, you must put the image in the \USER directory 
under the JetFighter III subdirectory and name it 
PHOTOxx.PCX where xx is a 2 digit number like 09.

Here is a step by step guide to importing a photo: 

1) Take the image you want to use, and sample or clip the 
image to be exactly 200x200 pixels in size.  Most paint 
programs will have an option for doing this.

2) Next, you will need to reduce the number of colors the 
image uses down to 120.  JetFighter requires the other 
colors for the background, so be sure you are only using 120 
colors!  Make sure these colors are in palette entry numbers 

3) Save that 200x200, 120 color image as a standard 8-bit 
.PCX file in the \USER directory which you'll find under the 
main JF3 directory.  (something like C:\JF3\user)

4) Now we must 'move' the new image's palette to use slots 
128-248.  To do this, we provided a utility program called 
"MAKEPLT.EXE", which can be found in the \USER directory on 
your hard drive under the directory where you installed 
JetFighter III.  This program is command line driven.  From 
a DOS prompt, type "makeplt <imageName> <newname>", where 
imageName is the name of the .PCX file you wish to import, 
and newName is the name of the new file to create with the 
utility.  Here's an example -

     c:\makeplt mypic.pcx photo09.pcx

This will take the picture "MYPIC.PCX" and turn it into a 
valid JF3 pilot image file called photo09.pcx.  In order to 
see what number to use for your new image, look at the files 
in the \USER directory which are named "PHOTOxx.PCX" and 
find out what the next number in the sequence needs to be.  
You can delete the source image from the \USER directory at 
this point if you want (i.e. mypic.pcx).

5) Run JetFighter III and go to the ROSTER screen in 
Operations and click on the portrait window to change your 
pilot image to the picture you just created!!

6) Voila, QED.  If you don't understand some of these 
directions, see if you can get a friend to help you out!  
But please don't call our technical support line for 
assistance with importing images into the game.  This 
feature is for image processing experts only!


We will try to provide updates to JetFighter III as soon as 
enhancements are made and problems are fixed.

Most updates will consist of a self-extracting file that 
needs to be 'extracted over' your currently installed 
version of JetFighter III.

There are several good places to check:
    America Online - visit the Flight Sim Resource Center
    Compuserve GAMCPUB and FSFORUM

Visit www.missionstudios.com and download missions that our 
staff creates "just for the fun of it."  We are trying to 
post a new mission each week.  (But if we get busy, we may 
miss one!)

Have you painted a cool decal for your aircraft?  If so, 
visit www.missionstudios.com and submit the decal for our 
weekly competition. Winning decals will be posted and made 
available for downloading.

For the very best performance, we recommend that you re-boot 
to "pure" DOS mode.  Doing this will prevent the Windows 
memory manager from slowing down JetFighter III.

Rebooting to DOS from Windows 95 is usually very easy.  In 
some cases, however, your computer dealer may not have 
configured your machine to use your CD-ROM, mouse and sound 
card in DOS mode.  If this is the case, additional steps may 
be necessary to get these items working in DOS.

- Left-click on the Start button.
- Left-click on Shut Down.
- Select "Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode" and left-
click on OK.

If, after restarting in DOS mode, you don't have access to 
your CD-ROM, mouse, or sound card, you may need to try 
option #2.  Additionally, you may need to consult your 
computer dealer for help on where to find the drivers you 
will need.

We have created a 'skeleton' DOS Reboot Shortcut to help you 
out.  (This is the reboot system that our lead developer 
uses to run games!) It is only an example and not to be used  
verbatim for your system.  If you have any questions 
regarding setting up a DOS Reboot Shortcut please contact 
your computer manufacturer's technical support.  This is an 
easy question for them, one that they answer every day, and 
this is what they are paid to do!

- Use the Windows Explorer to find the file DOS_BOOT.PIF in 
the folder where you installed JetFighter III. 
- Right click on DOS_BOOT and select Properties.
- Select the Program tab
- Click on Advanced.
- Edit the config.sys and autoexec.bat entries to load your 
CD-ROM, mouse and sound card drivers (if necessary).  We 
have created a good example, but your CD-ROM driver may be 
named differently, or your mouse driver may be in a 
different directory.  This is the tricky part, and you may 
need to talk to your computer dealer to get the specific 
information about your drivers.

Our technical support staff is willing to help with any 
problem, but they have no way of knowing what type of CD-ROM 
drive or sound card you have and where your DOS drivers 
might be located.

After you have updated DOS_BOOT to be compatible with your 
system, simply double-click on it and it will re-boot your 
machine in DOS mode.  To exit DOS mode and return to Windows 
95, just type EXIT [Enter].

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