3Space Publisher for the PC

Interactive 3D Suite

divider-apps.GIF (217 bytes)
Now with ActiveStyles™!

Version 2.0

GIF Animation

animation.GIF (20212 bytes)
animation2.GIF (13385 bytes)
.. 3Space Publisher, from TGS, comes complete with a built-in drag & drop GIF Animator, that allows you to fine tune your animated GIFs or create new ones!
Easily adjust settings for transparent backgrounds, individual or universal frame-rates, and even looping options, then optimize your finished animation using a web-safe GIF optimizer.
gifanim1.GIF (6547 bytes) ..............arrow.GIF (549 bytes).. gifanim2.GIF (22889 bytes)

Go from plain 3D clip art to cool custom 3D graphics in an instant!