How to Use the Turing Machine
To Run a Demo Program
- Click anywhere on screen to begin.
- Select a program and Load it.
- Press Step repeatedly to run the program or select Auto or FastAuto to run it automatically.
- Program will halt when there are no more rules to apply or Input/Output Tape contains an unknown symbol.
To Write Your Own Program
- Write your rules in the Rule List edit box.
- Click the Update button to load your rules.
- Enter some letters or numbers on the Input/Output Tape.
- Click on the Tape roller diamonds to advance or retract the Tape.
- Use Step, Auto, or FastAuto to run your program.
Special Features
- Click on Turing's picture at any time to learn more about him or to get information on errors.
- Click on Input/Output Tape or Turing Machine for additional information.
- Click on Clear to remove all Tape symbols.
- Change the machine's State by editing the State box and clicking on Change State.
- Click on Update after making any changes to the Rule List.
- Use Stop to halt a running program at any time.