Class games.Battle.shared.comm.GameInit
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Class games.Battle.shared.comm.GameInit


public class GameInit
extends BattlePacket
A GameInit packet is the information which is sent from the server to each client at the beginning of a game in order to set up preamble information like the Rules of the game, the colors of each of the players.

Variable Index

the default colours used by games.

Constructor Index

 o GameInit()
The default constructor which fills the GameInit packet with default data.
 o GameInit(int, Color[])
The data constructor for the GameInit which fills it with the given data.

Method Index

 o fromBytes(byte[])
Fill this GameInit packet with the given array of bytes.
 o getPlayer()
Return the player identifier of this game initializer
 o toBytes()
Produce an array of bytes representing a GameInit


  public final static Color DEFAULT_COLORS[]
the default colours used by games.


 o GameInit
  public GameInit()
The default constructor which fills the GameInit packet with default data. This contructor is used by the client application prior to calling the readFrom(is) method to obtain a game init packet from a data stream.
 o GameInit
  public GameInit(int player,
                  Color colors[])
The data constructor for the GameInit which fills it with the given data. This contructor is used by the server application prior to calling the writeTo(os) method to send a game init packet to a data stream.
player - the player identifier
an - array of colors representing the color for each player


 o getPlayer
  public int getPlayer()
Return the player identifier of this game initializer
 o toBytes
  public byte[] toBytes()
Produce an array of bytes representing a GameInit
toBytes in class BattlePacket
 o fromBytes
  public void fromBytes(byte buffer[])
Fill this GameInit packet with the given array of bytes.
buffer - the byte array from which to fill this GameInit
fromBytes in class BattlePacket

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