Class games.Battle.shared.comm.GameInit
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Class games.Battle.shared.comm.GameInit
- public class GameInit
- extends BattlePacket
A GameInit packet is the information which is sent from the
server to each client at the beginning of a game in order to
set up preamble information like the Rules of the game, the
colors of each of the players.
the default colours used by games.
- The default constructor which fills the GameInit packet with
default data.
GameInit(int, Color[])
- The data constructor for the GameInit which fills it with
the given data.
- Fill this GameInit packet with the given array of bytes.
- Return the player identifier of this game initializer
- Produce an array of bytes representing a GameInit
public final static Color DEFAULT_COLORS[]
- the default colours used by games.
public GameInit()
- The default constructor which fills the GameInit packet with
default data. This contructor is used by the client application
prior to calling the readFrom(is) method to obtain a game init
packet from a data stream.
public GameInit(int player,
Color colors[])
- The data constructor for the GameInit which fills it with
the given data. This contructor is used by the server application
prior to calling the writeTo(os) method to send a game init
packet to a data stream.
- Parameters:
- player - the player identifier
- an - array of colors representing the color for each player
public int getPlayer()
- Return the player identifier of this game initializer
public byte[] toBytes()
- Produce an array of bytes representing a GameInit
- Overrides:
- toBytes in class BattlePacket
public void fromBytes(byte buffer[])
- Fill this GameInit packet with the given array of bytes.
- Parameters:
- buffer - the byte array from which to fill this GameInit
- Overrides:
- fromBytes in class BattlePacket
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