Class games.Battle.client.EuropaClient.EuropaQueueComponent
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Class games.Battle.client.EuropaClient.EuropaQueueComponent


public class EuropaQueueComponent
extends QueueComponent
The EuropaQueueComponent is a graphical representation of a QueueComponent, giving visual feedback to players on who is currently waiting for or currently playing a game on the server. This implementation displays an image of the moon in the center of the component with some number of "satellites" surrounding the moon. When a player joins a game, his or her name is added to a satellite with an appropriate player color. The player ranking is also displayed below the name.

Constructor Index

 o EuropaQueueComponent(GameInfo, EuropaClient)
Create a EuropaQueueComponent with the given GameInfo and EuropaClient.

Method Index

 o hilite()
Hilite this component with the appropriate color and draw.
 o minimumSize()
 o normal()
Erase any previous hilites in this component by drawing in black.
 o paint(Graphics)
Paints the panel.
 o preferredSize()
 o resetGameInfo(GameInfo)
make the component up to date before repainting with superclass method


 o EuropaQueueComponent
  public EuropaQueueComponent(GameInfo inf,
                              EuropaClient client)
Create a EuropaQueueComponent with the given GameInfo and EuropaClient. Initializes the locations of the satellites in the square and initiazes all of the display strings to nothing.
inf - the game info
client - the "owner" client applet


 o resetGameInfo
  public void resetGameInfo(GameInfo g)
make the component up to date before repainting with superclass method
resetGameInfo in class QueueComponent
 o paint
  public void paint(Graphics g)
Paints the panel. Any satellites with no label are painted gray, all others are painted their appropriate player color.
g - the graphics context to draw on
paint in class Component
 o hilite
  public void hilite()
Hilite this component with the appropriate color and draw.
hilite in class QueueComponent
 o normal
  public void normal()
Erase any previous hilites in this component by drawing in black.
normal in class QueueComponent
 o minimumSize
  public Dimension minimumSize()
minimumSize in class Container
 o preferredSize
  public Dimension preferredSize()
preferredSize in class Container

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