Class games.Battle.server.ServerBoard.ServerBoard
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Class games.Battle.server.ServerBoard.ServerBoard
- public class ServerBoard
- extends Board
ServerBoard extends the board to keep track of things that the server
side wants to know about the game board.
- this is the maximum number of actual troops permitted in
a cell at one time.
ServerBoard(GameReferee, Logger)
- given a referee and a log file, construct a new game board.
addVisibility(int, int, int)
- makes the given cell and the surrounding region to the
horizon visible to the given player
- produce debugging output
howMuchTime(long, String)
- record how much time some action has taken.
- return true if the game has ended - that is only one player remains
isVisible(int, int, int)
- returns true if the given row,col cell is visible to
the given player
- kill the player given as an argument.
makeCell(int, int)
- makes a cell for the server board
- produce terrain based on the geomorph tiles.
- given a player number give the player a new city on the map.
removeVisibility(int, int, int)
- Removes visibility of adjacent cells for player assuming player
just lost occupancy of the cell at row, col.
- update the board to reflect the passage of one unit of xbattle time.
updateCell(int, int)
- update a particular cell on the game board.
public final static int maxTroops
- this is the maximum number of actual troops permitted in
a cell at one time.
public ServerBoard(GameReferee ref,
Logger logfile)
- given a referee and a log file, construct a new game board.
- Parameters:
- ref - the referee
- logfile - the log service
public Cell makeCell(int r,
int c)
- makes a cell for the server board
- Overrides:
- makeCell in class Board
public void makeRandomTerrain()
- produce terrain based on the geomorph tiles.
public void placePlayer(int player)
- given a player number give the player a new city on the map.
public void addVisibility(int row,
int col,
int player)
- makes the given cell and the surrounding region to the
horizon visible to the given player
- Parameters:
- row - the row of the cell to adjust from
- col - the column of the cell to adjust from
- player - the player who is now in this position
public boolean isVisible(int row,
int col,
int player)
- returns true if the given row,col cell is visible to
the given player
- Parameters:
- row - the row
- col - the column
- player - the player who is trying to see row, col
public void removeVisibility(int row,
int col,
int player)
- Removes visibility of adjacent cells for player assuming player
just lost occupancy of the cell at row, col.
row, col can't be occupied by player, or method will not
not work properly--i.e. unoccupy it first.
- Parameters:
- row - the row of the cell that has been vacated
- col - the column of the cell that has been vacated
- player - the player who is no longer in this cell
public void asciiDump(int player)
- produce debugging output
public void update()
- update the board to reflect the passage of one unit of xbattle time.
public void killPlayer(int player)
- kill the player given as an argument. allows the player to watch the
whole game board until the game ends.
- Parameters:
- player - the player who is killed
public boolean isGameOver()
- return true if the game has ended - that is only one player remains
public void updateCell(int row,
int col)
- update a particular cell on the game board.
public long howMuchTime(long oldtime,
String msg)
- record how much time some action has taken. used to help make sure
that the server can consistently meet the time goal of X ms per turn.
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