Class games.Battle.client.ClientApplet.ClientCommLink
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Class games.Battle.client.ClientApplet.ClientCommLink
- public class ClientCommLink
- extends Object
- implements Runnable
This class is a simple animation thread which displays a
"please wait" animated graphic while the client and server
establish communication with each other at the beginning of
a game.
The ClientCommLink execution has absolutely no mercy with
repect to whatever currently exists in the graphic display
of the component it is contructed with. When started, the
runnable will simply continually write over the entire client
Construct a ClientCommLink class, using the given component
to draw itself in.
- The run method for the ClientCommLink instance, executed when
a controlling thread is started.
public ClientCommLink(Component c)
- Construct a ClientCommLink class, using the given component
to draw itself in.
public void run()
- The run method for the ClientCommLink instance, executed when
a controlling thread is started. This method simply loops
forever (until it is killed) display its contents and
doing its animation.
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