Class games.Battle.client.ClientApplet.ClientAbortDialog
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Class games.Battle.client.ClientApplet.ClientAbortDialog
- public class ClientAbortDialog
- extends Frame
A specialized dialog class used for shutting down the game
client in the event of a communication problem with the
game server.
ClientAbortDialog(Applet, Thread)
- Builds the dialog box, telling it which applet to kill
if the user requests it, and which thread to suspend
to make the dialog box appear modal.
- Processes the dialog box events
public ClientAbortDialog(Applet applet,
Thread t)
- Builds the dialog box, telling it which applet to kill
if the user requests it, and which thread to suspend
to make the dialog box appear modal. The suspended
thread is resumed when the dialog box is closed.
- Parameters:
- applet - the applet to resume or kill
- thread - the thread to block on to give modal behaviour
public boolean handleEvent(Event e)
- Processes the dialog box events
- Parameters:
- e - the event being handled
- Overrides:
- handleEvent in class Component
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