Class games.Battle.client.ClientApplet.ClientArcadeAnimator
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Class games.Battle.client.ClientApplet.ClientArcadeAnimator


public class ClientArcadeAnimator
extends Object
implements Runnable

Constructor Index

 o ClientArcadeAnimator(Graphics, int, int, Image[], int, int)
Construct a ClientArcadeAnimator.

Method Index

 o run()
The main body for the ClientArcadeAnimator runnable.


 o ClientArcadeAnimator
  public ClientArcadeAnimator(Graphics g,
                              int x,
                              int y,
                              Image images[],
                              int fps,
                              int dur)
Construct a ClientArcadeAnimator. This runnable, when started as a thread will draw the array of images to the graphics context at the location (x,y) for dur frames at fps frames per second.
g - the Graphics context
x - the x location to draw
y - the y location to draw
images - the array of images to animate
fps - the number of frames to draw per second
dur - the total number of frames to animate
See Also:
Graphics, Image


 o run
  public void run()
The main body for the ClientArcadeAnimator runnable. The method just loops and delays at appropriate values to achieve the results specified in the contructor.

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