Strategy ![]() New players to the game are often frustrated by the fact that it is very difficult to be successful when they are learning the ropes. First, they have to learn the controls of the game--but that's not enough. Players who know the tricks of the game can easily obliterate those who don't, and it all comes down to strategy. Many strategic concepts must be learned through experience, and that means practice, practice, practice. There are some tricks which can help alleviate frustrations early on, and help you win more often. This document attempts to describe some of these basic strategic concepts. Note that Europa employs a rating system which helps you gauge and compete against other players who share your level of ability in the game. ![]() The following is an arbitrary list of points which describe some aspect of game play in Europa and try to describe a reasonable way of handling the situation. Troop ProductionA city which is completely full is not producing troops, and therefore not helping you in your cause. This is crucial at all times during the game, but especially at the beginning--when the game begins, immediately create a vector (or two) out of the city and start producing some nanobots. Be careful not to venture too far and leave your defenceless city behind, though. Later in the game if you notice a city has completely filled its supply lines and is not producing any troops, create a new supply line and get some use out of the city. You can never have too many troops. Using the landscapeThe landscape plays an important role during the game. Its easy to go down a hill, but much more difficult to come up. Plan your attacks and defenses around the surrounding landscape, and try to use it to your advantage. Stay organizedTry to keep your lines of troops orderly and organized. This takes practice, but once mastered will do wonders for the effectiveness of your scraps. Avoid a tangled web of pipes that are hard to reorganize and backtrack. Stick to single lines of attack which can easily be redirected to another attack, or to defend. Be conservative with paratroopersParatroopers are expensive, it costs two nanobots to land one. Use paratroopers to take out enemy pipes (and thus cut off their line of supply) without them noticing. It is sometimes useful early in the game to send out small "scouts" to look for the enemy by sending single paratroopers around your city. Be cautious with gunsGunning your own troops is fatal! Don't be the victim of friendly fire by aiming poorly. Test your gun destination with a small burst before laying on the thick guns. A cool technique with gunsBuild up two block of troops next to an enemy block. From the front block of troops take out any pipes feeding the enemy block. Next, from your rear block gun out the enemy block (be careful with guns!). Next, dump your front line block into the now vacated enemy square and quickly add support lines. ![]() Background - Objectives & Rules - Controls - Strategy - The Rating System - Credits - Log In & Play Produced by Alex Nicolaou and Jay Steele Java and other Java-based names are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and refer to Sun's family of Java-branded technologies. |