Interface como.commlet.Commlet
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Interface como.commlet.Commlet

public interface Commlet
extends Object
The interface for Commlets. You should not have to refer to this; most Commlets should be derived from WindowCommlet or MetaCommlet.

Method Index

 o getCommletInfo()
 o getCommletName()
 o getSessionName()
 o handleMsg(Msg)
this Method is called, if you receive a new message.
 o hideCommlet()
This hides the commlet.
 o init()
This is called after setCom has been called.
 o isUserAdmitted(User)
Override this and return true if you want to permit the user u to join the Commlet.
 o setCom(ComObj)
Sets the corresponding ComObj for this commlet.
 o setMetaCommlet(MetaCommlet)
For MetaCommlets.
 o showCommlet()
This shows the commlet and does some basic inits.
 o stop()
Called when it will stop.


 o getSessionName
  public abstract String getSessionName()
the name of the session
 o getCommletName
  public abstract String getCommletName()
the name of the commlet
 o getCommletInfo
  public abstract String getCommletInfo()
some information about the commlet
 o setMetaCommlet
  public abstract void setMetaCommlet(MetaCommlet m)
For MetaCommlets.
 o init
  public abstract void init()
This is called after setCom has been called. If you override it, call super.init() in the first line!.
 o showCommlet
  public abstract void showCommlet()
This shows the commlet and does some basic inits. Called from outside, if it should the commlet should be shown.
 o hideCommlet
  public abstract void hideCommlet()
This hides the commlet. Not needed at the moment by ComObj, but by WindowCommlet/MetaCommlet.
 o setCom
  public abstract void setCom(ComObj c)
Sets the corresponding ComObj for this commlet.
c - the ComObj
 o stop
  public abstract void stop()
Called when it will stop. In this routine you have to call ComObj.logout() at the end!
 o handleMsg
  public abstract boolean handleMsg(Msg msg)
this Method is called, if you receive a new message. msg.from will be the ID of the sender. In msg.type you'll find the message ID. * In msg.arg you'll find the object that was sent.
msg - the Msg
true, if you handled the message (for handled messages that might be interesting for other commlets in a metacommlet do return false then!). false if not handled (like in AWT: handleEvent())
 o isUserAdmitted
  public abstract boolean isUserAdmitted(User u)
Override this and return true if you want to permit the user u to join the Commlet.

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