Welcome to the Microsoft Site Builder Workshop
CD Snapshot

We hope you'll have an enjoyable, informative, and inspirational visit. Why are we calling it a "snapshot"? Because that's what it is--a CD-based version of a living, breathing, growing Web site. We took the snapshot in early July, 1996--and by the time you read these words, the site will have already evolved. We took the snapshot so that you could immediately get a good taste of the Site Builder Workshop, without having to go online.

Perhaps you're wondering, "What's the purpose of the Site Builder Workshop?" That's simple: to provide you with everything you need to know about using the latest Internet technologies for your Web solutions. The topics covered include:

* Creative design
* Content authoring
* Programming
* Site administration
* Production and planning
* Information and resources on ActiveX™
You also get ready access to lots of binaries--such as NetMeeting and Comic Chat as well other SDKs, viewers, and so on--without having to download them over the Internet.

YouÆll need a browser to explore this Web site. We recommend that you use Microsoft® Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta 2. Internet Explorer 2.0 also works with this site, but not quite as well. You can also use Netscape® Navigator® and Navigator Gold 2.0. We've had problems with Navigator 3.0 Beta 4, so you might want to use one of the other browsers when visiting this snapshot of the site.

Sit back, relax, start up your favorite browser, and enjoy your trip to the land of the Site Builder Workshop. If you see the image internet link next to a link, it's telling you that the link takes you off the CD and sends you to the Internet; you can return to the CD by simply backing up (use the Back arrow button). You can also add this page to your Favorites list to make it easy to return to the Site Builder Workshop.

© 1996 Microsoft Corporation