You will be amazed at this collection of ActiveX™ controls and samples--a gallery of components and resources offered by our partners for your Web authoring and development tasks. This gallery will continue to grow as we add more controls, samples, and information. We hope that you will visit this area frequently on the Web for the most up-to-date listing of ActiveX components available.
When you enter the gallery, you will notice that you can navigate the components either by category or by company name, using the frame on your left. Each component has an information page and a sample page. Clicking the link for the sample page will automatically install the control on your system so that you can view the sample. (In future versions of the gallery, each control will have a bitmap that will allow you to decide which controls to install.) Note that the hard-drive space required by the samples can vary significantly.
As you browse through the gallery, keep in mind that many of the controls have been limited or time-bombed to permit online distribution. If a control's time bomb has expired by the time you read this, please check our online site or the manufacturer's site for more information on how you can view the control.
At this time, the ActiveX Component Gallery requires Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta 2, which supports these controls.
Before you enter the gallery...
Most of the controls and components were not digitally signed at the time of this CD snapshot. As a result, you must adjust the Internet Explorer security settings to view these components. To adjust the security settings, select Options from the View menu. Click the Safety Level button on the Security tab, and choose the Expert setting to be warned before a new control is installed on your system.
Also note that if you're using Windows NT&#reg; 4.0 Beta 2, you may observe some inconsistent behavior with code downloads. In some cases, it might take an additional refresh or download to ensure that the control is installed on your machine.
On behalf of the Site Builder Workshop team at Microsoft and all Microsoft partners, we hope that you will enjoy visiting the gallery on this CD, and will also visit it online later at