Microsoft Internet Information Server Now Available

February 12, 1996

The Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS) is now available for Microsoft Windows NT™ Server on Intel®, Digital Alpha AXP™, MIPS®, and PowerPC™ systems.

Overview of features
Download IIS

Overview of features


IIS requires Windows NT Server 3.51 (or later) and Windows NT Service Pack version 3.0. For downloadable, localized versions of the Windows NT Service Pack and additional information on requirements, please see the Internet Information Server Web siteinternet link.


If you already have Windows NT Server 3.51 or later, you can obtain IIS online or as a stand-alone product from Microsoft:

If you don't have Windows NT Server 3.51 or later, you can obtain it as follows:

Download IIS

Link to the Microsoft Internet Information Server Web siteinternet link to download IIS for Intel, Alpha AXP, MIPS, or PowerPC. You can also download localized versions of the Windows NT Service Pack 3.0 (which is required for IIS) from this location.

© 1996 Microsoft Corporation