WinBrick Version 2.04 17.2.1996 Stefan Kuhne, Tel. +5331-29541 Dr. Kirchheimer Str. 3a, 38304 Wolfenbuettel Germany e-Mail : _______________________________________________________________________________ 0.0 Short index =============== 1.0 Latest changes 2.0 Known problems 3.0 Registration form _______________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Latest changes ================== Version 2.04: o When leaving the 20th level, you'll get automatically to the next scenery. o The 32bit version of WinBrick 96 is now also able to play the two player mode with a network connection!! o 40 new levels has been added o Additional rules for the network game: - The name for the HiScore list will be automatically the player name. - The HiScore list has 16 entrys and will be updated when starting a network game. o The hiScore list will now also be updated if you accept a credit. o Some optical enhancements. o Within the two player game, you are able to decide, wether the sides will be swapped after a level completition or not. Version 2.03: o The appearance of the game with 256 colors is now nearly the same as with true color. o Some small optical errors solved. Version 2.02: o Some visual enhancements. o Some small errors fixed. Version 2.01: o Level editor added. o Some small errrors fixed. Version 2.00: o Configuration is now Windows 95 like (with property pages) + direct help. o Zoom to fullscreen as option. o Sound volume is now adjustable. o In 2 Player mode, you are now able to get and fire rockets. o There are now two new 'brick type's: Lightening and 'opponent lightening'. o The maximum of simultaniously displayed objects is now 64+16. o It's much faster now. o Fire Rockets is now done by pressing both buttons at once. o For speed improvement and a better reading, the rotating score could now be disbaled. o Demo mode implemented. o Three new special objects has been implemented: - 15-Ball explode - 8 Lightening explode - 3 Level jump o Levels are scrolling through. o And much more... _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 Known problems ================== o Joystick control 'absolut' is unstable.---------------------------------- The physical joystick hardware is implemented very cheap in the most cases. Soundeffects for example may move the racket a little bit randomly. o The game seems to pause sometimes with heavy action.--------------------- Some sound drivers use very much time to stop Sound. If you have one of these, you may disable sound effects. o No second mouse support with Windows NT. o Window to small (some graphics are cut off)? Try a smaller system font! o The 32 Bit Version of Winbrick96 did not run with Windows 32s (extension to Windows 3.x)! _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Registration form ===================== Please send this registration form and a cheque/money to the following address: Stefan Kuhne Dr. Kirchheimer Str. 3a 38304 Wolfenbuettel Germany Quant. Item Price _____ WinBrick 96 @ 30.-$ each $________ _____ Registration of level editor for WinBrick96 - design your own levels! - @ 10.-$ each $________ _____ Update from WinBrick 1.x You have to send back the original disk @ 15.-$ each $________ Shipping cost $ 10.- ======== Overall: ________ I want this Version: ( ) 32 Bit - runs on Windows 95/NT only (faster, more objects, network) ( ) 16 Bit - runs on Windows 3.x/95/NT,OS/2 If nothing is checked, I get the 16 bit version of the game. Name: _________________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ State _________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________