Aminet Uploads vom 26.04.1999
Alles rund um den Amiga

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Charts der am häufigsten geladenen Files
Aminet Mirrorliste

soundamirx.lha       comm/irc     2K+Sound AmIRX Script For AmIRC/WildIRC
iris.lha             comm/mail  283K+Email client (SMTP/POP3) V1.9
IrisUpdate.lha       comm/mail   46K+Update Iris V1.8 to V1.9
YAM2P7_PL.lha        comm/mail   45K+YAM2P7 - PL version by Spider
YAMsp.lha            comm/mail   95K+YAM Spanish Documentation v2.0 7.2
AGM33c_full.lha      comm/misc  492K+FULL VERSION of full-blown German Teleko
FTS10_full.lha       comm/misc  124K+Remote control program for the AMIGA
SafeEdit.lha         comm/thor    3K+Prevents posting unedited messages with 
BoingTransf.lha      comm/www   129K+24bit/256 colors BoingBall Ibrowse-trans
SP9.lha              demo/mag   1.7M+Seenpoint #9 by Scoopex [March/99]
StatsFuncs.lha       dev/basic   41K+Big update, much easier to find stuff.
GAPLib.lha           dev/c      232K+Comprehensive Genetic Algorithm Programm
AIOV23.lha           docs/mags  225K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 23 (Apri
Mags_txt_index.lha   docs/mags   25K+TEXT indices of magazine articles
amigotchyfull.lha    game/misc  453K+Free full version of the first *REAL* vi
Demolicious.lha      game/misc   53K+Quake demo editor
fu_psv_main-1.lha    game/misc   12M+Football management game (full version)
xtru.lha             game/patch  88K+Track installer and manager for XTreme R
Mpeg2anim13.lha      gfx/conv   606K+Converts MPEG animations into ANIM files
Mpeg2Anim13.lha      gfx/conv   606K+Converts MPEG animations into ANIM files
VE-Extras.lha        gfx/edit   125K+Visual Eng. - External files v1.66
Show.lha             gfx/show   696K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040+PPC) V
c1581.lha            misc/emu    49K+A c1581 filesystem for Amiga (3.5") driv
C64Gfx.lha           misc/emu   327K+C64 graphics format conversion package
uae-app_015.lha      misc/emu    39K+UAE-ADF Mount+Unmount Workbench-Interfac
Sadley.lha           mods/melod 270K+Spoochy's 19th OctaMed mod.
Fantasy_Lacy.lha     mods/misc  244K+Spoochy's 18th OctaMed mod.
mvp_0038.lha         mods/mvp   2.4M+MoPlayaz - intelligent logicaleness EP
WF7_MVS-Block1.mpg   pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Block
WF7_MVS-Block2.mpg   pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Shadow Block
DMS2HD1_5.lha        util/arc    47K+Unpacks DMS archives to HD v1.5
AHelp1_2.lha         util/cdity  80K+The ultimate HELP: manager v1.2
FileExtract.lha      util/cli     8K+Extract part of a file into a new file
Ordering_v1.17.lha   util/dir   320K+Powerful directory utility for OS 2.04
AtLast.lha           util/misc    7K+At last! Reboot from WB's Quit menu!
LC2.lha              util/misc  151K+Aussie Lotto checker/database.
ResetRun.lha         util/misc    3K+Resets your computer and runs a given pr
FWCalendar.lha       util/rexx   58K+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
RememberTime.lha     util/time    2K+Util for Amigas without battery clock
Starter.lha          util/wb     25K+Run programs from a file requester!
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© Petra Struck 26.04.1999