AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special Neues von der Amiga 99 (13.03.99) --------------------------------- Wie in AMIGA aktuell 3/99 berichtet, findet in diesen Tagen in den USA die Messe Amiga 99 statt. An einer IRC-Konferenz, die kuerzlich abgehalten wurde, nahmen auch Amiga-Praesident Jim Collas und der Leiter der Amiga-Produktentwicklung Jeff Schindler teil. Nachfolgend die wichtigsten Details zum Amiga der naechsten Generation, die genannt worden sind: - Das erste AmigaNG-Produkt werde das Entwicklersystem sein. - Amiga erwaege, fuer das Entwicklersystem optional eine Erweiterungskarte anzubieten, die Multimedia-Features und -Leistung zur Verfuegung stellt, die nicht jeder PC bieten koenne. - Das zweite AmigaNG-Produkt werde ein Multimedia-Computer sein. - Amiga will einen Computer zum Preis von etwa 500 US-Dollar mit der Leistung eines 3000US-Dollar-PCs ermoeglichen. - Amiga wolle selbst neue Hardware vorstellen, jedoch solle der AmigaNG eine offene Architektur besitzen, so dass die Technologie in vielerlei Produkten verwendbar sei. - Letztendlich peile man eine Gesamtstueckzahl von 20-30 Millionen Geraeten an. - Das neue Amiga-Betriebssystem werde Multiprocessing unterstuetzen. - Weitere Details zur Architektur sollen auf Entwicklerkonferenzen im Sommer und Herbst bekanntgegeben werden. An anderer Stelle wurden die Monate Juli/August (moeglicherweise frueher) genannt. - Amiga verhandele mit verschiedenen grossen Softwareunternehmen ueber AmigaNG-Unterstuetzung, von denen bislang keine ausdruecklich "nein" gesagt habe. - Der AmigaNG soll ueber das bestehende Haendlernetz verkauft werden. - Amiga werde als weltweite Firma gefuehrt, der Schwerpunkt liege auf den Laendern, in denen der Amiga am weitesten verbreitet ist, also Deutschland, UK und USA. - Der erste grosse Auftritt von Amiga soll auf der Comdex im Herbst stattfinden. - Noch in diesem Jahr soll eine bedeutende Menge an Geld fuer Marketingmassnahmen bereitgestellt werden. In einer Rede gab Jim Collas weitere Details bekannt: - Das neue Amiga-Betriebssystem werde den Namen "AmigaSoft" tragen. Die erste Version, AmigaSoft 4.0 alpha (fuer Entwickler), werde im September erscheinen, die endgueltige Version soll Ende des Jahres auf den Markt kommen. - Eine Betaversion von AmigaSoft 5.0 soll Ende des Jahres erscheinen, die endgueltige Version soll im zweiten Quartal des Jahres 2000 fertig sein. - AmigaSoft soll eine "revolutionaere" Software-Architektur und eine vollstaendige Entwicklungsumgebung bereitstellen. - Jim Collas versprach eine bessere Kommunikation zwischen Amiga und der Amiga-Gemeinde. - Amiga haette nun die volle Unterstuetzung durch den Mutterkonzern Gateway. Amiga sucht Entwickler (13.03.99) --------------------------------- Parallel zur Amiga 99 startete Dr. Allan Havemose, der Leiter der Amiga-Softwareentwicklung, eine Aktion, die die Einstellung von Mitarbeitern zum Ziel hat: »Below is our latest Engineering job openings in San Jose. If you're interested and think you may be qualified, please follow the directions at the end of the message. Most of the formatting got lost when I pasted it into this news message. Visit, select the english language tab, and look for engineering jobs on the left hand side. Should be easier to read this way. As you can see, we're redoing both our web sites. The job openings will be on as soon as we finish the work. NOTE: We have a problem with our mail server. Do NOT send email to for the next few days. Follow the directions as the end of this message. I'm looking forward to speaking to qualified candidates ! Allan ***** ASCII version: Visit for the HTML version ***** Job Descriptions for Amiga Engineering in San Jose General Amiga is a highly entrepreneurial start-up company. We are headquartered in San Diego and have our development group in San Jose. All of the following openings are based in our San Jose offices. Our San Jose offices are located on North First Street between Trimble and the Airport. At Amiga we are designing next generation Internet-ready, consumer-oriented digital appliances. The Amiga name is associated the world over with user-friendly, low cost, powerful computing. We are taking this philosophy into the next generation, enabling products from hand held Internet appliances to high-end graphics computers that help the user rather than frustrate them. See or for more details on Amiga, our history and the community. The successful candidate will have a proven track record in the computer industry. While each opening has special requirements the general expectations are: * Proven industry track record * Demonstrable ability to deliver robust, top-quality software on time * Committed to success and willing to do what it takes to deliver industry leading product * BS/MS/Ph.D. in computer science or electronic engineering * Strong proven technical skills in C++ Job Descriptions Principal Engineer/Manager Positions User Interface Group: * More than 10 years of commercial experience in generating compelling user-interfaces * Strong technical skills with a good understanding of C++ and Java technologies * Experience with real-time, multimedia operating systems * Experience with Client/Server graphical user interfaces * Experience with QNX, UNIX, Linux, WindowsNT, AmigaOS or similar modern OS * Understanding of system architecture and design of operating systems * Ability to lead, manage and mentor a group of software and human-factors engineers Networking and e-commerce Group: * More than 10 years of commercial experience in networking, e-commerce and transaction processing. * Strong technical skills with a good understanding of C++ and Java technologies * Experience with real-time, multimedia operating systems * Experience with Client/Server transaction/e-commerce systems * Experience with QNX, UNIX, Linux, WindowsNT, AmigaOS or similar modern OS * Understanding of system architecture and design of operating systems * Ability to lead, manage and mentor a group of software engineers Sr. Software Engineer/Software Engineer Positions: Graphics/Video/OpenGL/Audio/Gaming (multiple positions) * More than 5 years of commercial experience in one or more of the following * 2D/3D graphics engines * OpenGL application programming * Applications using Digital video algorithms (MPEG, codec s) * Applications using Digital audio algorithms (AC-3, positional audio, mp3) * Gaming technologies * Strong technical skills with a good understanding of C++ and Java technologies * Experience with real-time, multimedia operating systems * Experience with QNX, UNIX, Linux, WindowsNT, AmigaOS or similar modern OS * Experience with embedded programming. * Ability to write specifications User Interface (multiple positions) * More than 5 years of commercial experience in one or more of the following * Consumer user interfaces * Desktop user interfaces * Use of multimedia (video, graphics, animation and audio) in user interfaces * Preferences and Configuration * Strong technical skills with a good understanding of C++ and Java technologies * Experience with real-time, multimedia operating systems * Experience with QNX, UNIX, Linux, WindowsNT, AmigaOS or similar modern OS * Experience with embedded programming. * Ability to write specifications Human Factors (multiple positions) * More than 5 years of commercial experience in one or more of the following * Design of consumer user interfaces * Design of desktop user interfaces * Usability studies * Proven creative background with a strong sense for good user experiences * Working knowledge of today s leading operating systems: Windows, Mac, UNIX, QNX and AmigaOS * Ability to clearly articulate user interface designs Networking/e-commerce/transactions (multiple positions) * More than 5 years of commercial experience in one or more of the following * Basic networking technologies (TCP/IP, SMTP, POP3 etc.) * Browsers and their implementation * E-commerce standards * Encryption and Authentication * Cable interfaces * Billing & Logging * Strong technical skills with a good understanding of C++ and Java technologies * Experience with real-time, multimedia operating systems * Experience with QNX, UNIX, Linux, WindowsNT, AmigaOS or similar modern OS * Experience with embedded programming. * Ability to write specifications Build manager * More than 3 years of experience managing the build process of a larger software development group * Revision control, release management, Documentation control * Ability to write smaller tools and utilities to assist the development process * Good technical skills with an understanding of C++ and Java technologies * Experience with QNX, UNIX, Linux, WindowsNT, AmigaOS or similar modern OS * Ability to work well with engineering staff and management Quality Assurance & Test * More than 3 years of industry experience in the field of software test and quality assurance: * Write test-suites and run them * Tenacity to identify and isolate bugs and inconsistent behavior * Work as a member of a software development team. * Strong technical skills with a good understanding of C++ and Java technologies * Experience with QNX, UNIX, Linux, WindowsNT, AmigaOS or similar modern OS * Experience with embedded programming. * Ability to write test-plan How to Apply If you would like to apply for one of the openings please forward a copy of your resume to one of the following addresses. Be sure to clearly indicate the position you are applying for. Email: Email: Make sure you to include the word Amiga in the subject line Fax: Fax: (619) 799-3949 Attn: Andrew McCartney, Amiga Human Resources Mail: 4545 Towne Centre Crt San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Andrew McCartney, Amiga Human Resources Amiga is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Amiga does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, Vietnam Era veteran or special disabled veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other protected status as provided by law. -- Allan Havemose, Ph.D. Amiga Vice President, Engineering (W) (H)« -- Und noch zwei Kurzmeldungen: * Bei dem Programm 'Daytona', das Nordic Global fuer den Sommer angekuendigt hat, handelt es sich um eine Java Virtual Machine. * YAM ist in der Version 2.0 Preview 7 erschienen und kann auf heruntergeladen werden. -- E-Mail-Abos von AMIGA aktuell koennen unter Angabe der gewuenschten Version (1. AMIGAGuide oder HTML; 2. mit oder ohne Grafiken) kostenlos auf den WWW-Sites und bzw. per E-Mail ( eingerichtet werden. © 1999 Carsten Schroeder - Der Inhalt dieser Mail darf nur vollstaendig und ohne Aenderungen weiterverbreitet werden. AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special