Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with ESMTP id WAA04822; Mon, 29 Mar 1999 22:06:22 +0200 (METDST) Received: from ([] ident=cschroe@gwdg-stud) by with smtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10RiFE-0005qI-00; Mon, 29 Mar 1999 22:02:49 +0200 From: Carsten Schroeder Reply-To: Carsten Schroeder To: Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 20:48:13 +0100 Message-ID: Importance: High X-Mailer: YAM 2.0Preview7 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck - Organization: AMIGA aktuell - German news magazine (Aminet: docs/mags/) Subject: AMIGA-aktuell-Special (29.03.99) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-UIDL: c7e5b00c91f4718f776fecf583d46a0a AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special Phase 5 mit Aenderungen, Preissenkungen und A1200-G3/G4-Boards (29.03.99) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Ereignisse ueberschlagen sich: Nachdem vor wenigen Tagen auch die Firma Metabox G3-Boards angekuendigt hat, zieht nun Phase 5 mit einer Reihe von Aenderungen nach. So soll es nun auch G3/G4-Karten fuer den A1200 geben. Desweiteren wurden die Preise der A3000/4000-Boards gesenkt, bei gleichzeitiger Integration neuer technischer Features. Hier die englischsprachige Ankuendigung, die deutsche wird, wenn sie rechtzeitig erscheint, in AMIGA aktuell 4/99 zu finden sein: »Note for german readers / Hinweis fuer deutsche Leser: Die deutsche Version dieser erweiterten Ankuendigung wird am 31.03.99 ins Web gesetzt. Wir bitten um Ihr Verstaendnis, dass wir derzeit einen kurzen Vorlauf fuer englische Ankuendigungen haben. phase 5 digital products is excited to announce that the next step in ground-breaking technological progress will take place soon. Since we first announced the Cyberstorm G3/G4 project just 10 days ago, the overwhelming response by the Amiga Community has not only convinced us to extend the original Cyberstorm G3/G4 project to an extended Amiga G3/G4 product line. Driven by the excitement of so many Amiga users, we have spent many hours of additional consideration meanwhile, discussing the requests and demands by the user community, and going into technical details and cost optimization. Today we can present some exciting news, which also make some of the statements of the original announcement and the update obsolete already. However, if you had not informed yourself about this development before, please read these original announcements which contain information about conditions and time frames for this new product generation. Following the history of world's most established processor upgrade technology for Amiga computers, and implementing the experience of the innovator who made the PowerPC technology for the Amiga a reality, we at phase 5 digital products have also decided to make this new technology available to a much larger user base, and doing what we always did in the past years with our stunning products: Offer more value for less money! And that's what we will be doing again - so go ahead and read about the new additional features at the new lower prices! New models: By introducing a second product, the Blizzard G3/G4, we will also provide the stunning G3/G4 technology and performance to the users of A1200 Tower systems. Two models - one with G3 and one with G4 processors - can be ordered now. We are also now taking orders for the 300MHz G4 version of the Cyberstorm G3/G4. New features: All G3/G4 boards from phase 5 digital products come with SCSI on board - UltraSCSI on the A1200 versions, UltraWide SCSI on the A3000/A4000 version. Our proven SCSI technology, which has been providing unmatched performance since seven years, will provide full backwards compatibility with existing SCSI devices. But even more than that: With the integration of 400Mbit/s FireWire ports, all our G3/G4 boards open the door to this future industry standard, including the world of digital video devices New prices: By proceeding with the related projections and calculations, and going into the details, we have been able to determine new and improved pricings which will make these stunning products even more attractive. Plus, we have changed the pricing to EURO (for Europe) and US$ (for outside Europe). New Order & Prepayment conditions: In order to proceed quickly with the finalization and production of this new product line, we still require the originally announced quantity of back orders with a prepayment deposit. All customers who support our development will receive a major discount, as announced before (please see below for the new prices and discounts for the different models). But phase 5 digital products is also ready to take orders now without prepayment, for the suggested retail prices listed for the different products. These orders will not be shipped by phase 5 digital products directly, but forwarded to local dealers and distributors. So far the overview of the major changes in the project. Now here comes the list of the extended and updated new G3/G4 product line for the AMIGA by phase 5 digital products. Right now, users can choose out of the following four models: BLIZZARD G3/300 for A1200 Tower systems o 300 MHz PowerPC750 processor with 1MB fast Backside-Cache o Ultra SCSI on board for backwards compatibility with a large number of existing SCSI devices, providing a performance of up to 20MB/s o Three 400MBit FireWire ports (IEEE-1394), allowing the connection of up to 63 devices, and opening the world of digital video to the AMIGA o up to 1 GB SDRAM o PCI-Bridge-Connector: This interface, a fully PCI 2.1 compliant implementation, allows the connection of PCI devices or PCI backplanes, thus allowing the expansion of the Amiga with all kinds of industry standard hardware products o suggested retail price of EURO 669.00 (Europe) or US$ 729.00 (outside Europe) o Customers who are ready to pay a prepayment deposit of EURO 125 / US$ 140 will take advantage of the discounted prepaid price of EURO 589.00 or US$ 639.00 including worldwide free postal delivery - and, of course, will be among the first to receive their Cyberstorm G4 board! BLIZZARD G4/300 for A1200 Tower systems o 300 MHz PowerPC7400 processor (G4 with Altivec) with 1MB fast Backside-Cache o The breathtaking multimedia performance of the 128-Bit Altivec vector processing unit will open new dimensions to all kind of applications which are optimized on the G4 chip o Ultra SCSI on board for backwards compatibility with a large number of existing SCSI devices, providing a performance of up to 20MB/s o Three 400MBit FireWire ports (IEEE-1394), allowing the connection of up to 63 devices, and opening the world of digital video to the AMIGA o up to 1 GB SDRAM o PCI-Bridge-Connector: This interface, a fully PCI 2.1 compliant implementation, allows the connection of PCI devices or PCI backplanes, thus allowing the expansion of the Amiga with all kinds of industry standard hardware products o suggested retail price of EURO 749.00 (Europe) or US$ 829.00 (outside Europe) o Customers who are ready to pay a prepayment deposit of EURO 125 / US$ 140 will take advantage of the discounted prepaid price of EURO 659.00 or US$ 729.00 including worldwide free postal delivery - and, of course, will be among the first to receive their Cyberstorm G4 board! CYBERSTORM G3/400 for A3000/A4000 systems o 400 MHz PowerPC750 processor with 1MB fast Backside-Cache o UW-SCSI on board, providing a performance of up to 40MB/s and backwards compatibility with a large number of existing SCSI devices o Three 400MBit FireWire ports (IEEE-1394), allowing the connection of up to 63 devices, and opening the world of digital video to the AMIGA o up to 1 GB SDRAM o PCI-Bridge-Connector: This interface, a fully PCI 2.1 compliant implementation, allows the connection of PCI devices or PCI backplanes, thus allowing the expansion of the Amiga with all kinds of industry standard hardware products o suggested retail price of EURO 949.00 (Europe) or US$ 1049.00 (outside Europe) o Customers who are ready to pay a prepayment deposit of EURO 125 / US$ 140 will take advantage of the discounted prepaid price of EURO 829.00 or US$ 919.00 including worldwide free postal delivery - and, of course, will be among the first to receive their Cyberstorm G3 board! CYBERSTORM G4/300 for A3000/A4000 systems o 300 MHz PowerPC7400 processor (G4 with Altivec) with 1MB fast Backside-Cache o The breathtaking multimedia performance of the 128-Bit Altivec vector processing unit will open new dimensions to all kind of applications which are optimized on the G4 chip o UW-SCSI on board, providing a performance of up to 40MB/s and backwards compatibility with a large number of existing SCSI devices o Three 400MBit FireWire ports (IEEE-1394), allowing the connection of up to 63 devices, and opening the world of digital video to the AMIGA o up to 1 GB SDRAM o PCI-Bridge-Connector: This interface, a fully PCI 2.1 compliant implementation, allows the connection of PCI devices or PCI backplanes, thus allowing the expansion of the Amiga with all kinds of industry standard hardware products o suggested retail price of EURO 899.00 (Europe) or US$ 989.00 (outside Europe) o Customers who are ready to pay a prepayment deposit of EURO 125 / US$ 140 will take advantage of the discounted prepaid price of EURO 779.00 or US$ 859.00 and worldwide free postal delivery - and, of course, will be among the first to receive their Cyberstorm G4 board! All prices do not include VAT / MwSt. or any other local taxes or duties which may apply. Specifications and prices are subject to change. A note about Software: For the add-on features such as the SCSI interfaces or the FireWire ports, phase 5 digital products will provide the necessary software tools and drivers, and also cooperate with other developers. Additionally, we are in negotiations about licensing useful software to ship with our G3/G4 boards, and will take care that support of the upcoming AmigaOS developments is realized. Another note on the prepayment & discount: Remember, the prepayment which enables you to take advantage of the discounted price, will go on a special notary account as announced earlier. The amounts collected there will not become available to us before we actually ship the products; they are a deposit which support our efforts to bring out the new products for the Amiga which the users have been asking for, thus representing a partnership between the Amiga community and us in realizing this stunning new technology for the Amiga. If this new list of stunning product offerings includes the G3/G4 model which you want for your Amiga 1200 Tower/3000 (T)/4000(T), then do not hesitate but go ahead and support us in supporting the future of the Amiga by placing Your CYBERSTORM G3/G4 or BLIZZARD G3/G4 preorder NOW! IMPORTANT: If you have already placed an order during the last 10 days, please DO NOT place a new order! We will email or mail you in the next days, to verify if your order may be changed to a different model.« (Quelle: Phase 5 digital products) -- E-Mail-Abos von AMIGA aktuell koennen unter Angabe der gewuenschten Version (1. AMIGAGuide oder HTML; 2. mit oder ohne Grafiken) kostenlos auf den WWW-Sites und bzw. per E-Mail ( eingerichtet werden. © 1999 Carsten Schroeder - Der Inhalt dieser Mail darf nur vollstaendig und ohne Aenderungen weiterverbreitet werden. AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special