Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 27 January 1993
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fspd, in.fspd - server for the FSP database  


fspd [-f configfile]

in.fspd [-f configfile]  


fspd is the server for an anonymous-ftp style archive called FSP. The main features of this service are: connection-less model, communication robustness, server resource protection, inter-client protection, and user friendly interface. Please read the INFO file bundled with the FSP source for more information.



May be used to specify an alternate configuration file.



Used to indicate the ownership of a directory. If this file is present in a directory, the directory is owned by the machine whose inet number is XXXXXXXX when printed as an 8-digit hex number.

A text file that is sent to the client when the directory is entered giving information about the directory. It can only be hand created by the site administrator at this time.

Existence of this file in a directory grants non-owner machines the permission to delete items from this directory.

Existence of this file in a directory grants non-owner machines the permission to add items to this directory.

Existence of this file in a directory means that files in that directory cannot be read, i.e. they are private.

Existence of this file in a directory grants non-owner machines the permission to create subdirectories under the current directory.

Transient temporary file in the FSP directory cache directory used for file uploading.

Transient temporary file in the FSP directory used for file downloading through the fgrab command.

A file created in the top directory when fspd receives an alarm signal. It contains a listing of the active clients in fspd's client table.

A file containing control information about how specific features of the server are to be used. See the example.conf file for explicit details.

File used to cache directory listing. Such files are normally created on demand in each directory that fspd exports. If a .FSP_CONTENT file exists in a directory, but is not writable by the fspd process, then the directory cannot be listed. If it does not exist and fspd fails in its attempt to create a .FSP_CONTENT file, then fspd will create one with a hashed name in a cache directory specified during compile time. Options can be set at compile time such that fspd will create a cache file in the cache directory even if a .FSP_CONTENT file could have been created in the directory to be listed.



fcatcmd(1), fcdcmd(1), fgetcmd(1), fgrabcmd(1), flscmd(1), fmkdir(1), fprocmd(1), fput(1), frmcmd(1), frmdircmd(1), fver(1), fducmd(1), fhostcmd(1), fspd(1), fsp_prof(5), ffindcmd(1)




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