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[About The Guide]
Keyboard reference
Switch panels Tab
Panels on/off ^O
Toggle inactive panel on/off ^P
Swap panels ^U
Toggle status panel ^L
Toggle tree panel ^Z
Toggle function key bar on/off ^B
Reread directory/tree ^R
Select/unselect a file Ins
cd \ ^\
Select group gray +
Unselect group gray -
Invert group gray * when command line
is empty
Restore selection ^M
------------------------ Command line ------------------------
Cursor movement Delete
Character left ^S Char left BS
Character right ^D Under cursor ^G or Del
Word left ^A or ^. Word left ^W or ^BS
Word right ^F or ^. Word right ^T
Start of line ^Home Line ^Y
End of line ^End To end of line ^K
History commands
Previous command ^E or . when both panels off
Next command ^X or . when both panels off
Recent command chars + ^Enter
Insert selected files ^I
Insert pathname of left panel ^[
Insert pathname of right panel ^]
Quote next character ^Q
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson