BackFtp 1.0 (c) Alberto Velo, 1996 ** BackFtp user licence ** I PROVIDE ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY: USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I WON'T BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR PC, INCLUDING THE LOSS OF DATAS OR ANYTHING INVOLVED WITH YOUR JOB, HOBBY OR WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING WITH THIS SOFTWARE. IF YOU DON'T ACCEPT THIS CONDITION, DON'T USE BACKFTP !! * License conditions: Given the basic condition stated above, you may: 1) Copy this software and give it to everybody, provided that you DON'T CHANGE the original archive: distribute the original ZIP file you received, and DON'T modify any of the files in it included. 2) You may change the files in this packet for your personal use ONLY (for example you might change the mex source to suite your particular needs). 3) You CAN'T distribute any changed files coming from this archive: if you make changes and wish to distribute them ask me, and I'll include your files in the next release. * Commercial and non-commercial license: There are two types of license, for BackFtp: commercial and not commercial. My definition of 'commercial' is: - if your BBS is a commercial site, that is you have commercial services on it, you ARE commercial; - if your BBS is held in a commercial environment, even if you don't sell anything with the BBS, you ARE commercial; - if you're not commercial, but ask your users to pay some money to use BackFtp on your BBS, you ARE commercial for me; - if you don't fall in one of the above, you're not commercial. * Prices SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE for BackFtp 1.0 I will provide special prices for first 20 users (of each category, i.e. 20 commercial and 20 not-commercial licenses) who will register the program. Prices are: Not commerical license................... US$ 10 Commercial license....................... US$ 20 After these 20 licenses have gone, prices will rise a little. * Support Given the absence of any warranty, I will provide support via E-mail and Fidonet or OS2net Netmail. Please write to: Alberto Velo 2:334/708.1 81:439/63.1 Eventually write a letter to: Alberto Velo via Martinat 5 10069 Villar Perosa (TO) ITALY Registered users will have preference in support, while I cannot grant support for unregistered copies of BackFtp. Registered users will be notified about any new release of BackFtp, and will have right to use any version of BackFtp (i.e. you pay only once in your life). Maybe I will release different version in the future, that is a slightly limited shareware version and a full featured version for registered users. This won't be necessary if you, user, register your copy (it's not expensive, is it?). Please send your money in a envelope or ask me for my Bank coordinates.