The Blue Wave Mail Door Configuration Menu Help 蓝波快信系统 - 设定选单求助画面 C)hoose Message Areas for Download ---------------------------------- Allows you to select and deselect which message areas you want to download through The Blue Wave Mail Door. When selecting areas, you are presented with a choice to download ALL messages in the area, only personal messages in the area, or Personal message *and* those addressed to "All". 让您标记或不标记要抓取信件的信区。 {PAUSE} P)rotocol --------- Allows you to define the transfer protocol (Zmodem, Xmodem, ect.) that you would like to use to transfer mail packets between your computer and the BBS. 指定您在传输信件时要使用的通讯协定 (Zmodem, Xmodem, 等.) 在您上传或下传信包时。 {PAUSE} A)rchiver --------- Allows you to select the compression method you would like to use when downloading your mail packet. (ZIP, ARC, LZH, ARJ, etc.) 指定您要下传回去的信包所要使用的压缩格式。 如 (ZIP, ARC, LZH, ARJ, 等.) 当然您在使用蓝波读信程式时也要用相同的压缩格式来解信包、及压缩回信信包。 {PAUSE} N)ew File Listings in Packets ----------------------------- After packing your messages for download, The Blue Wave Mail Door will scan the BBS file areas for new files since your last successful mail download. There are 3 choices for this option: NO - Do not bother building a new file listing. YES - Build a new file listing (text, no color). COLOR - Build a new file listing, and include ANSI colors. *** NOTE *** The Sysop may have disabled this option on the configuration menu. 当蓝波为您打包信件时、它会顺便帮您把新进档案的列表一起包给您、您可以 有三个选择 : NO - 不要把新档列表打包进去. YES - 要把新档列表打包进去 (文字档、没有彩色). COLOR - 要把新档列表打包进去 (ANSI 彩色画面). *** 注意 *** 您的站长可能将此功能关闭、那您的设定便无效了. {PAUSE} U)se Numerical Packet Extensions -------------------------------- When The Blue Wave Mail Door builds your mail bundles, it normally names the packet extensions with the day of the week and the number of the packet for the day (MO1, TU2, WE7, TH1, etc). If you would like you packets to have sequential numeric extensions (001, 002, 003, etc), turn this option ON. 当蓝波快信帮您打包信件时、信包档名通常是按星期几及一些数字组成 : 像是 (MO1, TU2, WE7, TH1, 等). 如果您希望您的信包档名是依照数字 由小到大来编排 (001, 002, 003, 等), 那么将此设定改为 ON. {PAUSE} G)raphics Mode (On/Off) ----------------------- Normally, The Blue Wave Mail Door will use color if you have selected to use color within the BBS. However, you may turn COLOR off in the door, if you like. 一般而言, 蓝波是使用彩色模式来显示。 如果您不希望如此、可用这功能将其关闭。 H)otkey Menu Selections ----------------------- The Blue Wave Mail Door allows you to input most menu selections without having to press [ENTER] to accept the command. You may need to turn Hotkeys off if you have frequent line noise. 蓝波快信系统允许您在输入某个指令後不用在按 [ENTER]。 当然您可以关掉它、尤其当您线路状况不是很好时。 {PAUSE} B)undle Messages From You ------------------------- If you turn this option OFF, the door will not bundle any messages into your mail packet that have either your name or alias in the FROM: field. 如果您将这个功能 OFF, 那么蓝波将不会把您写的信包到您要下传的信包中。 也就是您的名字出现在 FROM: 栏位的那些信。 X)pert Menu Mode ---------------- Enables the door's EXPERT menus. You should not use this option if you are not familiar with the way The Blue Wave Mail Door operates. 使用专家模式的选单、如果您对蓝波还不是很熟、我们可不建议您使用它。 {PAUSE} R)eset Lastread Pointers ------------------------ Allows you to change which messages The Blue Wave Mail Door thinks you have read. If you reset your pointers 3 days, this means the door will attempt to send you 3 days worth of mail on your next download. 要蓝波快信将那些它认为我们已看过的信改成没看过的。 如果您改读信指标 3 天、那么蓝波在您下次抓取信包时会把这三天的信再包给您。 {PAUSE} L)imit Download Packet Size --------------------------- The Blue Wave Mail Door allows you to define the MAXIMUM size of your UNcompressed mail packet. Set this option to "0" (Zero) if you do not wish to limit your mail packet size. Otherwise, you may set this to any number greater than 50. When the uncompressed size of your mail packet exceeds your limit, the door will cease bundling and allow you to download as much mail as will fit into your "packet size window". 蓝波快信系统可以让您限制未压缩信包的最大容量。 如果您不想限制、那么就设 "0" 。 不然的话、您就要设定为任何大於 50 的数目。 如果信包超过您限制的大小、蓝波会停止包信、并允许您下传符合您限制大小的信包。 {PAUSE} S)et Password Options --------------------- The Blue Wave Mail System allows you to define a password as an "extra" security measure against other people accessing your mail. This command will allow you to define your password and HOW the mail system is to USE this password (door, reader, or both). 蓝波快信系统提供您设定密码的功能、您可以定义一个特别的密码、以防别人冒领 您的信件、或盗用您的ID 。 这个功能更可定义系统如何判断密码 ( 站上用、或是读信程式用、还是两边都用) {PAUSE} K)eyword Selection ------------------ Allows you to define up to 10 keywords of up to 20 characters apiece. When The Blue Wave Mail Door scans the BBS's message base for mail, you will be informed of any keywords that are present in the various message bases. You can then use The Blue Wave Bundling Commands to download ONLY the messages that contain these keywords. Please see the reader's documentation for more details. 让您定义超过十个关键字、每个字可大於 20 个字元。 {PAUSE} F)ilter Selection ----------------- Filters perform very similarly to the K)eywords option, but instead the door will allow you to FILTER out the messages that you do not want to download. Again, please see the reader documentation for more details. 这个功能 (过滤器) 和关键字功能很像、只是它是把符合过滤关键字的信件踢掉 、不作打包工作。您的蓝波读信程式说明中有介绍。 {PAUSE} M)acro Definitions ------------------ The Blue Wave Mail Door allows you to define 3 macros that you can use for often-entered Bundling Commands. Instead of typing a long, cumbersome string each time you download mail, simply define a Macro! At the command prompt, you can then simply type "M1", "M2", or "M3". 蓝波快信系统可以让您定义三组巨集指令、巨集指令包含了一些您常用的蓝波 包信指令。 如此一来、您就省得没事就要打一串长字的痛苦了 ! 当您要使用巨集指令时、只要在蓝波的包信指令提示下打 "M1","M2", 或 "M3".