The Blue Wave Mail Door - Main Menu Help 蓝波快信系统 - 主选单求助画面 The Blue Wave Mail System is an off-line mail reading system designed to save you time and money on your favorite BBS system, while still being able to actively participate in Echomail and Groupmail conferences. You can download selected echos to your computer for later reading and replying at your convenience! This allows you to trim your phone bills and allow more users onto your favorite BBS. For detailed documentation of each function of the Blue Wave Mail System, it is highly recommended that you read the operations manual supplied with your copy of the Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader. 蓝波快信系统是一套非线上信件读取系统、设计的目的在於能为您、省下宝贵的 时间和金钱却同时能获得自己喜欢的信件。您可利用您自己方便的时间再来回信 、如此多的乐趣、您应该感到幸运: 您站上的sysop架了这一套蓝波快信系统。 如果您想彻底明白蓝波快信的每个功能、我们建议您直接阅读您的蓝波 读信程式的说明书。里面将会有详细的解说。 {PAUSE} D)ownload New Mail ------------------ Takes you to the download area, where a mail scan will be performed, and you will be able to dynamically bundle mail in your defined conference areas. By using the Blue Wave Bundling Commands you have the power to build your own custom mail packet! 带您进入下传信包的功能、蓝波快信会先依您指定的信区去做信件扫描的工作、 做完信件扫描的工作後、便是让您发挥的时候了。 您可以使用强例的蓝波包信指令来做一个属於您自己的信包、最後再把它带回家 、好好的享受看信的乐趣。 {PAUSE} U)pload Replies --------------- Takes you to the upload area, where you will be prompted to send the upload packet (created with the Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader) to the BBS. Your replies will then be imported into the BBS message base. 带您进入上传信包的功能、蓝波快信会要求您送出信包(由蓝波读信程式所制造 的回信信包)、当您正确的将回信信包送来後、蓝波会将它解压缩、并把它送到 站上的信件区。 {PAUSE} C)onfiguration Menu ------------------- Takes you to the configuration area, where you can define your default settings. Here you will select your compression method (ZIP, ARC, etc.), protocol (Zmodem, Xmodem, etc.), HotKeys mode, Xpert Mode, Password (SECURE) options, and Keyword/Filter definitions. Please see the user documentation supplied with the reader for in-depth discussion of these functions. 带您进入蓝波快信的设定功能选单、在这里头、您可以定义您个人的一些 参数设定。像是压缩格式 (ZIP, ARC, 等.), 通讯协定 (Zmodem, Xmodem, 等.) 是否使用热键、专家选单、密码安全设定、关键字及过滤器功能。 请参考您的蓝波读信程式说明书或该功能的求助画面。 {PAUSE} X)pert Menu Mode ---------------- Toggles the status of full help and short menu prompts. 在全萤幕并含完全求助功能选单 和 简短命令提示选单(专家模式) 间切换。 Q)uit to BBS ------------ Takes you back to your favorite BBS system. 回到蓝色行星号的怀抱. G)oodbye -------- Logs you off of your favorite BBS system. This item may be disabled by your sysop. 直接回家看星星、不过您站上的sysop通常将此功能关闭。