The Blue Wave Bundling Commands Short Command Listing 蓝波快信系统包信指令集简介 R ................ Relists Scan Table 重新显示信件扫描情形. E* ................ Erase ALL entered commands & start fresh. 清除下过的所有包信指令、回到初始状态. e[area #] ................ Erase all commands for specified area. 对某信区清除下过的所有包信指令. -[area #] ................ Subtracts an area from the scan list 不要将某区的信件打包. +[area #] ................ Reselects an area from the scan list 要将某区的信件打包. {PAUSE} p[area #] ................ Personal mail only in specified area. 某区的信只打包个人信件. a[area #] ................ Personal mail + msgs to "All" in area. 某区的信只打包个人信件 + 给 ALL 的信件. k[area #] ................ Keywords + Personal msgs in specified area. 某区的信只打包关键字信件及个人信件. f[area #] ................ Filter mail in specified area. 将某区符合过滤器关键字的信件去除掉. n[area #] ................ No update of pointers in specified area. 某信区的最後读信指标不做更新. {PAUSE} u[area #] ................ Update pointers in specified area. 更新某信区的最後读信指标. m[macro#] ................ Use Macro # for this mail session. (Defined from the Configuration Menu) 使用巨集指令第 # 组来处理信件打包工作. (巨集指令可在蓝波快信设定选单里定义) [area #]L[n] ................ Bundle 'n' number of messages in the specified area. Ignores LASTREAD pointers for this area! 打包某区的最後 'n' 封信. 忽略最後读信指标的指示. [area #]B[n] ................ Bundle only the first 'n' NEW messages in the specified area. 打包某区的前 'n' 封新信. {PAUSE} The modifiers '*' and 'all' may be used to perform an operation on ALL scanned areas. A '!' anywhere on the command line instructs the door to begin bundling NOW! For example, the bundling command "K*" would force the door to download *only* those msgs containing keywords in every one of your selected message areas. '*' 和 'all' 代表所有信区. 譬如说 , "K*" 这个包信指令代表: 所有的信区 (您设定抓取信件 的信区)、只打包信件栏位包含关键字的信件。 如果您在包信命令列中使用 '!' 、则蓝波会立刻展开打包信件 的工作 !