Welcome to the Blue Wave Mail System! 欢迎您使用功能最强大的蓝波快信系统 ! If you are a message enthusiast, whether it be Echomail, GroupMail, or just chatting on the local message bases, The Blue Wave Mail System is for you! 如果您是个网路信件的狂热者、或是只是纯粹在本地信件和人聊聊天、 那么蓝波快信真的是为您而设计的 ! The Blue Wave Mail System has quickly become the most user friendly and powerful mail system available. Your sysop has chosen to run The Blue Wave Mail Door on his/her system for several reasons: 蓝波快信系统是目前极受欢迎、使用起来非常容易、友善、功能更是超强 的快信系统。您站上的SYSOP之所以选择它可能有以下几点理由: {PAUSE} 1) The Blue Wave Mail System allows you to dynamically build a custom mail packet from the BBS's message base. 蓝波快信系统提供强力的包信指令、能让使用者完全掌握自己 带回的信包种类、大小... 2) After you have built your mail packet, you will download it using your communications program. Then, when you log off of the system, you can use The Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader to read, reply, print, save to disk, and perform many other options with your messages. 当您定义好整理过信包後、再用您喜欢的通讯协定来把它抓回去、 接著等您离开 BBS 站、回到您温暖的家、在用自己的蓝波读信程式 来读信、回信、写信、或将信输出到印表机、还是另外储存起来都 十分的方便简易。 当然蓝波还有很多功能等您慢慢体会 ! {PAUSE} 3) If you have made replies with The Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader, you simply log back into this BBS, upload them through the door, and everything else is taken care of for you! 然後呢 ? 就是把您的回信信包 (蓝波读信程式会帮您包好)、在您下一次 上站时、进入蓝波快信、把它传上去 ! {PAUSE} In order to view mail packets created by the Blue Wave door, you will need to download the latest version of the reader from the download area of the BBS. Look for the file name BWAVE*.ZIP on this BBS for the latest available version of The Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader. 当您要读取您下传回去的蓝波快信信包时、您当然手上要有一套较新版的 蓝波读信程式、这套程式在许多的 BBS 站都找的到、它的档名通常叫做: BWAVE*.ZIP 。 如果真的找不到、请洽询您的站长。 There is also a documentation file on using The Blue Wave Mail Door called BWDOOR.USE. If you do not see it available on the BBS, please ask your sysop to let you download a copy. 有个档案叫做 BWDOOR.USE. 内容是有关站上蓝波快信的使用法、 您应该可以在您上的BBS站找到. {PAUSE} The SysOp has defined a default archiver (ZIP, ARC, LZH, PAK etc.) and a default protocol (Zmodem, Xmodem etc.) for you to use in the Blue Wave Door. You will now be shown which protocol and which archiver the SysOp has selected. If you do not wish to use the default settings, you may change them from the (C)onfiguration menu. 站长 ( 系统操作员 ) 通常已内定一组压缩格式 (ZIP, ARC, LZH, PAK 等.) 及通讯协定 (Zmodem, Xmodem 等.) 、当您在使用蓝波快信时、系统会告诉您 目前内定的压缩格式及通讯协定。如果您不喜欢这组设定、您当然有权更改它 ! 请到设定选单里设定您想要的格式。 You will be shown the Configuration menu after your default settings. Please use the (C)hoose Message Areas command to select your areas to download. 由於您是第一次进入本站的蓝波快信系统、所以一开始您会看到的是设定选单. 请用 (C)hoose Message Areas 指令来选取您想接信的信区... Thank you for trying out the Blue Wave Mail System! 再次谢谢您尝试使用蓝波快信系统、蓝波不会让您失望的 !