Hi, The files in this archive consist of: GAMES.BAT ON.BAT OFF.BAT NODE.BAT I use one big games.bat file for all of my doors. These are the files I use to accomplish this. ON.BAT ------ Use this to turn on READ ONLY attributes for games.bat when you wish to edit it and add doors or make changes. You must set this to READ ONLY, as if 2 users try to access the .bat file at the same time by opening games at the same time (which will happen), DOS will give a sharing violation and wait for local input from the keyboard. If you forget and this does happen, just say "retry" and then go and use the ON.BAT to set READ ONLY ON. OFF.BAT ------- Use this to turn off READ ONLY when you wish to add doors to the games.bat file or edit it. If you don't turn it off first, you won't be able to save any changes. Pretty frustrating if you forget. ;) NODE.BAT -------- I have six nodes, each has its own directory. w:\pb\node1 w:\pb\node2 w:\pb\node3 w:\pb\node4 w:\pb\node5 w:\pb\node6 When a user logs on, they start inside your node directory (if you've got it set up this way). I use a Function 7 Shell in my system configuration (I use Proboard, but this applies to most other systems as well) to call my doors. All my doors are set up like this on the DATA line. Some examples for your Function 7 Shell: *Z node.bat Dr.Dread *Z node.bat Immortal *Z node.bat LORD *Z node.bat Lore *# *D *Z node.bat Mines_of_Gorr *Z node.bat Usurper *Z node.bat Jewel_Thief *# *D *# *D = use door.sys instead of dorinfo1.def You could skip the node.bat file and call the games.bat file directly if you know how to pass the node # on the DATA line with the game name: *Z games.bat NODEID Dr.Dread ^ this is not accurate, as I don't know the nodeid for all systems, and this is not the id for Proboard Notice how Door names which are multiple words can NOT have a space within the name. Do not put quotes around the name either. To use it this way for Door Fury, you must run words together or put an underline bar where a space should be. Keep names 20 characters or less. GAMES.BAT --------- This file contains many many door examples. Please search and replace this file with YOUR path names. You may have to also alter configuration file names to match the names you gave your files. Also, you can add, delete any doors in this file as you please. Just remember when you edit, turn off read only and turn it back on when done. Use the off.bat and on.bat files for this to make it easy. This file can be placed anywhere, but I keep it and the off.bat and on.bat files in my proboard directory. PMBs ---- For Proboard users, I am supplying my Proboard Menu files. These have the Function 7 DATA lines all filled in properly and are ready to use. You will need to edit them for your BBS, taking out the "* Registered" and pricing information as desired, but it will save you a lot of time if you are setting up your BBS to edit these files rather than creating them from scratch. To hook them to your system, put them in your Proboard menus directory: w:\pb\menus\ is mine. Then go to procfg, and select to edit your menus. Attach the GAMES menu to one of your existing menus. I attached mine to my TOP menu with this command. Top line is a ";" by itself, because I use an ANSI: ; Hotkey G Function 2 - Gosub menu Data GAMES PBM's supplied: TOP GAMES (sub menus under GAMES) GACTION GACTION2 GAMBLE GBOARD GLEAGUE GMISC GSPACE GWORD LHINTS ------------ Let me know what you think! Nanet