- ABOUT USERDOES FILES - The USERDOES file, is normally created by some door programs, usually games, and contains a line of up to 75 characters, giving a more detailed note of what the user is doing on that node. The files extension is the NODE for which it is written, ie: USERDOES.1 - USERDOES.2 and so on. With RA, you can use the *U macro to create the info line in USERON.BBS, but that only allows up to 10 chars, and spaces must be replaced with the underbar. This text, if used, is displayed in the NodeMsg Who's Online window, else a generic message, similar to RA's is displayed. But.... this is not a very detailed message. Given these limits, lets say a user is playing the Game LORD on your system, on Node 2... Lets also say in your RA menu, on the command to run the games batch file, you have *UIn_LORD And lets say the game creates a USERDOES file... the contents of the respective files might look like this: Status Msg in USERON.BBS In LORD USERDOES.2 User is playing LORD, and is having a BLAST. Try it! Interesting huh!? As many doors/games cannot or do not generate the USERDOES file, this information cannot be displayed by NodeMsg. Ahhhhh, but YOU can do the creating.... if you run the door via a batch file, this is fairly simple. In MOST cases, you are passing the node number to the batch with the *N macro for RA. In your batch, before starting the game, you just need a line similar to this: echo User is playing CONGO... its fun! > \USERDOES.%1 The path would be WHERE you want the userdoes file created, for NodeMsg's purposes, this can be your defined Semaphore directory, or RA's system directory. The %1, or %2, %3 would hold the NODE# passed from RA, this would depend on where in the command line the node number was.... param 1, 2 or 3 etc. If you do this, create a userdoes file from a game batch, you need to remember to include a line at the end of the batch, after the door has terminated, to ERASE the userdoes file. ie: DEL path\userdoes.%1 Otherwise it may provide inaccurate info for the next caller. Example: Menu Type 7 Optional Data RUNLORD.BAT *N RUNLORD.BAT echo Playing LORD, the Great White Hunter! > F:\RA\SEM\USERDOES.%1 START ???? If Exist F:\RA\SEM\USERDOES.%1 DEL F:\RA\SEM\USERDOES.%1