ANSI/ACSII BBS Screen Rotation Utility Version 1.1 Copyright 1993 Penquin Plus Software Purpose of the Program ---------------------- This program was written with Mike Woltz's Spitfire BBS program in mind, but should work with any bbs software that uses ansi and ascii screen files. This utility will rotate a configurable screen file with files contained in a configurable directory. Disclaimer ---------- No matter how you received this software it is presented as is. I have tested it for some time and it should work just fine, but the only thing that is for certain is that it will take up some of your disk space. You will be using this software at your own risk. I will not be held responsible for any damage this program my cause. System Requirments ------------------ This utility should run on any IBM compatible system using DOS 3.2 or above. Setup & Configuration --------------------- First place the zipped file into a directory of your choice. I run it out of my c:\sf directory, but you can use whatever you wish. Next unzip into that directory. The next step is to create a directory that contains the screen files you wish to have rotated. I have a directory d:\doorads that contain the ansi screen ads for the doors that I have available for my system, but again you can use what you wish. The one assumption that I make is that the file extension match between your rotation directory and you bbs screen file. Example, Spitfire uses .clr for ansi screens and .bbs for ascii screens. Make sure these extension are correct for your bbs software. The next thing you will have to do is create for configuration file. This file must be in the same directory as rotate.exe, but can be called whatever you wish. In the following example I will use rotate.cfg: d:\doorads <== This is the path to your screen directory c:\sf\display\welcome4.* <== This is the bbs file that you wish rotated Now all you have to do is determine when you want to run rotate. I run it out of my sfinit.bat file, which will cause the screens to rotate after each caller, but you can run it as an event or whenever you chose. The command line for rotate is: cd\sf <== Or wherever you put it rotate rotate.cfg (or whatever you named your configuration file) That's it, now the bbs screen of your choice will be rotated automatically whenever rotate runs. If you wish to rotate multiple bbs screens just create a seperate configuration file for each bbs screen you want and run rotate with that configuration file. One note: the word "rotate" is reserved in this utility to keep it from trying to copy the .exe into your bbs screen. It will also check to make sure that is doesn't copy your configuration file into the bbs screen, but it can't check for any other configuration files you have present. For this reason you are encourged to run rotate out of a directory other than your screen directory. Shareware --------- This program is shareware and remains the property of Dave Abbott. You are allowed to run this program for 30 days to see if it meets your needs. After that time you should register the software with the author or stop using it. This software is not crippled in any way, so I will be relying on your honesty when it comes to registration. Registration ------------ Real simple and cheap. Just send $1, yes that's right, $1 to: Dave Abbott 225 Fairchild Omaha, NE 68113 After receiving your registration, in about a week you will be able to call my BBS and your registered version will be waiting for you. Please provide the following information for I can set up your account up ahead of time. Name Birthday Address Phone Number Password Support ------- The support and the latest version of rotate will always be available for download from my BBS: The Magic Window (402)-293-0091 1200/2400 Any questions or suggestions just leave me a note. THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING THIS FILE! PLEASE SUPPORT SHAREWARE