Codes Available for • Astal • Baku Baku • Blackfire • Bug! • Center Ring Boxing • Clockwork Knight • Clockwork Knight 2 • College Slam • Creature Shock • Darius Gaiden • Daytona USA • Decathlete • Earthworm Jim 2 • Fifa '96 • F1 Challenge • Fighting Vipers (Import) • Galactic Attack • Gex Codes • Golden Axe: The Duel • Guardian Heroes • Gun Griffon • Hang On GP 95 • High Velocity • The Horde • Iron Storm • Johnny Bazooka Tone • King of the Fighter '95 (Import) • Legend of Oasis • Last Gladiators Pinball • Mortal Kombat 2 • Myst • NBA Action • NBA Jams TE • Need for Speed • NHL Hockey • NHL PowerPlay • Night Warriors/Vampire Hunter • Off World Interceptor Extreme • Panzer Dragoon • Panzer Dragoon 2 • QuarterBack Club Football • Pebbles Beach Golf Links • Rayman • Robotica • Solar Eclipse • Sega Rally • Shellshock • Shinobi Legions • Sim City 2000 • Space Harrier • Street Fighter Alpha • Street Fighter Zero 2 • Street Fighter: The Movie • Thunder Strike 2 • Toshinden S/Remix • Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 • Virtua Cop • Virtua Fighter • Virtua Fighter 2 • Virtua Fighter Kids • Virtual Hylide • Virtua Racing • Wipeout • Worms • Xmen Children of the Atom ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASTAL Invincibility From Alan Trulock Pause the game and press UP,Y,Left,A,Down,B,Right,C. Kill Yourself To kill yourself pause the game and press Left Button, A, Right Button, C, B. Then you should die. Level Selects Go to the options screen, once there use the second controller and press left, right, left, right, up, down, L button, R button, and then start. The words Secret Mode should appear at the top of the screen. Now go back to the title screen and press Up, Down, Left, Right, L buttone, R button, A, Y, C, Z, B, X. You can now choose your level. Refill Life Press pause during play and press down, R button, up L button, x, a, y, b, z, c, right, left. Unpause for full life ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baku Baku Completely untranslated League ModeCode From Juanta At the start screen (with the leaves and eyes) press B, A, C, Up, B, A, C, Up and then start. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blackfire View the FMV At the title screen press start and enter Z, A, Z, A, B, A, B, Y, C, A, C, A Refuel and Reload At the Press Start screen input Left shift, A, Z, Y, A, Down, Down. During the game prest start to refuel and reload. Level Skip At the Press Start Screen press and hold C, press and hold B, press and hold A, Press and hold Up, press and hold Left Shift. Then Release A, then C, then Left Shift, then Up. If done correctly you will hear the phrase "Blackhole engaged". During the game press and hold A-B-C-Up+Left shift to skip to the next level. Invincible Code At the Press Start screen press and hold A, press and hold B, press and hold C, then release C, release B, release A. Then press B, A, B, Y, press and hold X, press and hold Up, press and hold Down, release X, Release Down. If done correctly you should hear the phrase "You are on the Wrong Team". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bug! Level Select from the Sega Newsgroup, original poster unkown The level code for Bug is BABYSEALS, spelled when the following buttons are pressed B,A,B,Y,(Dpad Down),(Dpad Right,)A,(Left Shift),(DPad Down) Do this on the START|OPTIONS screen and you should here a yip indicating success. How to use it: on any level, hold down the left shift button and press up on the dpad to go up a level. (or press down to go down a level) This even lets you visit the bosses and the dragonfly race. Also: as has been noted here before, when you hold down the shifters and press start (or hold up and press start I didn't try it that way) It will let you select from the levels you have gotten to already - but only a few times. The count on the far right tells you how many times you can use the level warper for any one level. Additional Continues After you beat the first level let yourself die. Next when the Press Start screen appear press and hold right and press start. Finaly go to the Start Game screen and hold right and pres start. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Center Ring Boxing Hidden Fighters From Steve Vasquez Beat all the fighters and you have access to hidden ones, even a boxing kangaroo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clockwork Knight Stage select At the title screen (while press starts button is showing) press left, up, right, down, right, right, up, R button. The stage name will appear. press up and down to choose a stage. Final Stage After entering in the stage select code, press left, right, right, up, tight, right, up, down, right, right, up, R button. Press up 2 times to find the stage that says Last Boss. 999 lives At the title screen (while press start button is showing) press up nine times, right nine times, down six times, left seven times, Z, X, Y, Y, Y, Z. You will know the trick worked when you hear the opening theme song playing from the begining again. Million-Point Bonus Finish stage 2-2 in under 30 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clockwork Knight 2 Stage Select At the Title screen press on the D-Pad right, up, left, up, right, up, down, up, left, up, left, up 999 Lives At the title screen press on the D-Pad right, up, left, down, right, down, right, up, left, down, right, down Watch the ending At the Title screen press on the D-Pad right, up, left, up, down, up, right, left, up, right, left, down. Play the mini games Sent in by bleung At the bosses galore menu, on the d-pad press up, up, right, right, down, down, left, left, x, y, z Watch the hidden movie Sent in by bleung After you finih the bosses galore with a ranking of Expert or Master go to the movies menu. Movie #16 will no longer have a ??? on it. Change the Title Screen From Adam Compon If you set the date on your Saturn to a holiday like Christmas or Valentines Day the main title screen will change to match that holiday. Hidden Options From Bill McGuire If you get all 4 cards on every level (32 in total) the game will give you the hidden commands after you watch the endind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ College Slam Select Hidden Teams Code given to me by my littl brother At the Start Screen press Left, Up, B, Up, Down, Up, Right, C Whirlwind Option Code from Trevor Fry At the team match-up screen rotate your joystick in a clockwise 360 motion untill the game begins. You will now have the whirlwind option for the entire game. The trick does not work in tournament mode though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creature Shock Level Codes From Carlos Motta Level 2 - 2866 Level 3 - 9830 Level 4 - 8180 Level 5 - 6581 Level 6 - 1322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Darius Gaiden Nine Credits Press X, A, Left Shift, Right Shift, left, then hold down Left Shift and press X, C, Z, A, right, right. You should hear a sound if done correctly. Easy and Abnormal Levels At the options menu Hold down X, then press Z, C, Left Shift, B, left, Right Shift, Left Shift. You should hear a sound if done correctly. Faster AutofireCode sent by BenSaturn At the games options screen hold B and press Y, right, left, X, Z, Left shift, Right shift ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daytona USA Play as the horse In the options set the difficulty to normal. In the mode select screen choose Saturn mode. Place first in each of the 3 difficulties on each track. After winning the third track scroll untill you see "horse" Karaoke mode Set number of laps in option screen to normal. Exit options and choose arcade mode. Then selecting a course keep pressing up and choose a course with button C. Music selection In the option screen choose Key Assign. Choose type B for the controller setting. While choosing any track and car press and hold A, X, Y or Z depending on which song you want to play. Hold the button untill the game starts and listen to the song you selected. Rocket start While at the starting grid of the Advanced or Expert courses, hold B (brake). Now press and hold C (accelerate). While accelerating, keeping you RPMs between 6500 and 70. When the race starts let go of the break but keep holding the accelerator. Get ready to fly by your opponents. Make Jeffry do stupid poses for you On the Expert course, drive up to the statue of Jeffry, and stop in front of him. Press the X button rapiddly so he turns, and stands on his head. Hear old soundtrack Finish any race on any track. When you place your initials in, put in the initials for any of theese old games. S.H(Space JHarrior A.B(After Burner) O.R(Out Run). Try other initial, but remember to use 2 letters with a period between them. Initial that play music when entered after a race Sent by SEX A.B BNB DST E.R EXN GDA G.F GLC GPR DYN H.O KOS LGA O.R ORS P.D P.P QTT R.M S.C SDI S.F S.H SHO SKH SMG T.B TET TOR V.F VFT VMO V.R .KK DEK YAN M.M KOU HSB TAK KAZ ASA YOJ YUI NAK MIT OKA TRS H.S OSI JIM IGA ANI V.C K.J MAS KEN AKI ISO AO. KAG YAM KAO SAO NAG VME A.Y J.B S.B PAI K.M W.H J.M LAU V.R V.F Make the tires Disappear in the Demo Begin a game and enter the pit. Before the new tires are on and while the old tires are off press A, B, C, and Start to reset the game. Now let the Demo run. Car Select At the title screen hold down/right with L, R, C, Y. Once you have all those buttons pressed down, hit Start. Driving on the Grass Sent in by Jim Caris This is more of a tip than a code. When driving the green car, or the horses you can travel as fast on the grass, as you can on the street, ie:no slowdowns.> Play as the Horse the Easy Way At the title screen hold up-left, A, B, X, Z, and press start. You can now choose the horse. Helicopter View Choose Saturn Mode, next choose a track. Hold down Start as you choose a car to race in Time/Lap mode. After finishing the race choose yes to watch the replay. Press R at anytime to see the race from a helicopter view. Speedometer Change At the title screen hold down x+y+z on controller 2 and hit start on controller one to change your speedometer to kilometers. Draw the other car closer to you Sent by Dan John At any point in the race hold down the Z button to bring the lead car towards you. Now you can pass him easily. Maniac Mode From Jnoes on AOL To acess this, wait untill the opening demo is complete thenwhen the Sega Logo appears, enter the following: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, C. If it is done correctly, you will hear a sound and this mode will allow you to play an extremely hard version of Daytona. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Decathlete Controll the BlimpFrom Poom on In the events were the blimp appears the 2nd player can controll it's circular motion with the R-Shift button Shotput Tip From Me (Dustin) This is an undocumented feature of the shotput. When your players power reaches the far left instead of pressing the action button, move the D-Pad in a circular motion and you will spin like you do in the discuss. Then release the ball. Another way to highjump From Jeff Sideno After selecting your height press left or right before you start running. The camera should change angles and show another way of jumping. Shift Camera's in Shot Put From Jeff Sideno After throwing the shotput press Left or Right to shift the camera angles. Hop Scotch the 100 meters From Jeff Sideno In the 100 Meters as the announcer says "Course #..." press up, left, down, right, x. If done correctly you should hop scotch the race. Extra Player From Ardy This code has only been tested on the Japanese version. After recieving a score of 8000+ in the arcade mode, at the main menu press and hold down X at the desired mode of play. This will give you a new player. Roll the 100 meter race From John Allen In the 100 meter race when the announcer says course numbers press up, left, down, right, Y, up, left, down, right, X. You will roll the race instead of running it. Alternate 100 Meter Codes From Alistair Felton To do the roll code rotate the pad clockwise and press X To do the hop code rotate the pad counterclockwise and press X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Earthworm Jim 2 Level Passcodes From Paul Mermelstein Level 2:(normal) gun - energy - blue gun - sandwich - can worms Level 3: bubblegun - sandwich - sandwich - buble gun - energy Level 4: 3 gun - gun - missle gun - 3 gun - blue gun Level 5: energy - bubble gun - bullet - can worms - Jim Level 6: bullet - sandwich - gun - Jim - gun Level 7: missle gun - blue gun - bubble gun - bullet - sandwich Level 8: blue gun - can worms - bullet - missle gun - Jim Level 9: bullet - gun - missle gun - bullet - Jim Leve 10: sandwich - gun - Jim - blue gun - blue gun Level 11: 3 gun - bullet - bubble gun - energy - bubble gun Level 12: missle gun - energy - bullet - energy - energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fifa '96 Game Codes Sent by Brandon Mullett Start a game, pause it, select options, and enter a code. You will hear a "click." Exit the options menu, going back to menu with Resume Game as a choice. Press A. You will get a secret options menu. Other choices require another code. Use Left/Right on control pad to change settings. Invisible Walls - BBBZAAAZ - no out of bounds Curve Ball - ZABZBB Super Power - ZAZZZZZZZZ Super Goalie - AAAAAZZZZZ Super Offense - AAAAAZB Super Defense - ZZZZZBZ Shootout - AZABAZ - go straight to shootout Stupid Team - AZBAZB Dream Team - AAZZBBAA Crazy Ball Code From Eric R. Bustamante The crazy ball code is BAZBBZAB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F1 Challenge Starting Position Codes Enter these after you have selected Automatic or Manual Transmision. 1st Place - Left Shift, X, Y, Z 4th Place - Left Shift, X, Y 7th Place - Left Shift, X, Z 10th Place - Left Shift, X 13th Place - Left Shift, Y, Z, 16th Place - Left Shift, Y 19th Place - Left Shift, Z 22nd Place - Left Shift ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fighting Vipers Boss CodeFrom Michael Lit After you beat the game select the mode of play with X to play with the boss Fighting Vipers Game Shark Codes From Darren.S For Action Replay 1.91 FIGHTING VIPERS (JAPANESE) Master Code F6000914 0305 B6002800 0000 Player 1 Unlimited Health-16062CF4 00FA Player 2 Unlimited Health-16064BF4 00FA Stop Ranking Timer- 160E006E 0019 Activating Hyper Mode From Master Young Under the hyper mode gameplay press back+p+k to throw off your armor and begin to flash. This mode gives custom combos, but your moves are weakened and your opponents strenghtened. New Moves in Hyper and Arrange Modes From Master Young In Hyper and Arrange Mode your fighters gain new moves not found in arcade moves. Some examples are... Honey has Pai's DDT and Roll Throw from VF2, Bahn has Akira's push-n-pull move. Experiment with the fighters and see what you can find! Nearly Naked Honey From Master Young Beat the game on Very Hard in Hyper Mode with Honey, then select to play another game with her. When her bottom armor is broken off she no longer has the red slip/skirt. Instead she has on very tiny panties! Play as PepsiMan From IceMan/Blac Eyz Let any fighter beat you with a perfect and PepsiMan will jump in. No Walls Mode From Yoshi the Kid Place Okay by all the moves for 3 or more fighters in training mode and "No Walls Mode" should be available in the Options. (I have not tested this yet) Big Head Mode Codes From Axledental DJ Try reseting PepsiMan, setting the game to Normal, 30 sec match, 2 point match, and Random off, then beat the game again. (This Works) Select G-String Honey From G. A. Golembiski Hold down X while you select Honey and during the game when her bottom armor is knocked off her slip/skirt is gone revealing a G-String. Training Mode Music Selection From Matt Gross In training mode when you pick the cpu function such as a,b,c,etc. press the right button to cycle through the music you want from any level Change Honey to Candy From JILKX To change Honey's name to Candy (her name on most U.S. arcade machines), hold z while selecting her. This seems only to change the logo under the energy bar and the announcer's voice. Kumachan From Agent Sonic To get Kumachan in Fighting Vipers, you have to beat the game with Pepsiman. And to get Kumachan 2 (Who's a panda with a beachball) you beat the game with Kumachan. Honey Codes From Sandra Gross When selecting Honey hold X and Z,and it will give you honey's name changed to candy and the code were her skirt falls off ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Galactic Attack 8 Credits Code from Andy Hold down R button + L button + C + Right as the game is loading. PAR/Gameshark Codes From Sam Gladstone Master Code f6000914 c305 b6002800 0000 Player 1 Infinite Lives 160eac30 0003 Player 2 Infinite Lives 160ead30 0003 Level 9 weapon player 1 160eac32 0800 Level 9 weapon player 2 160ead32 0800 Additional PAR/Game Shark codes From David Aldridge Invincibility and level Select - 360DC1Df 7FA1 Go to the options with this code on. Muteki is the invincible code, A+B+C causes you to self destruct. Level select is the other option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gex Gex Codes From Saturn on Irc To do these codes you must pause the game and hold the right shift down. The only buttons used in tapping in the code are the A B C and X Y Z buttons. The other letters indicate directions, ie: S- south, D- down, R- right, E- east, etc... I have no clue what you use for P though ??? Tim Burgess told me that the letter P refers to the Start button Clueless - Shows Credits PresentAll - Level skips Undead - Unilimited Lives CurryBurn - Fire Shots EyeSeeBlue - Ice Shots SuperZapper - Electric Shots ExtraSpeed - Super Fast SuperStep - High Jump BAdAssDude - Invicible ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Golden Axe: The Duel Short Loading From Chan Chin Shan In vs mode while you win and the words "xxx wins" appears press pause then the Left Shift Button. A short Cut select mode should appear. You can now select fighters without loadong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guardian Heroes Guardian Heroes Debug Code (Import Version)Codes from Jack 1. Choose an go into the option mode. 2. Press A+Y+C 3. Go into the set up screen (1st item of the list of option mode) 4. Now Debug option is at the end of the list. What Debug mode gives you For Story Mode 1. Start with Level 200 2. Stage Select 3. Max or Zero life a. Pause the Game b. hold x+y+z c. press up on the D-pad for max life or down for zero life 4. Forward or go Back to different battle scenes. a. forward 1 scene - R+Start b. 2 scenes - R+A+Start c. 3 scenes - R+B+start d. 4 scenes - R+C+Start e. Backwards 1 scene - L+R+Start f. 2 scenes - L+R+A+Start g. 3 scenes - L+R+B+Start h. 4 scenes - L+R+C+Start Additional Debug options From Chung-hong yuen You can play all 45 characters in Vs battle You can max your characters power out You can choose which stage to begin on in story mode You can watch the different endings. Guarding Heroes Text Tip From Duke Bui Instead of holding C to go through all that boring text hit the Right Shift button to scroll all the way to the end. Guardian Heroes Nicole Tip From Kai Using Nicoles "I'm Angry Now" move (B+C) will drain some of your HPs, however if done succesfully against foes Nicole will recover a lot of her magic points, which can then be used to heal yourself or others. This is a good way to get back magic points and gain levels fast. 98 Continues Set the game on easy and allow yourself to be killed after you have jumpred out of the starting room. Then choose "Give Up". Now in options set the difficulty on Hard and begin Story Mode again. When you die you should have 98 continues left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gun Griffon Unlimited Ammo From SungSup At the title screen press B, B, B, C, Start Other Gun Griffon Codes From Hansaem on AOL, Addtions by Jeff Payne All codes to be inputed at the title screen after the words Press Start appear Remove the Targeting Boxes - Left, Right, C, A, Start ??? - Down, C, C, A, Start Remove the yellow and red dots on the radar - B, B, B, Down, C, Start Jump doesn't have to recharge - Up,, Right, Down, Left, Z, Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hang On GP 95 Special Course Select Start a game and then go to the options screen. Enter mode select and move to Options. Tap Right Shift, Right Shift, Left Shift, Right Shift, Right Shift. You should be able to race in any course. Ride the Super Cycle Win the cup on any course, then go back and beat that record by at least 1 minuet and 29 seconds to get the Super Cycle. Mirror Tracks and Endurance RaceSent in by Steven Vazquez If you come in first in all the tracks in the endurance mode you will then be able to play the mirror versions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ High Velocity Drive the Porsche At the Car Select Menu choose car "F" and the hold the L+R+Y buttons an press right, the "G" car should appear. Drive the Truck Go to the Car Select Menu and choose car "G", hen pres and hold the L+R+Y buttons and press right. The truck should appear. Hidden Obstacle Course Code from Martin Rotha On the mode select screen highlight each mode and press B. After you do the last mode the screen will cycle through each mode and flash. Highlight the Time Trial Mode and press X. Hold down the X button and press A. Select your car and the first course. You should then be on an obstacle course. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Horde Game Codes The following codes are to be done after pressing Pause while you are playing. Reveal the map - left, A, up, down, B, A, A, B. Unlimited continues - A, down, right, A, down. Watch all the FMV - right, A, left, left, A, up, B. All items available - B, right, A, left, left, down, right, A, A, left. Additional Codes Level Warp - Down, A, Left, Left, Down, A, A, Right Maximum Loot - Left, A, A ,B, Left, A, Right, Down. Play after Villiage Destroyed - A, Down, Down, Right, A, Down Double Speed - B, Right, A, B Invulnerability - B, Up, Right, Down, A, Down, A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iron Storm Controll the Dinosaur Sent in by Chan Chin Shan During the 8th opening demo when the dinosaur appears press x+y+z on control pad 1, then the screen should pause. Pressing the direction pad and L and R buttons will change the point of view. Multiplayer Campaign GamesFrom Hector Aerrano Start a campain then select music from the options. set bgm to 5 and listen to ALL the sound effects. This lets you have multiplayer campaign games, also lets you win every time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Johnny Bazooka Tone Stage codes From Jeremy Lin 2nd Stage - Walker 3rd Stage - Overtime 4th Stage - Villa 5th Stage - Endboss Infinite Lives/Level Select From Jeremy Lin Enter the word taehc. Your life counter will say 24, but will never decrease. To skip a level pause the game and press x. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ King of the Fighter 95 Boss Codes From Najib In the team edit screen hold start and press up+y, right+a, left+x, down+b. Another Boss Code From Ariel Garcia 1 Finish the game (team mode) 2 Go to the character selection screen 3 Select yes on team edit and hold down the L&R buttons 4 Press up, down, up 5 The boss's should now be available Random Fighter Choice From Hansaem on AOL WHile pressing the Left and Right Buttons answer No when it asks if you want to edit your team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legend of Oasis 2 Player Mode Press Z to call up the weapon menu. Then hold X and bress the Left Button. Release them and a second player will be added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last Gladiator Pinball Cheat Triggers At the title screen press up, up, up, up, a, b, c, down, down, x, y, z, Start. You should hear a sound. Choose a game, hold X and press Up for the numbers. Choose 1 and press Z. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mortal Kombat 2 Switches When the cinme story appears in the beggining quickly press down, up, left, left, A, right, right, B, Y, C. This gives you the Switches menu in the main menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Myst The Making of Myst At the title screen press and hold the Left and Right Shift Buttons, and while holding them press Start and A at the same time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Off World Interceptor Extreme Money Trick Enter the following code in the options screen to get alot of cash. Press A, B, C(six times) then hit the top Left Shift Button. If done correctly you should hear a missle fly by. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NBA Action Freefloating camera in reply mode From Jemal Yarbrough Pause the game and select replay and now change the camera angles. To get the hidden camera angle called free floating hold down the right or left shift button. To move around hold down the shift button and the Z button and use the D-Pad to move Change the side of the Court your onFrom Jemal Yarbrough Go to the main play menu. Highlight slect court and hold down the right shift button then hit the Z button. This changes the camera posistion ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NBA Jams TE NBA Jams TE Codes Sent by Scott (Ed Giangrande) Enter the following codes at the "Tonights Matchup" Screen • Powerup defense.... Right, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up • Max Power.... Right, Right, Left, Right, C, C, Right • Quick Hands... Left, Left, Left, Left, Y, Right • Power-Up 3pts ers.. Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Up • BaBy Mode.... hit B, then Y, repeat... • Big Heads... A, b, c, y, repeat over and over • HUGE heads (see the pixilization fly on these guys.. man it makes Scotty Pippen's nose bigger than the ball!!!) A, Y, C, B repeat.... Secret Player Codes Sent by Scott (Ed Giangrande) Hold down X, Y, and Z and type in FIN Jan 1... gives you 27 wins 9 losses... gives you access to all the reserve players, but also makes the game a ton harder even on very easy mode... END Jan 1.... gives you 26 wins 7 losses.. you must beat the Rockets for the NBA crown... Rotate your bench wisely since the injuries add up in this game!!! Hakeem, Horry and Clide don't take losing too kindly.... Secret Character Codes Sent by Eduardo Moutinho To access these characters you have to hold down the L and R buttons while entering the initials, the month, and the date. Sequoia SAW April 10 Kirby CHR December 18 Larry Bird LAR January 15 Hugo the Hornet HOR June 12 Suns Gorilla APE April 2 Benny the Bull BEN September 20 Crunch WOL March 7 The next three characters are Beastie Boys. Adrock ADR April 6 MC Adam Yauch MCA April 9 Mike D M_D July 1 Bill Clinton BIL June 3 Hillary Clinton HIL November 6 Prince Charles CHA May 4 Heavy D HEA January 9 Fresh Prince FRS February 2 Jazzy Jeff JAZ October 9 The next three characters are from the Acclaim team. Magic Hair STH December 8 Chow Chow CHD May 5 Air-Dog AIR January 21 The next two characters are from the Iguana team. Hodgeson HOG December 31 Jax JAX March 1 The next character is from the Williams team. Rivett REV July 6 More NBA Jams TE CodesFrom Seth Downey The following codes should be enetered at the "Tonights Matchup" screen and will effect only the player that is NOT in the tip-off (player 1). Power Dunks: Left, Right, C, Y, Y, C High Shots: Up, Down, Up, Down, Right, Up, Y, Y, Y, Y, Down Huge Players: (Effects all 4) A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C Power Fire up: Down, Right, Right, Y, A, Left Powerup Offense: B, Y, Up, B, Y, Up, Down Push one opponnent and both fall down: Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, Y, Y Push one opponnent and the other alls down: Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, Y, A Show Shot percentage chances" Up, Up, Down, Down, A Powerup Speed: Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, C, A Teleport Psssing: Up, Right, Right, Left, Y, Down, Left, Left, Y,B ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Need for Speed Get the Warrior Car and Lost Vegas track From Justin Saxinger Go to the tournament and enter TSYBNS, then exit tournament mode. You now have the Warrior Car and Lost Vegas track. Race on dirt roads From Justin Saxinger If you hold down L and R buttons when selecting a track you get the dirt road rally version of the track. Hidden Jump From Tim Tarpley First pick the Rally mode of the Los Vegas track by holding down the L & R buttons, then look for the section of the track that is under construction. Go to the end of that section and then turn around and keep going untill you hit a great hidden jump. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NHL Hockey Funny Codes Codes sent by Glen Cianciulli During the 2 player (skating) introductions press the xyz buttons and the Left and Right buttons simultaneously. Then during the National Anthem press the follwing for different results. L and R buttons for "Big Players" A and X buttons for "The Gravity Sink" (puck goes to the center or ice) A and B buttons for "Midget Fatboys" AYZ Buttons for "Upside Down Dudes" XYR buttons for "Bouncy Puck" Also, some cpdes can be combined, such as AYZ, then LR Build a perfect player Code sent by Glen Cianciulli When building a player, when setting the player attributes press A-B-C-X-Y-Z to allow the player to be perfect in every category. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NHL Powerplay Rad Army Cheat From Kevin Stahl Hold A+Y+C when the screen fades from any screen to either the quick start or main team select screens. To the left of the Ducks logo you should now see the logo of the Rad Army Team (Radical Entertainment Team with a 99 Rating) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Night Warriors/Vampire Hunter Change Morgan's outfit Sent in by Sorisaem When Morgan wins the round, press either the Left or Right button to change her outfit instead of doing a winning pose. Darkstalker Option Menu Code from Najib Go to the Options screen, and to the config selection. Then press B, X, down, A, Y. If done corectly you will hear a sound and an extra options screen will appear. This will give youthe ability to play the game with the Darkstalkers music and backgrounds. Turbo Code Code from Najib Go to the options screen and to turbo selection. After this do X, X, forward, A, Z. Move the D-Pad right to change the level of turbo. Charcater Colors From Hansaem You can select 8 colors for you characters. In the selection screen press X, Y, Z, A ,B, C, X+B, or Start. Auto Chain Combo code From Hansaem 1 Choose Auto Guard from Character selection screen. 2 Press all punch (L) ir all kick (r) buttons to perform Auto Chain Combo during the fights. It will let you perform easy 3 hit combos. New Pause Screen From Agent Sonic For a pause screen that doesn't dim, has no "pause" and keeps life bars do this code. In options go to screen size and press A, C, Y, Y, Up quickly. Your hear a sound if done correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Panzer Dragoon Space Harrior mode Pop open the Saturns data memory menu (with no CD inserted) Choose German as the language (Deutsch). Load the game CD. When the title scren appears press up, X, right, X, down, X, left, X, up, Y, Z. You will hear the sound of your dragon being hit if done correctly. Rolling Mode At the title screen press start, then rotate the pad 3 times clockwise until you hear a sound. The words Rolling Mode will appear above the Normal Game option. Tap twice in any direction to perform a roll. Wizard mode At the title screen press start. When Normal Game option appears press L button, R button, L button, R button, up, down, up, down, left, right. Wizard Mode will now appear. The game will be very fats. Invincibilty Press start on the title screen that says "Press Start". When Normal Games and Options appears, press the following buttons followed by the following pad directions. L button, L button, R Button, R Button, Up, Down, Left, Right. If this trick works you will hear a sound like a dragon getting hit, and the words Invincuple Mode will appear. If you use this trick, you will not get the good ending. Change the Color of SEGA from blue to red. Press start at the title screen. At the Normal Game and Options screen press the following buttons: Up, X, Right, Y, Down, Z, Left, Y, Up, X. You will hear the sound of the dragon being hit if done correctly. Now when you die with no more continues, the red polygon figure will drop down and for the word SEGA. Play Episode 0 From At the title screen, press Up, UP, Up, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, L, R,. You can use the invincibility code so your health meter doesn't run down as time passes. Unlimited Continues At the Normal Game, Options screen hit Up, X, Right, Y, Down, Z, Left, Y, Up, X. Episode Select At the Normal Game, Options Screen hit Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y, Z. Polygon Sega Babe If you beat the game without dying the Sega Logo will turn into a Polygon Babe The Ultimate Code At the easy game options screen enter up, x, right, y, down, z, left, y, up, x. This code acts as if you beat the game on very hard without continuing. The polygon man becomes a girl, pressing x, y, or z at the episode screen changes the color of your weapon. Watch the Hard Ending at the easy game options screen enter up, up, down, up, left, left, right, left, down, down, up, down, right, right, left, right. Powerups From Ugusu At the Title Screen press up, x, right, y, down, z, left, y, up, x. Then at the Episodes screens Hold B to get a purple powerup and C to get a blue powerup ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Panzer Dragoon 2 Pandora's Box From Edward Acosta When you beat the game go to the option screen and you will see the option for Pandora's Box. If you turn it on you won't be able to access your save games though. It will allow you to select various options such as your dragons growth size, different weapons, and stage select plus a new level. The better you do in the regular game, the more options you'll be able to select from. ADEC System From Hanseam on AOL In the options mode choose Full Intsruments and press B on controller 2 while playing the game. X-Y Radar From Hanseam on AOL Press A on controller 2 while playing the game. Self Destruction From Hansaem on AOL Press A-B-C-L-R at the same time while playing the game. Pandora's Box From Hanseam on AOL If you have played over 2 hours and 30 minuets you should automaticly get Pandora's Box in the options Two more CodesFrom Ediie Tang At the title screen imput the following 1. left, right, left, right, up, down, up, down - Doubles your speed 2. left, left, right, right, up, down, left, right - ??? Get all of the options available in Pandora's BoxFrom Hansaem To get all the options you need to beat the game with a 100% score and a rank of Winged Death. Fly the original DragonFrom Hansaem To play as the original Dragon from PD1 set the instruments on Full and take routes 2, 2, and 3 on the appropriate levels. Fly SkyDartFrom Hansaem Take routes 2, 2, 3, 1 Open all of Pandora's Box From Jack After playing the game for 30 hours all the options in Pandora's Box will open up to you. Space HArrier and Dragon Mode From Jack Once all options are open in Pandora's Box go to the life selection. Choose Lundi for Space Harrier Mode and Lagi for Dragon Mode Analog Trick From Matt J. Keller While using the Analog joypad set to circle(analog mode)you can turn the dragons head with the standard non-analog control pad. It's mildy entertaining, albeit useless. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QuarterBack Club Football Codes you can enter at the legal screen Sent in by Brandon Mullett NFC/AFC Teams - ABABAB Fumble Mode - CABCAB No Fumble Mode - BABABA Play doesn't end if someone's on the ground - B, A, Start, Start, Start, Start All jumps like the jump near the goaling - CA ,Start ,Start ,AB Sucky Team Mode - Start, A, Down, A, Start, Start Slippery Mode - AAAAAA Acclaim/Iguana Teams - Down, A, Down, A Night Game - Start, A, Down, Start, A, Down More QuarterBack Club Teams From Steve Vazquez Rapidly press start at the first credit screen and don't stop untill the "Iguana" logo appears at which point you want to hold down start untill "Put up or shut up" appears. Release start then press it again. Then select "Pre Season" and scroll through the teams until you see the "Acclaim" or "Iguana" teams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rayman 10 Continues Code sent by Matt Moerstedt Press once up, down, right, left at the continue screen. Works only if you have less than 3 continues left. 20 Lives Code sent by Matt Moerstedt Pause the game, press and release: A, right+B, left/down+R Button, Y+C+Z. Hard to do, but after you leave the pause mode you should have 20 lives if it was done correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pebbles Beach Golf Links Watch the FMVs At any point in the game press and hold Right + X + Z, then reset the Saturn. Next press A at the menu screen to view the desired FMV. Pressing B will return tyou to the menu at any point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robotica Refill Commands Press and hold L and R on controller #1. Now on controller #2: press A for shield, B for generator, C for bullets, X for weapon power up, Y to get the level item, and Z to load the map and start to skip to the next level. Level Skip Hold L+R shoulder pads on controller 1 + push start on controller 2 to jump to the next level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Solar Eclipse Heads Up Level Sent in by Nick Saenuraiporn During gameplay pause the game and enter the following code: Right, Down, Down, Left, C, Right, A, Z, Y. This will take you to a level where you will fight the producers heads, and gives you full powerups. Undersea Level Sent in by Nick Saenuraiporn Beat the boss on the first level really quickly and you will be transported to an underwater level where you can max out your number of lives. More Level CodesFrom SuckaMc1 on AOL Pause the game during play and access the following levels by... Horde Level - press right, down, down, left, C, up, down From Sean Hollern trench level - press right, right, down, down Fade to Black Level - press x, y, z, z, y Chowder Level - press y, down, down, up, right, c Yet More Solar Eclipse Codes Pause the game during play and press the following butons and directions. Right, down, down, left, right, a, start, c, a, left - Immortality Right, down, down, left, start, c, up, down - resupply missles Right, down, down, left, start, up, b - Undersea Level Right, down, down, left, right, a, c, y, c, a, right - Offworld Level Right, down, down, left, start, c, right, up - Corckscrew Level Right, down, down, left, start, a, left, a, down - Scatter Weapon Right, down, down, left, B, up, Start, Y - Energy Sponge ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sega Rally Access the Lake Side Course Sent by To race the Lake Side Course you must come in first place at the end of the mountain track. You don't need to place first in each track. Mirror Mode Code sent by Glen Cianciulli Hold Y and press C on the select game screen. Hyper Car Mode Code sent by Glen Cianciulli Hold X and press C to choose a car on the seceltion screen. New Car Code sent by Gregory Strelzoff/Ed Giangrande Place 1st in normal mode with one car, on championship mode (1 lap). A new car called Lancia Stratos will appear. Choosing Stratos in the Arcade Mode Code sent by Fariz Choose Celica MT, instead of pressing C, press down and the Celia will change to Stratos AT, press C. Choose Delta MT, instead of pressing C press down and the Delta will change to Stratos MT, press C. Zoom in during Replays Sent by Mike Bethany During replays hold Down+Z, then use the Left and Right buttons to zoom in and out. Play the Lake Side Course Sent by Mark Rothenberg At the main menu press X+Y. Choose Lancia Stratos the easy way Code sent by Nick Saenuraiporn and Jose C. Ho At the title screen (or Main Menu) enter X,, Y, Z, Y, X and you'll get the Lancia Stratos. At the car select screen move all the way to the right for the Automatic, all the way to the left for the Manual. Code does not save, and must be re-entered. Full screen mode From Daryl Ferris On the last option screen Press and hold A, X, and Z untill the race screen comes up. You should have no speed or time stuff on your screen. Play that Funky Music From alex Play Track 12 on Sega Rally in the Saturn Audio CD controlls and get down! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shellshock Cheat Menu From Michael Erlwein In the hangar press down, up, down, 7 times up, down, down, A, A, A. A cheat menu should appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shinobi Legions View all the FMV Scenes Press the following buttons at the introdcution: C,X,B,Y,A,Z then START Get 999 Shurikens To get 999 Shurikens got to the options screen. Highlight "Shurikens" and hold in the L and R buttons. Next press C,A, and B. 99 Lives Higlight game start and press A, Z, B, Y, C, X and then start the game. If you did it quick enough you will start with 99 lives. Skip Levels Sent in by Teun Eijgenrook Pause the game and then press A, B, A, B, C. Now use the D-Pad to pick your level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sim City 2000 Gambling CodeFrom Mary Grace Kucsan First start a new city and then build a marina and legalize gambling. Wait till the boat comes out then go on top of the boat and press the left shift button. You should get a slot machine with 1/4 chances which cost 10 to play, and you can play unlimitedly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Space Harrier Shadow Mode From Kai Hold L+R+A+C+Y at the title screen, press start to the OPTION menu. This give the "Shadow Mode" and "M Stick Adust" added. There are arcade mode and saturn mode switch under the shadhow mode option. Arcade mode speed up the game. 5 Continues From Kai On the 2nd controller Press A + C + Start when Sega logo display, a sound trick when success. This give player 5 credits to continue during the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SONIC 3D BLAST Hold ULAC at start and when you press start then at any time pause an press A to skip act B to skip zone C to go to last boss X to give you a life Y to give you a metal Z to give you a chaos emerald ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Street Fighter Alpha Play as Akuma Sent in by Shidoshi and Chris Richmond Hold the left and right shift buttons, move to the ? box and press Away, away, away, down, down, down, jab + strong punch Play as M. Bison sent in by Shidoshi Hold the Left and Right buttons down . Move to the ? box and press Away, away, down, down, away, down, down, jab + strong punch Play as Dan sent in by Paul Cappadona Press and hold the left and right buttons and move to the ? box. Press Y, X, A, B, Y or Y, B, A, X, Y (different color uniform) Play Dramatic Battle sent in by Paul Cappadona At the selection screen both characters hold down the Left button, pres up 2 time, release the left button, press up 2 times, the Player 1 hits jab and player 2 hits fierce. This doesn't have to be done simultaneously. Easy select of Secret characters sent in by Gregory O. Young, additional info from Shidoshi After you have entered the secret character codes once, all you need to do is highlight the ? box and press down to cycle through the characters. You must beath the game with the character in order for him to stay in the memory. Team Battle ModeSent in by Gregory O. Young, additional info from Shidoshi After entering the dramatic battle code once, and beating M. Bison on one of the upper difficulty leveles (? 8 ?), on the main menu under "training mode" a new team-battle mode will appear. How to do a quick super Tip sent by Ikabob Cru, addtional info from Scott Giangrande Pick any character on Autoblock. To do a taunt in the middle of the game you must press the L and R buttons, but if you have a super ready, press the appropriate punch + kick buttons for the super level you wish to exicute. It may take a couple tries, and there are different supers for different characters. Fight Akuma Sent by Ikabob Cru To fight Akuma select a character then after that hold the L and R buttons and the B button. keep holding them down untill he comes out of the screen. Akuma does his raging demon combo on your opponent, then beats the crap out of you. Fight Dan Code sent by Brett Boutwell You must first beat the game without losing one round, and you should get the message "A new fighter has entered the tournament". You can now fight Dan. To reach him you must win every fight, but you don't have to win every round. At the end of every round you win hold down all three punch button X+Y+Z and the directional pad eaither up, down, left, or right. You must use the same direction every time. At the start of the 6th fight a message will flash "A new challanger has entered the fight", this will be Dan. After you beat Dan you will return to the 6th fight. Fight Dan the Easy WayFrom Jose C. Ho and Sorisaem After winning the fifth, sixth, or seventh match hold down the L + R Buttons and Up on the D. Pad. Kepping Characters in Memory From Scott Giangrande Bison - To keep Bison in memoryyou must fight Bison and beat him on level 8, with as many continues as you want. Dan - you must complete the Dan code on level 6 or higher, then beat the game with as many continues as you want. Keeping Akuma in Memory From Michael Cheng To save Akuma in the memory you must find him and beat him in the game, ut not using the code. To do this you must do the following. 1) Play at level 5 or higher 2) Super Finish 10 or more rounds 3) Don't lose to many rouns (2 at the most) 4) Use the original color on the left side (punch to select characterr) Use the original color on the right side (use kick this time) Akuma's Raging deamon From Scott Giangrande jab, jab, forward, short fierce, fierce. A 15 hit combo move, always lethal. Keep playing the Dramatic Battle From Hansaem To continue playing the Dramatic battle without entering the code again press X on player 1s controller and Z on player 2s. Get the original Blue Super Shadows From Hanseam on AOL For the original blue super shadows set the music to original in the options mune. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Street Fighter Zero 2 Choosing 6 different colors of character From Hansaem Simply press any of 6 buttons, punch and kick, to choose your favorite color. Choosing Stage From Hansaem When 2nd player joins in Arcade mode, the player can choose stage like in arcade. First of all, choose your favorite stage, and then move cursor on the stage and press Start button for a second. Now choose a fighter that you wish to use. If you want to select secret stage of Sagat and Vega, press start button on their stage. While pressing the start button, move cursor on a fighter you wish to use. Chun-Li's old cloths From Hansaem Move cursor on Chun-Li and press start button for 3 seconds, while pressing the start button for 3 secconds, press any button to start. Evil Ryu(?) From Hansaem First of all, move cursor on Ryu. Second, press start button then release it. Third, move cursor "Ryu -> Adon -> Gouki -> Adon -> Ryu" Forth, while pressing the start button, choose Ryu. Ryu will appear with Gouki's cloth. Street Fighter's Zangief From Hansaem Like selecting Evil Ryu, press the start button, then move cursor "Zangief -> Sagat -> Sodom -> Rose -> Birdie -> Nash -> Dalshim -> Ryu -> Adon -> Chun-Li -> Guy -> Ken -> Zangief" You'll be able to choose Zangief from Street Fighter II Dalshim From Hansaem Like selecting Zangief, press the start button, then move cursor "Dalshim -> Zangief -> Sagat -> Nash -> Dalshim" You'll be able to choose Dalshim from STII. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Street Fighter: The Movie Secret Configuration Press the start button to pause the game and press A or C to pull up a game contoller configuration panel. Play as Akuma! At the character selecy screen pres up, b, down, z, right, x, left, y. Akumas outline will appear in the background of the static. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thunder Strike 2 Watch the endingSent in by Gareth Handa Enter the code LUN43NDTJ66F08A to see the games ending. Game Level Codes South America Level 1 - j6hh1fc5vbdvsiq Level 2 - jvv11nc7cbdvr0q Level 3 - jv41urc7tbdv1pq Level 4 - j1m1urc9mbdvv41 South America Stealth Level 1 - j9u9u3crnfdfs9q Level 2 - j94puncq8fdfrk2 Level 3 - j819v7csffdf14i Panama Canal Level 1 - jsfpvmcv0jcfsf2 Level 2 - jsq9sucuujcfrt2 Level 3 - jj19s6k13jcf0tq Central America Level 1 - jiopt3c05naftpq Level 2 - jit9tbcj8nafru2 Level 3 - jl5ptnclgnaf162 Eastern Europe Level 1 - jlo8qf4nerefs6i Level 2 - jk6krvcpmrefrva Level 3 - jnb4rdkb1ref1iq Gulf 1-Capture Level 1 - jnv4rbsaavmfsk2 Level 2 - jn64rnscnvmfq2q Level 3 - jm44rnsf2vmf1aq Gulf 2-Oil Dispute Level 1 - jpl4rncf236fsq2 Level 2 - jprkrncgh36frda Level 3 - jb1krnd2b36f0dq Level 4 - jan4rnd5k36fuii South China Sea Level 1 - jb34rnd5866ftk2 Level 2 - jai4rnd5k66fs4i Level 3 - jdbkrnd7a66fr5i End ja943nd9u66f1ni ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Toshinden S/Remix Big Heads Code At the title screen press and hold the Left and Right Shift buttons. Next choose your character as normal, and they will have huge heads! Play BossesFrom SEGAMAN To play Sho or Gai you must defeate the game on hard without dying. If you do this, you also continue on to fight Cupido. At the end, if the picture of Cupido is shown, instead of Eiji and Kayin, it has worked. Now in the Player 1 character select screen Sho and Gai are selectable. To play Cupido place the cursor on sho and hold up and press B. You should hear Cupido say "Ha" Cupido's Moves Discovered and contributed by SEGAMAN Canon Slice - F, D, DF, WS or HS Double Fireball - D, DB, B, WK or HK Air Double fireball - D, DB, B, WS or HS (Airborne) Aegis Shield - hold DF then press WS+HS Special Move - F, DF, D, DB, B, F, DF, D, DB, B, WS+HS Desperation Move - U, UB, B, DB, D, DF, F, HK Alternate Character Colors (Not the 2nd player colors) From Me! Hold down and press one of the a, b, c, buttons while selecting a character to get an alternate uniform color. Boss Code On the Press Start Screen enter up, down, x, b, a, y, c, z, start.You should now be able to pick the bosses on the selection screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 FreePlay Mode Okay, this time it really works. DO the following codes on the purple skeleton screen. Up, Up, Right, Right, Left,, Left, Down, Down; or Up, Up, Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down. If you did it correctly a voice should say "Excellent" Then wait for the menu's and don't push any buttons. Either of these codes are supposed to put you in freeplay mode. Hidden Character CodesFrom Kevin Watkins These codes are presented in the following button order, X, Y, Z, A ,B ,C. Also note that they are to be enetered in a 1 player game after you loose or choose not to continue. Mileena - 7, 0 ,0 ,7 ,2 ,3 Classic Sub-Zero 7, 6, 0, 5, 2, 0 ERMAC - 9, 6, 4, 2, 4, 0 Play Human Smoke From Justin St. Pierre Player 1: After selecting the robot hold Left+HP+BLOCK+HK+Run Player 2: Use the above code but substitute Right for the Left. Shao Khan's Treasure From Justin St. Pierre, additonal info from tyson The first 10 are avaiable at different difficulty leves, the lats two are available when your win an 8 person tournament or beat Shao Khan on the 4th Tower (Path Select). 1 (Dragon) Outcome 2 (MK) Play Galaga 3 (Yin Yang) Fight Ermac 4 (3) Fight Noob Saibot 5 (?) Random 6 (Lightning Bolt) Fatality Demo 1 7 (Goro) Fatality Demo 2 8 (Raiden) Fatality demo 3 9 (Shao Kahn) Fight Noob Saibot and Ermac 10 (Skull) CLassic Match 11 (?)Mega Endurance Match 12 (?) Suprme Demo Random Select Call From Brett Gneiting Hold up and press start for the random character select. Some Kombat Kodes From Ken "Smoke" Thorson 300-003 - PUB! D.K.P. 200-002 - P.A.B Change the opening quote From Ken "Smoke" Thorson While Shoa Kahn is laughing on the purple skull screen press down, up, left, left, A, right, Down. It should change the opening quote from "There is no knowledge that is not power" to "Imagination is mor important than knowledge". CrispyFrom Ken "Smoke" Thorson Do the pit fatality in Hell then hold down both (on both controllers ?) HPs and Blocks and Shao Khan will say "Crispy". Then hold hold both HPs or both Blocks and he'll say it differently. Extra treasures of Shao Kahn From Ken "Smoke" Thorson If you beat the game on 2nd Master Mode and get to the treasures of shao Kahn go to the last one on the right and now push right one more time for more treasures! Additional VS Kombat Kodes From Ken "Smoke" Thorson 390-000 Player 1 inflicts half damage 000-390 Player 2 inflicts half damage 390-390 Both Players inflict half damage 722-722 Combo System Enabled 321-789 Super Run Jumps 555-556 Special Moves Disabled 688-433 Quick Uppercuts 040-404 Real Kombat 024-689 Super Endurance 975-310 Regenerating Powerbars Smoke Morph for Shand Tsung From Ken "Smoke" Thorson Back, Back, Down, LK (do this fast) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Virtua Cop Endgame Bonus Options Upon completion of Virtua Cop in normal mode, you gain access to the following options. Ranking Mode - like in Virtua Fighter Free Play - Unlimited continues Mirror Play - The scenery and bad guys are flipped horizontaly Tip Sent by Tony Scott If you aren't good enough to complete the whole game to get the extra options, keep pausing and unpauseing as you play the game. It takes longer, but it's easier to hit the enemies this way. Play Ranking Mode Sent by Gareth Handa When the Sega Logo appears on the screen, then hold down C on the joypad and push Up, Down, Left, Right any you will have the ranking mode. Gain more name entry time Code sent by Wencheng Shang To gain more time on the name entry screen shoot the backspace button 20 times and your time will refresh to 99 seconds. Keep the Target on the screen Code from Keith Chad If you start the game with the regular controll pad and go through to the begining of the game, pause it and switch the control pad with the stunner. Then you will have the target up on the screen like you do with the regular control pad. Watch the ending From On the first stage, after the last enemy has appeared and before the boss hold down buttons B X and Z on the Second Player Pad. Keep them down untill you beat the boss. After the boss has been defeated you should be able to watch the ending after he dies. The Real Gun Select Code From Game Players Wait at the title screen for about 30 seconds and the game logos will appear. At the SEGA logo hold down C and the press Up, Down, Left, Right. You should hear a gunshot. At the AM2 logo hold down C and press Down, up, Right, Left, Up, Up, Left, Right. You should hear another gunshot. Now go to the regular options menu, there should be 3 small arrows at the bottom of the screen. Highlight these arrows and press start. Choose Gun Select On, then during the game pause the game and shoot off screen to cycle through the various screens. Another Gun Select Code From Robert Payne At the white Sega Logo Screen, after waiting a while at the badge where it says press start, the screen goes white and the sega logo happens, then right after it the am2 logo. Right as the screen goes white press and hold C, then on the D-Pad press u, d, l, r, d, u, r, l, u, u, l, r. Then you hear a gunshot. Press down from the exit option on the options menu to access the secret menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Virtua Fighter Change the playing field size At the title screen (when it says Virtua Fighter, press start). Press up 12 times, then immediately press start! Choose options. Move the cursor to below exit, and then press A. Play as Dural In the character selection menu, press down, up, right, and A-button + left. If it worked you will hear a woosh sound. Watch the Credits Sent by Dave Gressle At the opening demo hold A+B+C to see the credits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Virtua Fighter 2 Play as Dural The same code that is listed above for Virtua Fighter 1 works exactly the same way for the second one. Slow Motion Replays Hold Down+A+B+C during the KO to watch the reply in slowmo Play with alternate charcacter colors sent by Arthur At the character selection screen, choose you charcter by pressing up+a+c to get the 2nd characters uniform Play as Gold Dural Code sent by Demoniac To play as the gold Dural reverse the middle of the Dural code by pressing Down, Up, Left, A + Right Jeffrey's Teleport" Code sent by Piccolo To do this trick pick Jeffrey and Shun. Make Shun sit down, then do Jeffrey's semi power bomb and see what happens. It can be done anywhere. Copy Taunt Trick Code sent by Piccolo Make your opponent stand on the edge of the ring, so when the announcer says "Time Out" the opponent will stumble out of the ring, and instead of doing his loosing animation he will copy the winners victory animation. It helps if the characters are perpindicular to the edge of the ring, instead of at an angle. Watch the Credits Code sent by Frank Delin Hold down all six buttons during the demo of the game and the credits will roll by. Options for Watch Mode I lost the name of who sent me these codes, please e-mail me so I can give you credit! In watch mode you can choose the characters that will be fighting by pressing start when the selection box goes over that character. Player one must go first, then player two. Also, in watching mode you can press X to change the view from standard side view to sweeping view. Select Taunts Tip Sent by Alan During the replay press and hold down either A, B, or C to select one of your characters taunts, instead of letting the game pick it for you. Virtua Fighter 2 with Stunner Code sent by Anthony Donker If you start up Virtua Fighter 2 with the "Stunner" game gun in port 2 you will hear the old Virtua Fighter 1 tune, instead of the Virtua Fighter 2 tune. Play Jacky's VF1 Music Code sent by Dennis Romanycia To play Jacky's VF1 music, in the moments before the match press and hold the Right-Shift button on controll pad 2. Do the same on control pad 1 for Sarah's music. Change the Control Pad on the Character Select Screen Code sent by Dennis Romanycia At the character select screen, press and gold either the right or left shift buttons and use the D-Pad to toggle from left or right between the various configurations. Slow Motion in the Name Entry Code sent by Bill Bacon After you beat the game, and before you enter the name entry screen hold down the L and R buttons for a Slow Motion name entry mode. Fight the Alphabet Character (Shun Di) Sent by bill Bacon After you beat the game, and before you enter the name entry screen hold down A, Z, and Up on the D-Pad. The Alphabet fighter will fight you using Shun Di's moves. Fight the Alphabet Character (Dural) Sent by bill bacon After you beat the game, and before you enter the name entry screen hold down X, Y, Z, and the L & R buttons and the Alphabet Character will fight you using Dural's Moves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Virtua Fighter Kids Play Dural From Ed at Sega Saturn exclusive In the character selection highlight Akira and press down, up, right, left + A. You should now be able to play as Dural. FMV Endings From Ed at Sega Saturn exclusive Beat the game in Arcade mode and you will get treated to a FMV for your character. Then a mini movie theater option opens up in the options screen which allows you to watch the endings for those characters you have won with. Gold Dural From SungSup Highlight Akira and press Down, up, Left, Right+A Wire Framed Mode From SungSup Hold the Left Shift button while Selecing a character and hold it untill the game begins. Note: You may have to view all the players endings for this code to work. Something Fishy inside Dural's Head From William Bacon At the select menu after you do the Dural code press and hold down C (When you choose between normal and kids mode) untill the match begins. You'll see a red fish floating side Dural's head, who makes funny expressions during the fights. Select Camera Angles From Poom on In watch mode you have a choice of 7 different camera angles. Press X to get a random angle, and from there press any of the other buttons (L, R, XY, Z, A, B, C) First Person View From Kai Hold L and R buttons to choose character, hold it until the fight start. This provide the first person view mode, similar to the Tekken 2 in PS. (I don't know what exactly them mode called, just let your view as Doom or Duke Nukem 3D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Virtual Hylide Helpfull Items At the bigining of the game input the words Sword, Armor, or Hylide in the world creation name to pick up items pertaining to the name in the cemetary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Worms Extra Weapons Unsure where to do this code, but press CZZ CZZ CZZ to get Sheep Bombs, Mini-Guns, and Bannana Bombs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Xmen Children of the Atom Speed up Loading Time Code sent by Jason While continueing, hold down the left and right buttons to keep the same characters and reduce the loading time. Quick Select Tip sent by Jason Couper If you hold the L+R buttons in 2 player mode it acts as a quick select so you don't have to rechoose your options again. Play as Akuma Select the 2 Player VS Mode and For the first player, Put your pointer on Spiral, then move to the characters in the following order, Silver Samuri, Psylocke, Colossus, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, Wolverine, Omega Red, Silver Samuri. Wait one second then press the Weak Kick + Fierce Punch+ Fierch Kick. For the second player, Put your pointer on Storm, then move to Cyclops, Colossus, Iceman, Sentinel, go left to get to Omega Red, Wolverine, Psylocke, Silver Samurai, Spiral, then wit one second and press Weak Kick + Fierce Punch + Firece Kick . After the code has been entered, all you have to do to continue as Akuma is hold down L+R+X+Y+Z and press start at the continue screen. Marvel Super Heroes Add From Hanaem On the second controller press Start + A + C and you will see an add for Marvel Super Heroes. Tips on the moves From Chris Lewis Some of the moves listed in the book to perform some of the superpowers are backwards. If you can't get the move to work right, reverse it. An easy way to get the X super powers. When the X Power meter has built up, spin the D-pad down and around up to the right, then hit the Right shift button. To beat the juggernaut use the sentinel, becasue he can beat up on opponents while they're down. Juggernaut Code (US Version) Doesn't seem to work From KeithChad In a VS game you can play as the juggernaut by first inputing the Akuma code, and then tappind left-up twice on the D-pad after you select your character (the screen where you choose the background and handicap). Beat up a beaten opponent From Chris Lewis After you have beaten your opponent, hit start and you'll be able to move around. Now you can beat your downed opponent. Pause Options From Lau Wai-Him William Pause the game during a match and press A or C to get an option menu that allows you to configure the buttons and select between stereo an mono sound. Use the Arcade Start button From Benjamin Soileau To get a button to act like the arcade button, don't assign a function to that button. With that button you can taunt with Psylocke, beat up your opponent after the match, and perform a special X-power with Storm. Storm's extra X-Power From Benjamin Soileau To do Storm's hail Storm simply roll from Down to Forward and hit the Start button. Make Gouki Appear From SuckMc1 on AOL After putting in the Akuma code, after a match in vs. mode hold down the Left and Right Shifts and press start at the stats screen. The name Gouki will appear at the bottom of the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Virtual Racing Night DrivingFrom Steve Vasquez At the loading screen before the race hold down A=X=Y=Z then press Start, then continue as usualu. To Turn it off do the same thing before your next race. Hidden Portion on Amazon Falls TrackFrom Steve Vasquez After the first check point there will be a barrier on the right. Crash through it at high speed and you'll access the hidden part of the track. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wipeout Secret Course From SuckaMc1 on AOL Beat the rapier courses to access the new firestar course ------------------------------------------------------------------------