Drain You - Nirvana --------- Chords used: A B C# G F# E D --0---2---4---3---2---0---2-- --2---4---6---3---2---0---3-- --2---4---6---4---3---1---2-- --2---4---6---5---4---2---0-- --0---2---4---5---4---2------ --------------3---2---0------ Verse: A C# F# B A C# F# B One baby to another said I'm happy to've met you... A C# F# B A C# F# I don't care what you think unless it is about me (more lyrics that I've forgotten and can no longer decipher) Chorus: E D B D B Too good for you. Pass it back and forth... Here's my passionate kiss... From my mouth to yours, A G F# I like you... The rest is pretty much the same --- Transcribed by... Mr.Scary (Gary Chapman) ---------------------------- NOTE: Stay tuned for s892011@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au my new e-mail address. From: JeremiahM@aol.com Drain You Nirvana Jeremiah M@Aol.com Here is what I play for Drain You. A#A#A# D D D G G G C C C ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------------7--7--7-0--------------5--5--5-0 ---8--8--8----7--7--7-0----5--5--5---5--5--5-0 ---8--8--8----5--5--5-0----5--5--5---3--3--3-0 ---6--6--6-----------------3--3--3------------ ^ About here on the second time the distortion comes in. A# A# A# D D D G G G C C C One baby to another says I'm lucky to have met you A# A# A# D D D G G G C C C I don't care what you think unless it's about me A# A# A# D D D G G G C C C It is now my duty to completely drain you etc... Chorus E E E D D D B B B Chew your meat for you, pass it back and forth E E E D D D B B B Here's my passionate kiss,from my mouth to yours A G F# I LIKE YOU *Hit each cord real hard here* By Kurt Cobain Here we go again, I hope someone is really reading this ocause if not I may feel kind of stupid writting this to no one, I hope there is still people that hear Nirvana and that play guitar, if possible. Well letos start with the song titled "Drain You" that is wonderful, the music the lyrics, etc. Tune down your guitar one whole step rhy.fig 1 ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ --4--4---4/8--8--8----------------6--6--6---0--- --4--4---4/8--8--8---0--6--6---0--6--6--6---0--- --2--2---2/6--6--6---0--6--6---0--4--4--4---0--- ---------------------0--4--4---0---------------- w/rhy.fig. 1 * One baby to another says Iom lucky to meet you. I donot care what you think unless it is about me. It is now my duty to completely drain you. A travel through a tube and end up in your infection. *Note:here you obviously have to put distortion after "...to meet you" fill A (w/dist) ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ --4---4---0---2--2------------------------------ --4---4---0---2--2------------------------------ --2---2---0---0--0------------------------------ rhy.fig 2 (w/dist) ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ --6--6--6--6--6--------1--1--1--1--------------- --6--6--6--6--6----0---2--2--2--2--------------- --4--4--4--4--4----0---2--2--2--2--------------- -------------------0---0--0--0--0--------------- w/fill A ,first then rhy.fig. 2 Chew meat for you, pass it back and forth. In a passionate kiss, from my mouth to yours ocause I like you (w/dist.) ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ --4---------2----------------------------------- --4---------2--------6-------------------------- --2---------0--------6-------------------------- ---------------------4-------------------------- w/rhy.fig 1 w/distortion With eyes so dilated Iove become your pupil. Youove thaught me everything without a poison apple. The water is so yellow, Iom a healthy student. Indebted and so greatful.Vacuum out the fluids. w/fill A ,first then rhy.fig. 2 Chew meat for you, pass it back and forth. In a passionate kiss, from my mouth to yours ocause I like you, you, you, ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ --4---------2----------------------------------- --4---------2--------6-------------------------- --2---------0--------6-------------------------- ---------------------4-------------------------- Note:the following is studio noises you just may not play anything, thatos what they used to do in a concert,then is the following w/distortion & flanger (dist off) -0----------------------------0----------------- -0----------------------------0----------------- -0----------------------------0----------------- ------------------------------------------------ X4 ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ without dist. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ----5\--4\--3\--2\--1/--2/--3/--4/--5----------- ----5\--4\--3\--2\--1/--2/--3/--4/--5----------- ----5\--4\--3\--2\--1/--2/--3/--4/--5----------- ------------------------------------------------ w/distortion Ah!_____________________ /\/\ /\/\/ /\/\/\/ --h--------------------------------------------- -4-5---2/3---(3)--4---5/--6/--7/---8------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ /\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/ ------------------------------------------------ --10------------14------------------------------ --10------------14------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ grad. slide ------------------------------------------------ --16/------------/18/--------------------------- --16/------------/18/--------------------------- --16/------------/18/--------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ One baby to another says Iom lucky to meet you. I donot care what you think unless it is about me. It is now my duty to completely drain you. A travel through a tube and end up in your infection. w/fill A first then w/rhy.fig.2 Chew meat for you, pass it back and