A White Christmas by...... Rocky Raccoon of CLC Merry Christmas! Yup, with the awesome HH98 tilesets, I've created a Christmas level! Sure, it's a little late, but I wanted to make sure it was high-quality like my other levs... But who cares about that, it's released now... Enjoy it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What's in this ZIP file... whitechristmas.j2l- See the level. xmas2.s3m- See the level's music. Xmas2.j2t- See the level's tileset. wxmasreadme.txt- See this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now what? Unzip the tileset, lev, and music into your Jazz2 Directory. Play it over the net, or explore and find secrets in Single Player. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirements if you wanta enjoy this level as much as you can... - Play it in High-Detail. You'll miss out on the graphics otherwise. - Use Ambient Lighting...this adds a lot to this level. - You can use it on a Net server whenever, whyever you want. Especially in the month of June. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all...enjoy! Level Design by - Rocky Raccoon Music by - Epic MegaGames (c) 1995 Tileset by EpicMegaGames (nawww really!) Aaaaaaannnddd.... Stuff: Evil Bill Noog AaRoN Aphrodite Atomic Feline Bart BeAsT Buster CactusLick Captain Spam Cheeze Coolmon DethMan Gizmo GoLeX Ice Jazz 1 Jazzy HiDDeN Mattimeo MErlin Mr. Freeze Nukem Onag PaSTe Popsicle Spiffy Steel Talon Steven Wakeman stripe Stryker TurtleSlayer There's my list of people who rock a whole lot.... - RockyRaccoon signing off... "Holiday Stuff is Good!"